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Spring, summer, and winter have been cursed!

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三ノ咲コノリ 2019 released.
Comedy / School Life / Supernatural
Ch.8 : I will not forgive (1)
Ch.7 : A return...?! (2)
Ch.6 : A return...?!
9 voted


(* ´-` *) .. oO (NOT occult school comedy where girls are messed up. Thank you!)

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Before pride months ends...
Jenlisa kinda awakend it, then pandemic came and it reinforced it. Like I'd watch those sa...
Before pride months ends...
i knew when i was attracted to her and shipping her with Barbie instead of the prince
Before pride months ends...
I would go on Pinterest on my older sisters phone as a 7 year old girle and search boobs.....
Tutor is upset cause I won’t study with him alone for safety!?
Honestly if I thought of you like a sibling or something similar, I would be sad yk. Cuz l...
Tutor is upset cause I won’t study with him alone for safety!?
So my tutor and I was discussing about what time he wil come to my home to tutor me. I tol...

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

shit traumatized me so hard I turned straight

39 minutes
did being in a wlw relationship

we both had to keep our relationship a secret cuz i has homophobic parents and she wasn’t out yet. now she’s dating her gbf, i wish her well

39 minutes
did being in a wlw relationship

I'm gonna kms. half my life spent just pining over her and she refuses to get out of my head. we dated, broke up, but its worse than before.

5 hours

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