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Kabukicho Cat Honey (Yaoi)

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NEKOJITA Udon , Toriumemaru 2023 released.
Ch.5 : Official translation
Ch.4 : Official translation
Ch.3 : Official translation
490 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

From Renta:Haru, a super popular "top" among the gay nightlife crowd, gets dragged to a host club after work by one of his regulars. There, he meets the overfamiliar (and super hot) Number 2 host, Shinya, who's exactly his type. He's super aggressive, even though he's straight! Fearing he might fall in love with the silver?tongued playboy, Haru tries to get out of there as soon as he can, but ends up forgetting his cell phone at the club! Is this for real, or is Haru just getting fooled by this smooth?talking hottie?

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