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The Promise of Happiness

Betty Neels , Kaoru Shinozaki 2019 released.
89 voted


We're finally free! On a cold, rainy morning, with her dear old dog and cat in tow, Becky makes her daring escape from her wicked stepmother. She leaves behind a life where her stepmother threatened her beloved pets to force Becky to wait on her hand and foot. They've finally left to live the life they've always wanted…but first, in the midst of a downpour, she needs to find a place to live and a job to work. She walks along the road, her fears weighing heavy on her heart, when suddenly a Rolls-Royce pulls up beside her. The man in the driver's seat offers her a ride, and after he hears her story, he makes her an offer she just can't believe…

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Sep 12, 2021


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