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Kenrou Densetsu

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OSHII Mamoru 0 released.
Action / Drama / Sci-fi / Shounen
犬狼伝説,Kerberos Panzer Cop,
Vol.1 Ch.01-04
0 voted


Years after the country defeat and occupation period, Japan is still recovering. Although they are on the road back to mass industrialization and prosperity, strong handed economic and political policies have turned many areas into dilapidated slums. Anarchists and anti-government student protesters have taken up arms, stirring up violent social revolution riots. In order to combat this growing threat, the Japanese government has nationalized a division of the police, creating the Capital Police Organization (CAPO). The CAPO consists of hard-trained panzer troopers carrying heavy firearms and wearing special armor suits called Protect Gear, this specialized unit is feared by anti-government groups, criminals and civilians alike.

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Vol.1 Ch.01-04

Dec 7, 2011


People are sharing things

what do u guys dont like about some ppl here on mangago?
Me too. I think about the same thing. Why can't these people who read the storie here ever...
what do u guys dont like about some ppl here on mangago?
when straight girls fawn over the top. like ik it’s just a fictional character and it’...
what do u guys dont like about some ppl here on mangago?
None of yall are real. Why would anything you guys say bother me?
You but male version (for my beloved girls)
i would be so tall if i was a guy, basing it on the fact that i am tall now
Do you want to get married and have babies?
i want to adopt if i have the financial means and feel responsible enough to take care of ...

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

x2. Neither of them was actually attracted to me as it turned out, they both saw me as a friend and loved someone else while being with me.

3 hours
did nicknames

i always thought nicknames nd petnames were weird until I met my gf, she calls me love, baby, and sweetie all the time and I love it so much

4 hours
did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

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