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The Seagull and the Hunter The Seagull and the Hunter

Ramjak 2019 released.
Webtoons / Josei / Drama / Mature / Romance / Smut / Tragedy
Ch.16 : The END
Ch.15 : Gift
Ch.14 : Reunion
436 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Taeyoung and Ami, young lovers from a peaceful lakeside town, grew up sharing dreams of fame and freedom. Taeyoung, son of actress Im Haedo, yearns to capture beauty from behind the camera, while Ami aspires to dazzle in front of it. But when Haedo’s film director boyfriend comes to town hunting for his next leading lady, the couple’s tranquility is shattered forever

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was one of those ppl who said "i will never experience that first wlw heartbreak" LMAO guess who's suffering now

1 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

5 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Bro, it's both traumatizing and fun.

The first was traumatizing bcs I was too young, second was fun but traumatizing at the end

8 hours

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