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Benny's Knuckle

OKADA Atsushi 2000 released.
Action / Ecchi / Seinen
Benny no Kobushi; 紅子の拳;
3 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Benny Akadou is looking for a fight and she has a good reason. Three days ago, her friend Yoko was kidnapped by the mafia. Now she’s looking for answers in the only way she knows how, with her fist. She finds her way into a bar with connections to the mafia and is just one step closer to finding her friend. The only problem is can her experience as a national combative sports tournament champion be enough. Is her fist strong enough to face the trials she’ll endure during this bar brawl rescue?

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Sep 17, 2018


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