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Memory of the Future (Yaoi)

KUNIEDA Saika 0 released.
Comedy / Drama / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
Future Lovers,Mirai no Kioku,
memory of the future (complete)
202 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

From Loveless:
Kento Kumagaya has just but one small dream: getting married to the ‘ideal’ housewife, having an ordinary family, with a wife, two kids and his grandparents all living happily. Life, however, has other ideas. Enter Akira Kazuki, a beautiful, witty an uninhibited gay man who seems to care for naught. This is a romantic, sweet and humorous story between two different people and unexpectedly finding the same future together.
Related Series: Kaze no Yukue(Sequel)

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Make two versions of yourself
Ngl this art style is crazy cute
What's left of me now?
Idk go read your gay porn manhwas
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大地を踏みしめて 君は目覚めていく 天使の微笑みで 連れ出して!(y...
What's left of me now?
... Welp.. Turn it all into a novel or manga :)) Your writing skills seem nice. Turn your...

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