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Popo's manga / #Love triangle(5)

Love and Passion

Ongoing | 정현,지하 | 2000 released
2021-07-02 07:40 marked

ch3 Broke, former child actor now porn actor who works in a conbini by day, hustling for money x his sweet, horny childhood neighbor/friend who "ate him up as soon as he (the friend) came of age" lol but too trusting cuz uke is using him for sex & housing; also uke slapped him once (cuz he was pestering for sex after uke subbed for the dom) and I think he kinda liked it so he may be a budding sub top yay! x cold, probably rich ceo dom who ignores all the rules of BDSM and starts off with face hitting and says he wants to make uke's butt bleed WTF but's all good cuz the author made it so uke enjoyed it; was uke's 3rd porn film partner - wait, he can't be a rich CEO cuz he didn't wear a mask during the porno???? Eh, might drop due to bad/icky portrayal of BDSM.

I Will Be Your Husband

Complete | Gaeggi | 2019 released
2022-01-23 07:56 marked

It's a hot mess but ignore that and stay for the 3p porn :D

A Terrible Romance

Ongoing | Chamji | 2000 released
2021-01-21 20:00 marked

Ch3 insecure uke in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling Dom who constantly puts him down to keep him dependent meets an actor who gives him inspiration. The author improved a lot art wise since her previous work. I hope the storytelling also improved.

The Servant / Employer

Ongoing | Honey bread,dumplings | 2019 released
2024-05-20 06:25 marked

sadistic, adulterer father vs son over a cute silver haired twink Both leads irritate me. I know that Yeonho has a doormat personality cuz he's a servant in a historical setting but I hate how the author took this to mean he just goes with the flow and didn't really have his own thoughts. He's coerced into sex with the father due to obligations and duty. He's then coerced into sex with the son cuz ?????. Idk his notices aren't clear. Is he attracted to the son? Did he view the son in the same light as the dad?? I think it's just the author not wanting to commit to either so we just get Yeonho mindlessly spreading his legs. Kyunghee is a grown ass man but acts no different from the flashbacks of him when he was a child. He has no concept of how irritating he is to always be bothering Yeonho. Ignore the fact that Yeonho is daddy's bitch boy, he is a servant and he has things he needs to get done during the day. He does not have time to be babysitting a grown ass man. And then he wants Yeonho to run away to Seoul with him, knowing goddamned well he's still living in Daddy's money ughhhh. The spoiled brat look on a grown ass man makes him so irritating as a lead character, especially one that we are supposed to be rooting for to end up with Yeonho. ch45 ML is so weak. He couldn't even SPOILER ALERT ********* kill his father himself ughhhh.

Into The Horizon

Ongoing | Team S&,S, Li Seon Ui, Seo Gyeong | 2000 released
2023-05-17 18:42 marked

Ch26 Ok the story starts off very typical for a love triangle BL: ️typical emotionally stunted goodlooking asshole ML sunbaetch seme (silver haired version) ️typical simpering Korean BL uke ️SL who just seems like the better option simply for the fact that he ISN’T ML lol (step-bro version *cue porn music*) So we got a gay sadboi with no self respect in a shitty situationship with his hot and popular, previously-straight sunbaetch. He gets a new step-bro and they are forced to GASP! share a room and bed for rEaSoNs!!! And so starts the struggle to see which seme’s dick is the perfect sword for uke’s sheath…….but then around ch7, you start to get an inkling that something’s not right. I guess I should have realized the creator who had previously made a supernatural zombie BL wouldn’t give us a typical modern BL. ****SPOILERS AHEAD**** Turns out sunbaetch isn’t just being his asshole self when he keeps ignoring step-hyung. Even the mob characters are experiencing the same thing. And then sunbaetch starts unintentionally hurting MC when he didn’t mean to. Yeah…that’s what all abusers say…..*bombastic side-eye*....except maybe he IS sincere?? Cuz while he’s not quite on sunbaetch’s level (yet), step-hyung is giving more and more yandere no-no signals. And then we get to ch14 where we learn that apparently, lonely and outcasted baby MC was in the woods and made a wish to have someone by his side and it seems step-hyung came to fulfill his wish. Now the question is who or WHAT is step-bro and is he malicious? Or rather, how malicious is he since he’s pretty comfy letting others hurt MC to push MC towards himself The only thing we know about him at this point is that he’s creepily obsessed with MC and seems to have powers of persuasion and mind-altering abilities that he seems to use to make other people believe and even do certain things. ****RANDOM THOUGHTS**** Ch7 - at least MC has some level of understanding of how shitty his situationship is but unfortunately at this point he feels stuck and doesn't really know how to get himself out of it. That's what happens when you're a pushover and a face-kon. I’m not sure if he’s just that desperate for companionship (thanks to being abandoned by dear daddy and then losing his aunt who stepped in to care for him as a child) that he’s willing to put up with sunbaetch or if he actually does care for sunbaetch and is holding on to the crumbs of sunbaetch’s affection in the hopes of eventually getting the whole cake. I’m still not completely onboard Team Sunbaetch. The story does show him unintentionally doing a lot of nice things for MC like defending him when his friends were badmouthing MC but like, why do you even have such shitty friends in the first place??? And I super-hate the trope of being super possessive and suddenly wanting to be exclusive when a rival appears. If he wanted to graduate from sunbaetch to bae, he could have done it any time. He didn’t cuz he didn’t want to periodot! [RANT TIME] BL ukes deserve much better partners godnabbit!! Even the simpering, pushover types!!! At least a partner who doesn’t shove it in dry!!!!