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SpringHaze's manga / #Manhua/Manhwa(141)

Wind Blowing Tonight

Complete | lamatter | 2000 released

This is a masterpiece and I love the art - I fell in love with Wen Le's face in every panel. The characters are so real and compelling and the story, though dramatic, unfolds so beautifully with heavy emphasis on the characters' relationship developing. Both Wen Le and Shu Feng get their struggles across and they come together so tenderly. My fave was hands down Wen Le, he's so interesting and gentle and strong, so disappointed by love yet never defeated (Lan Mao was such a terrible man for him). And who doesn't love a prickly exterior hiding a golden heart? Also a shou who makes the first move and keeps making them? Legend.

The Blurry Viewfinder

Complete | MN | 2018 released

This was awfully sweet and the disability is frankly heartbreaking. But, author, it looked like you were gearing up for more, the dating part barely just started?!?

Sweet Spot (se yang)

Complete | se yang | 2000 released

Nam Wonwoo has to be one of the best characters I read in manhwa/webtoons, he's such a complex person. He's close to 30 (though he looks like a little boy), has gone through a traumatic accident that put a stop to his baseball career and is now dressing up as the Elephants mascot, to be bullied by players. He's disillusioned and a bit of a loner (though he has a few friends), is also an orphan helping his aunt run an eatery, and has no idea how to break this cycle and find his path and more gainful employment. Yoon Geonyeong otoh is a an absolute star, a golden player and a huge favourite with baseball fans, because he's handsome and a bit of a taciturn jerk, and he clashes with Wonwoo in ways that leave him wondering about that feisty little squirrel. The relationship progresses slowly, though they are fuckbuddies because Geonyeong has a sex before a match ritual and Wonwoo was handy. I absolutely adored how lovely they were together towards the end, especially since they preserve their personalities, they just get sweet on one another in ways that are so heart-melting to witness. One major quibble: I fucking hate and do not understand anything baseball-related so all the technical talk (and there is so much of it) went over my head. The story balances slice of life with romance and it's really good.

Applause to our ancestor's

Complete | Boomtoon | 2000 released

This is such an interesting fast-paced story, love the main characters, they are such jerks and so sweet together. Edit: Oh, man, they were so sweet and in love and devoted to each other!!! I really want some extras giving little bro his happy end.


