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Today the Imperial Concubine Is Also Using Herself to Raise the Enemy

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Fire工作室 , 顾我 2022 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Shoujo / Webtoons
Guìfēi Jīntiān Yě Yào Yǐ Shēn Sì Dí; Today the Imperial Concubine Is Also Using Herself to Raise the Enemy; 贵妃今天也要以身饲敌; Guifei Jintian Ye Yao Yi Shen Si Di
5 voted


X [Sulky and Unhappy] "I swapped bodies with my mortal enemy, only to find out she's pregnant?!" Concubine Qiao, who was forced to run the ball for Lady Ning, is furious every day. What's even more outrageous is that this cunning and deceitful lady-in-waiting is secretly in love with me?

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Jun 3, 2024


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