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Megami Carneval

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TAKATSUKI Nagy 0 released.
Action / Drama / Ecchi / Fantasy / Seinen / Supernatural
Carnaval of Goddesses,Megami Carnaval,Megami no Karunabaru,
Vol.2 Ch.07
Vol.1 Ch.01-06
4 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

In front of Mochizuki, a normal high schooler, appears a wounded girl named Mayuki. Mochizuki takes her to his home and finds out that he has gotten himself involved with a war that goes far beyond any human comprehension. One after another, Mochizuki and Mayuki confront girls that bear an unfortunate destiny, to fight to the death. Mayuki and Mochizuki are left with no option left but to fight.... Here, a new storyline is unveiled!

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Vol.2 Ch.07

Dec 10, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01-06

Dec 10, 2011


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Not dicks but this scene is just too weird not to include. No, this isn't censorship, they...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
T.w: SA, hints of internalised homophobia Uhm I think I became a lesbian from my fear o...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
No cause if I say it, it wont be my deepest secret that I keep to myself anymore.. #imactu...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
I was molested couple of times as a kid. twice was by an older male cousin, another time b...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
NSFW incest warning + relationship rant lol when I was about 5, I had sex with my cousin (...

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did being in a wlw relationship

x2. Neither of them was actually attracted to me as it turned out, they both saw me as a friend and loved someone else while being with me.

23 minutes
did nicknames

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41 minutes
did lose a friend

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2 hours

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