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Jinrui Nekoka

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Mizutani Naoki 1985 released.
Comedy / Romance / School Life
人類ネコ科; Human Cat Family
Vol.2 Ch.21 : Vol 02Let's all do our Best
Vol.3 Ch.20 : From Now, From Here
Vol.3 Ch.19 : Oi
7 voted


The basic story: a high school student (Nanase Hokuto) living away from his parents (who are in Australia) shares an apartment house with three older girls. His exposure to their whimsical and teasing nature leaves him pretty much despising females. However, the high-school idol (Taniyama Maina) ends up having a crush on him. Her best friend is Nakajima Atsumi, your typical sukeban. Hokuto's best friend, Moriyama Syuuichirou, is the young-punk biker. These two friends conspire to hook Hokuto up with Maina, much to Maina's delight and Hokuto's chagrin. Into this setting we interject the jealousy of the rest of the high school, a female rival for Hokuto's attention, a number of fights, the inevitable parents recalling Hokuto, and Maina threatening to run away from home. We could go on, but pretty much everything is in here.

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