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Time Eliminator

TOMOZO (Story & Art) 2010 released.
Time Eliminator, Toki no Shoshitsu Ukeoinin
Vol.2 Ch.5.1 : Extra (end)
Vol.2 Ch.5 : Case 4: Go Back to...
Vol.2 Ch.4 : Case 4: Ryouma Moves on (Part 2)
15 voted


The office of the Time Eliminator offers a unique service, the ability to eliminate an event that happened in the past. Rex, the man with the power to travel through time, may look young, but he is a professional. He goes back in time well-prepared, with various gadgets and even an earpiece for communication with his support in the present. While Rex typically takes on cases for profit, he is also particularly looking for ones that might give him a chance to obtain a magical Babylon Item.

The first case of the series is from the last remaining descendant of Fred Abberline, who was one of the detectives who failed to solve the notorious Jack the Ripper murders. Ever since then, the Abberline family has been cursed. Could the curse be the sign of someone in the past using a Babylon Item?! It's up to Rex to go back in time to the Jack the Ripper incidents and find a way to remove the curse from the Abberline family!

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