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Chronoctis Express

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Aerinn 0 released.
Ch.15 : Ivy - Part 1
Ch.14 : Pact - End
Ch.13 : Pact - Part 4
155 voted


In a futuristic world, the gods granted to the human beings the right to say their farewells before dying by making them leave the world thanks to the train of death: the Chronoctis Express.

Alex is a young man frightened by the death’s agents who serve the Chronoctis Express. He carefully avoids any confrontation with them until the day the girl he loves is murdered. Convinced that this situation could have been avoided, Alex dares for the first time to stand up to those he fears.

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People are sharing things

What's left of me now?
Idk, jerk off???
sucking your own dick
-but seriously, can a person can suck his own dck?
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
I really hate idiots. I can't do it, anyone lacking common sense, academic ability, cognit...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
I cant deal with emotions. It's kind of a pain to deal with and very draining. Like... my ...

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