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Bad Trip (Yaoi)

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Azekari 2019 released.
Yaoi / Smut
My childhood friends mask their true nature well -Bad Trip-
192 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

As a lowly yakuza, Kousuke sells his body to men for a living. And although he usually leaves the place quickly after sex, he accidentally finds himself waking up in bed with a customer the next morning. What's more, for some reason, he can't remember last night at all. Despite seeing Kousuke's tattoo, Inami, an incredibly handsome customer, asks him to spend one more night with him. Inami's strange friendliness just confuses Kousuke at first, but he becomes suspicious of him after hearing a rumor about "Pierce", a drug recently gaining popularity on the market that can make one's memory blurry. In fact, Inami is a detective who is also looking for the source of Pierce......

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