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otakulys's manga / #murder(75)

The Dancing Dwarf

Complete | Maruo Suehiro | 2000 released

So THAT'S why he doesn't like to drink.

Kiseki to Amedama

Complete | Nishin Masumi | 2016 released

This mangaka has a clear fetish for people saving a person at the expense of their own life and well being, only to discover that that person is a monster and not worth being saved. I actually liked the twisted elements of the story, but it was too short for what it was, and that open ending where you don't know if he pulls the trigger or not is frustrating. That aside, this Christ dude really needs to die. It sucks that someone he loves has to be the one to perish instead. Yet another thing that wouldn't have happened if Christ's dad had just killed him in the first place. And no, it clearly wasn't because he was abusive or angry his son was gay. He isn't gay, he's a pedophile. His father walked in on him having sex with an elementary school kid. Who the hell processed that guy as an adult after all that? Surely there had to have been some questions. Though I've read real life murder cases with fatal levels of incompetence, so I guess it isn't so far fetched.

Acid Town

Ongoing | kyuugou | 2008 released

Wow, I've been meaning to read this forever, and I can't believe it took me this long. This was not at all what I was expecting. I hate that I have to wait now. I hope it updates more soon. But seriously, I went in expecting way more cliches and shallow character motivations. This is an intense thriller, not just plotless smut. I'm always looking for stuff like that, but rarely does it bay off in this way. Plus, gorgeous art. I'm scared it's gonna have a sad ending, or a bittersweet one, and I'm pretty sure at least one of the characters I like will die, so that sucks, but I'm hoping it's all worth it in the end.

Omerta - Kochou No Yume No Kate

Complete | Karin Entertainment,NATSUMI Kanna,TATEISHI Ryou | 2011 released

"And he's letting me live!" Aw, how romantic! I really wanted to enjoy this manga, but it was BS like that that killed it. Even with the rape to love, which I loathe, I was gonna give it three stars because I feel like there isn't enough decent yakuza/hitman type stuff out there. But the moment he yelled at JJ for being "kind" when he "slept with" Azusa, I just couldn't do it. Not the worst thing I've ever read, but give me a break. "When you were raping me, you shouldn't have been nice! Now I want to be your waifu!" Come on, yaoiland. Come on.

Zanuff the Butcher

Complete | Jouyama Yui | 2000 released

Holy crap, I started reading it because I thought it was funny that the art was all cutesy but it was listed as horror. I absolutely did not expect to be ugly-crying by the end. So sad! And touching. Twisted, for sure, but heart-wrenching. I'm glad I read it. Not what I thought it would be at all.

Kanojo No Kare (maeda Tomo)

Complete | maeda tomo | 2000 released

Very short, but a creepy little tale about love and obsession, and the unhealthy, disturbing behaviors that might lie beneath the surface of people we love. I liked it.

300 Beats Per Second

Ongoing | Shengshi Ka Man | 2000 released

Hmm.... Interesting, I suppose. I feel like there's something a bit clunky about each story. The fur one was really gross, but it was supposed to be. I hate animal suffering. I wish it had ended with some people paying for being so cruel. Despite that, the fur one, chapter four, was the only one that was really creepy. The end of the grandpa one was definitely eerie, too. They were clever concepts. The other two were okay, also. Not the worst I've read. I'll keep reading, at least. ETA: Lol, I don't now if the fifth story was supposed to be deep or what, but... It was pretty mean-spirited, but it was an interesting idea, like most of the others. I've thought about that before, the assumption that we're the main characters of our story. Kind of a miserable, nihilistic approach, but hey. At least the bikini ended up making sense.


Complete | Miura Miu | 2000 released

Strange little slice of horror. Might end up being interesting. Maybe someone else will pick it up eventually.


Complete | nishioka kyoudai | 2009 released

Very, very odd and quite gross manga. It was interesting, and I liked some of the exploration behind the psychology. I do feel like something fell flat near the end, though. I kept waiting for him to kill one of his boys. He kills things that he loves, doesn't he? The whole thing was bizarre, as it should have been, but it never quite reached the point I was looking for. Also, there was no real punishment here, nor is his fate satisfying, because his children are monsters who may continue this stuff, so... But yeah, I would have liked it more if it had expanded beyond that little group of creeps. Also, despite all the murder, it's always animal death that gets to me, so I had to mark it down a bit for that, too.

Yami No Koe

Complete | Ito Junji | 2002 released

Oh god, that fifth story made me dry heave. So disgusting. The other stories weren't like that, so it was kind of random how sick it was. Anyway, these were all interesting little concepts with some occasionally creepy as hell art. The biggest downside is that almost every story would stop in the middle of the situation for some long, bizarre moment of exposition, where a character would fill everyone in on what was going on. It disrupted the pace, but it was also just awkward, like, "Oh, by the way, here's a long retelling of the history of this horror show. Just thought you should know that I'm being held against my will and you're gonna die. Lol, kay, have a nice night, folks." I actually started reading because of the nightmarish face that finally appears in the fourth story. That was an interesting one, though it had the same issues. I liked the sixth story, about the earth bound, though I guessed immediately what the cause was both in general and with the boss. Still, I would have liked to seen more on that one. I like how the artist draws certain people. They have an interesting approach. Kinda wish they drew BL, too, cause some of these boys were pretty. Maybe the fact that I was thinking that while horrible things were happening to them says something not-so-great about me, but hey, lol.