Ongoing | Mingwa | 2019 released

This is from the author of BJ Alex, except now it's all full colour and the art style is quite different. Joo Jaekyung is an absolute asshole, a toxic, self-centred, violent and uncaring man who threatens with physical violence and follows through without remorse and rapes Kim Dan, which puts him in the best mood for quite a while. I mean, I know BJ Alex had a similar LI but good lord this is extreme. I'll be reading to see his redemption arc unfold, but I cry for poor Dan who is having the hardest life. Not only is his granny in the hospital with cancer and loan sharks are beating him up on the regular, but he was fired from his previous stable full-time job because the director felt seduced by him and tried to rape him (which makes the whole sex with Joo Jaekyung even more traumatic and unpalatable). Edit: Stop raping Kim Dan, you monster! Edit: Joo Jaekyung showing up just in time before Kim Dan gets raped, fucking finally. You better treat him nicely after this, you ass! Edit: Except Joo Jaekyung is scum of the earth and Kim Dan just has the worst luck. I feel he is at the end of his rope, he's catatonic as he's getting raped again, in exchange for having his debt cleared and a roof over his head. Kim Dan, you poor thing! Edit: Please let it not be that grandma's dead and Kim Dan is getting the call from the hospital while he's being raped (again) by his employer. Edit: Joo Jaekyung are you finally on your overdue path for redemption? Still an ass, but trying I guess. Edit: Kim Dan you'd better not fall in love with your rapist. Edit: Kim Dan proceeds to fall in love with/be flustered by his rapist but a wild contender appears to spice the drama up. Because one thing this manhwa does best is keep us on our horny toes. Could have sworn Choi Heesung was a bottom boi. Edit: Jaekyung continues to be a huge dick pissing all over his territory in disgusting ways and lo and behold a second couple appears - Choi Heesung is sweetly rejected by Doc Dan and pretty much threatened with bodily harm by Jaekyung so he commiserates with baby boy from the gym (the one who is starry-eyed over Jaekyung, who, same as me, has no idea what his name is). I think they're gonna fuck :)). In other deluded news Kim Dan and Joo Jaekyung seem to develop feelings but very much separately. I'm really not expecting earth-shattering character growth too soon though. Edit: Every time we seem to get somewhere, something bad happens and we're back to square one characterwise. Kim Dan, please stop it with the martyrdom, you need to get out! 'I can't believe he gave me his jacket' rose-tinted glasses delulu moment. No, idiot, he violently threw it at your head, are you fucking stupid?!? Edit: It's interesting to see how brutal and demanding Jaekyung's training is, including his diet and literal dehydration in order to drop weight inhumanly fast for a match below his weight class. But he is also crankier than usual and treats Kim Dan like utter garbage. Edit: *facepalm* Kim Dan you dumb ho. Edit: New chapter dropped and with it some more of Kim Dan's brain cells. Ch. 41 is all about his epiphany about his feelings for Jaekyung an how handsome he is. Child wtf. Meanwhile Jaekyung is still the asshole we know. Istg if the art were less pretty I'd drop this like a hot messy potato but alas I have to suffer through the most imbecilic storyline out of my own free will. Edit: I see we're starting to see JJ's redemption arc, unless the author decides to go back to square one (again) next episode, which is frankly getting old. KM is so deluded and I really despise both main characters - would have seriously drooped this ages ago if not for the pretty art. I've come across Jinx on Tiktok and the general consensus seems to be that it's bad but hey, it's hot so we're sticking with it. Edit: Ch. 45 is exactly what everyone was expecting except for KD, who is delulu and has 'love' on the tip of his pathetic tongue after having his gift rudely rejected. Now I don't think anyone is hoping for JJ's redemption anymore - it would mean an inexplicable 180 at this point - so fingers crossed for KD growing a spine. As things stand now, this dynamic is completely unbalanced and frankly a bore - toxic, violent seme and whimpering, bland uke, they literally have nothing to talk about and they never fucking do. Edit: Sister Mingwa, please ease on KD, he's been through enough. I don't think grandma is supposed to survive this story, she's stage 4 cancer iirc and old to boot. Her death would crush KD but she's also the reason he's been dealing with so much shit for money for a long time, even before JJ. The fact that he chose not to tell JJ about the attempt on his recruitment by the rival team, to not add to more stress before the match, is obvi going to bite him on the ass, as JJ was informed of it through worse means from an anonymous tip (really not that hard to figure out who it was). Drama will ensue and more crap will pile on KD and I need to drop this manhwa asap. Edit: Ayo, ofc the rival team came to offer support before the match and switched the pain relief spray with something toxic (the very bottle KD was just testing to make sure it was the right stuff) and lo and behold KD has just made JJ's ankle red and tender. Like sure I wanted JJ to lose and get taken down five notches, but not because of KD. Methinks KD will get a beating, please let me be very, very wrong :/ Otoh we have a very narrow glimpse into JJ's mysterious past. Edit: The MVP of this trash can is coach - he slapped JJ on his hospital bed for being a fucking brat. Guys I think KD quit without telling JJ, I think he grew a fucking spine!!! That or grandma gave up the ghost. Things are taking a bad turn for JJ, he's no longer the absolute champion so he has some introspection to do at long, long last. Edit: KD quit and left with only a letter and sister Mingwa tells us now that there were fun times had in the house of JJ, like seriously?!? When did they play puzzles, good woman? Why did you only show us the raping then?!? This is the end of season 1, after almost a year and a half of updates, I think a long break will follow. Edit: We finally get Choi Heesung's one night stand side story and oh, look, all Mingwa's tops are trash.

Did It Work

Ongoing | Rain | 2019 released

This is so much fun, silly, doesn't take itself seriously and it's hilarious. Edit: Aww, you're warming up to the perverted shaman, boss.

