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Juliet's manga / #twisted(33)

Psycho (Young Dream) Webtoon

Complete | Young dream | 2000 released

This was really really surprising! The twist at the end when it wasn’t even real at all and Zachary was having illusions the entire time. It wasn’t even Hare/Jason who was at fault and who was a messed psychopath. Zackery imagined all of it and was truly in love with Hare in his illusions. Whenever he woke up and saw Jason in the real world, he always never thought that was the real “Hare”. A very tragic and sad story. Zackery faced so much misfortune from childhood to adulthood and the one we own who he trusted never believed him. That made him turn mad. He then “reunites” with Hare (walking into the ocean and drowning himself). Such a tragic love story that never existed to help cope with his horrible past. Such an intricate and fascinating story. I would love to re-read in the future.


Complete | Studio sibo | 2000 released

THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING IVE READ SO FAR!!!! The boyfriend (Kiwoong) “commits suicide” and it’s up to Bae Eunsoo to figure out what happened. As soon as he dies, she gets a call from her boyfriend’s best friend (Seokhyun) about it, but she immediately continues her ballet practice as if nothing happened. What Bae truly cares about at this point in time is her performance and what people think about her. When she does finally go home (which was late in the night) she is greeted with police, her Kiwoong’s family and his best friend about this incident that has occurred. She doesn’t believe it herself until she sees the body. Later that night Kiwoong’s Ex girlfriend, Nam Eunsoo barges in Bae’s home in order to look for a box (which was filled with “letters” *it actually was a journal to Bae to tell her about everything*) Bae didn’t know they existed because Nam was supposed to give it to her according to the will given by Kiwoong to her. Anyways we find out Kiwoong’s suicide wasn’t what is seemed. It was a coverup for something treacherous. Long story short, Nam Eunsoo wants to be in control of every situation (wants to be the top dog) and Seokhyun is hiding the fact that he has always had a crush on his best friend (Kiwoong), but because of how taboo Gay relationships are, he never confessed, so he decided to watch them through a camera that he installed in there house (he’s the landlord of the apartment btw, so he was in very close proximity). Both Nam Eunsoo and Seokhyun were twisted in their own way. Bae Eunsoo got pulled in the situation because of Kiwoong’s death. Anyways the story was wonderfully put together, but also tedious to finish. It seemed like me and others had a hard time finishing this story, not because it wasn’t good, because the beginning wasn’t as attention grabbing in order to keep us there (but we were curious, so we continued the struggle and finished it), when you reach to the nearing end, it gets incredibly interesting. Anyways at the end because of Nam Eunsoo’s power, she was able to put the blame of his death on Bae becauseeeee….. firstly forgot to mention Bae Eunsoo’s fault. She was one that was materialistic, selfish and wanted the world to look at her. She wanted to be important. This causes her to neglect Kiwoong at times because she focused herself on ballet more than him. Kiwoong also spoils her very much, which she enjoys cause she wants everyone to see how better off and lucky she is with all her expensive gifts and all that. This is the explanation of her personality and what she did as soon as she heard about his death. Later in the manga, it got more and a more difficult for her to accept it and because Nam Eunsoo is the one who started it, (sent her a gift as “Song” *his nickname*, when he was dead). This was her way of “taking care of Bae Eunsoo. Anyways knowing everyone’s personality, Kiwoong hunt himself right in front where the hidden cameras Seokhyun put one (therefore Seokhyun witnessed what happened). One thing led to another with everyone trying to cover the truth and making some elaborate plan to blame it on each other. In the end she managed to confess everything to one person who was looking out for her in the ballet industry (he also had a crush on her), Damon. So after hearing she faked that her boyfriend was still alive, receiving gifts from Nam Eunsoo as of it were “Song” and Seokhyun spying on them all the time. It was a surprise that Damon didn’t leave Bae (I guess love really does make you do stupid things), but ya. At the end, it was lovely, but I believe Bae didn’t truly deserve that wonderful ending. Tbh she did get kicked out of the ballet industry, so I guess it’s ok.

Similar Terms

Complete | Woof-woof Mountain King,wang wang shan wang | 2017 released

Crazy Love

Complete | Yuzuru mikomo | 2019 released

This was a really good story! Tragic back story with wanting to be perfect because of his parents. Then he falls in love with the first person who told him that it’s ok to make mistakes cause he won’t hate him for it (No one is perfect). This is the beginning of his twisted story.

Criminal Interview

Complete | Queensa,Ppyong | 2000 released

Omg this story was so unique and well made! I haven’t read a good piece in a while. I definitely thought it was Stockholm syndrome at first, but omg the plots and twists afterwards. Firstly, Kister the slaughter, wasn’t Kister the entire time, but his twin brother, Cicero. They were both separated early on in their life, so Kister didn’t know what happened to their parents. Cicero made a decision when his father was killing his mom (father was encouraging to help him), then he got an axe and killed his father instead. That’s how it started. Kister actually wanted to be an actor and first met Johnathon during one of his gigs as a background character. He recognized kister and talked about how great he was on stage and Kister felt appreciated. Cicero found out about Kister’s knew crush and got mad. Cicero left out his “evidence” on purpose for Kister to find it and pow and behold, he did. After being told to flick to the last page, he saw Johnathon April’s name written down. Obviously he was shocked to find out that his brother was the killer everyone was talking about and was hurt. In order for Johnathon to stay alive, he had to follow what Cicero told him to do. So Kister killed a man and went to jail for the 33 killings, while Cicero kept his promise and kept Johnathon alive. Now a lot of messed up stuff happened afterwards. Cicero killed someone saying “I am Back”, meaning that Kister knew it was him and he had to escape (he did) and then went to find Johnathon. Thing is Johnathon’ brother, Baron April at the night Johnathon almost died (the camping trip he Baron planned and the night when Cicero was gonna kill Johnathon, but Kister managed to kinda save Johnathon), he found Cicero’s journal with all the his killings and saw his brother’s name at the back. The April family are all reporters btw, so Baron being a reporter investigated to keep Johnathon safe. In the end, before he could go to the police with the evidence, he got caught by Cicero and died, and the whole time, Kister was trying to protect Johnathon by acting as if he was the killer. All twisted stuff but whatever (it was just meant to keep Johnathon safe in the place he was kept at) Honeslty I wish there was more to the end! But overall it was a wonderful and put together story. I’m a bit curious as to how the perfect Robert is doing. But anyways ya, pretty good story.

Nii-chan (harada)

Complete | Harada | 2013 released

OMG dude this was sooo twisted and shocking. I can’t believe I just read it. The story was written so well. I cannot

Unknown (taratsumi John)

Complete | taratsumi john | 2015 released
2022-10-25 08:36 marked

The Devil in the Suit

Complete | Rui fujimori | 2019 released