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Vampire Princess Miyu

Kakinouchi Narumi 2000 released.
Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Shoujo / Supernatural
Vampire Princess Miyu; New Vampire Princess Miyu'
Vol.5 Ch.8 : New Vampire Princess Miyu Vol.05 Ch.08
Vol.4 Ch.7 : New Vampire Princess Miyu Vol.04 Ch.07
Vol.3 Ch.6
41 voted


Miyu is an eternally youthful, 13-year-old vampire. Her peculiar appearance; golden eyes, pale skin, and hair tied with a ribbon in a strange fashion, are concealed during the day. Miyu is the Guardian (or Watcher), whose duty it is to return the Shinma - god-demons that prey on humans - to the dark. She has the power to call forth fire, which burns Shinma and sends them to the dark. Her only companion, friend, and protector is Larva, a Western Shinma who is bound to serve her. Together, they hunt stray Shinma across Japan. How Miyu became a vampire is unknown, so is how and why she became the Guardian. However, more mysterious is the gift she bestows on the people she feeds from... [B-U M]

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