Bongchon Bride

Ongoing | Son Gae Pi | 2019 released
2023-02-19 05:20 marked

This is incredible and I love Soongap, the protagonist, he starts off quietly depressed and ready to die and falls in love with Bongchun's gentle strength. Bongchun is unwordly and considers himself unworthy of companionship let alone love, but he falls for Soongap helplessly and completely. Their intimacy develops so sweetly and then they are mad and hungry for each other. Soongap calls him 'master' and Bongchun calls him 'darling', as his mother thinks he brought home a bride. On this note, thank you, mature chapters uploader! I love that Soongap is recovering from the death of his lover and best friend and has his own drama with the half-brother who is obsessed with him (so creepy, but with the best intentions - somehow the brother only realises the true nature of his love for Soongap when he spies him having sex with his slave lover, and because he witnessed his father questioning Soongap's mother about the paternity of his son and now doesn't believe they are blood-related). Slavery is so heart-breaking, there's no sugar-coating it - Soongap is the son of a noble, yet ends up sold into slavery and no one bats an eye (same with other minor characters). Edit: Soongap loves his master so much, yet he never says it in words. I can't believe the crazy brother died, I have a feeling he'll return at some point. Edit: Pilgyeon is, ofc, alive, though he hurt his head in the fall and doesn't remember anything or Soongap at all. That is good news all around!!! The main story is over and it was GOOD , one of the best manhwas/webtoons I ever read, with deceptively simple art and a lot of heart. Soongap and Bongchun have moved by the sea and they are happy and in love (the amount of sex these two have omg) and the spin-off will deal with their daily lives but in a light-hearted way. After all the angst and tragedy, they deserve it.

Where the Wind Stays

Complete | Yusa | 2000 released

I've been trying to get to the end of this for weeks now and I've kind of hit a slump, after a really lovely start (I'm at chapter 45 currently). It's an interesting story with pretty art and vivid colours (faces are stunning but bodies are a little stiff) and a plot that wants to keep me in the dark - I have no idea what is on with Tasara's curse anymore, the author keeps feeding me spoonfuls, but the good Tasara and bad Tasara are a little funny :). I'm stopping to write this review because it just hit me how filthy Tasara actually is whenever fucking Nara (hello, rimming) and I live for dirty talking semes, oh, man, do I ever! Nara is so horny for his Tasara and I love a slutty sweet uke. Also whatever the snake and the priest have going on, can't wait for them to get it on. It took me weeks to finish this and the plot lost me? Still, lovely colours on the art and fab dramatic poses, but very stiff movements. I think the main issue I have with this is that I couldn't connect with the characters - the only interesting one was Haga, the snake demon, and the rest were boring (especially Nara and his unconditional love for Tasara no matter how terribly he was being treated - get a grip on yourself, man). Edit: It's finally over and I say that with a sense of relief, because Tasara is so fucking unlikable - the type who is possessive of his lover and his lover is his one and only interest, to the point where he ignores or hurts everyone else. Yuck.

Merry On The Rocks

Complete | Moscareto | 2019 released
2023-01-25 18:04 marked

The translation is barely there ;_; Edit: scanbeans is redoing this, alas.

Young Master

Ongoing | Nansae | 2019 released
2024-05-04 10:31 marked

This is from the artist of Why Is It You? which was a wild ride and a weird story line - which I fully expect from the story here as well. Not sure what the deal with Adrian is (weak, sickly, yet very strong, dark markings on his face and red eyes from time to time - but it's probably something fantasy-like). Kyle is feisty, but they don't get a good start and Kyle is an absolute saint for giving him the time of day after being forced to have sex. Will keep reading if it's updated, but it's not the most riveting story out there. Edit: Finally some insight into Adrian's condition. Edit: He's a ghoul, undead corpses who drink blood and feed on human flesh. Vampire would have been more romantic though. Edit: I really want to drop this, but it just made the nonsensical plot change of putting together Adrian's evil cousin and Kyle's gang mate who raped him and this is my hook, that's the dynamic that I want: enemies, people who hate each other fucking. Edit: Yeah, that was short-lived, rocks fell and Evan died. I think we're getting to the end of this dramatic trash. Edit: The end, thank God! But also, I'm so, so sorry for the artist, who had to cut this short and make terribly rushed plot decisions because it wasn't popular, due to piracy. Is this a circle though?