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Almost Forever

Linda Howard , Misao Hoshiai 2019 released.
Josei / Drama
129 voted


Almost Forever 1 :
He got close to Claire…but for what purpose?
Claire runs into her ex-husband at a party, along with his new, pregnant wife. Overcome by sadness at the fact that they’re living the life she could never have, she barely manages to hide her feelings and act normal. Max, a man she’s just met at the party, sees her struggles and decides to help her. Confused at first, Claire appreciates his friendly help. However, Max has a hidden secret. There’s a very dark reason for why he approached Claire…

Almost Forever 2:
He devastated her… Will he be able to win her back? Max... He was the man who’d finally made her believe in love again. So why did he have to betray her? Claire finds out that Max had been using her to steal information about her company and is devastated. Max, however, regrets having hurt Claire and realizes he’s truly in love with her. So he makes a daring gamble to win back Claire’s heart!

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Nov 14, 2020


Nov 13, 2020


Nov 11, 2020


Nov 10, 2020


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