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cocobunny's manga / #smut(93)

Chase the dragon

Ongoing | Wagon,Drift | 2019 released

Osananajimi ha Syuuchaku Love Monster

Ongoing | Fuji isshiki | 2019 released

cant tell if the possessive friend is actually possessive in an evil way or a golden retriever dog way

Anemone Theater

Complete | zoy,greensea | 2019 released
2022-08-07 23:53 marked

Left off ch 35

Muri Marriage

Complete | Itsuki makoto | 2019 released

Ookami wo Katte imasu

Ongoing | ITACHI Neko | 2022 released

uke is pretty poker faced and seems emotionless; but thats just his tone of voice and face. Cute story

Akuma ha Tengoku ni Ikitakunai!

Ongoing | Sakurada kyoko | 2019 released

cute demon boy is the uke. he was the demon lord of lust in his previous life. in his new reincarnated life he is a bit shy when it comes to dirty stuff now. Seme is the angel guy. He is now a bit more lustful in his new life bc he orayed for it when he got reincarnated, in order to be closer to uke. He doesnt remember his past life as an angel at first, but towards the end he does.

Sensei Yachin ha mada desuka?

Ongoing | Asahi | 2019 released
2022-08-17 17:43 marked

Surge Looking For You

Complete | Chung Yun | 2000 released

the uke is SO STUPID!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT THE FUUUUCKKKK!!!!! AFTER HAVING THE SEME FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM, NOW HE CHOOSES TO BE HONEST (SORT OF!!) AND RUN AWAY AND DISAPPEAR FROM SEME’S LIFE???? FUCK THIS STUPID IDIOT (Seme has phobia against omegas. Due to a severe trauma he had when he became an alpha, the smell of omega pheromes elicits a severe physical response with symptoms such as: nausea, coughing, vomitting, fainting. However, since he never receives the benefits of having sex with an omega like the other athletes, his stamina and athleticism suffers greatly, which is a problem for a professional athlete like him. Thus uke comes in. He is a defective omega whose pheromones are odorless. When seme saves him from drowning, uke is suddenly in heat and comes into him. The seme is EXTREMELY confused and surprised bc he doesnt smell ANY omega pheromones, yet theres one in heat right in front of him?? After the jerjer, seme realizes that his complexion is greatly improved, he is more energetic, healthier, and is better than ever at performing during training (swimming). Uke realizes how PERFECT they are for each other and immediately falls in love with seme. Bc finally, an alpha who can be attracted to him and have sex with him even though he is odorless, bc the seme cannot stand omega pheromones. Its a perfect match!! So he immediately asks if seme wants to go out with him. Seme immediately says no, because he has no time for a relationship atm d/t training. Uke panics bc he doesnt want to let the seme go bc he truly thinks he will never ever find someone as perfect for him as this seme. So he then proposes instead that they become fwb. Seme is like ‘WTF, is this guy insane? Has no self respect??’ And he is CORRECT!!! Bc that was a stupid af thing for the uke to suggest! Uke suggests it with the hope that something will happen between them (he is SO fucking delusional and stupid and SELFISH). Seme is reluctantly agrees, but makes it VERY CLEAR that this will be just a transactional relationship for his benefit, and that nothing more will come out of it. Ume happily agrees like a fuckinng idiot. So, OF COURSE as time goes on Uke feels sad and lonely bc he deadass expected the Seme to fall in love with him or some shit and then they can be in a real lovey relationship. Stupid DUMBASS for thinking that when the Seme was very CLEAR from the start!! Then, Seme starts falling for him LEFT OFF CH 42 Oh my FUCKING god??? This just keeps getting WORSEEE!!! Ya rim is so extremely selfish and shitty! He manages to get cheungho to fall for him HARD. He also admits to himself that he liked that cheungho was insecure, unsure, weak, etc of himself/his talent as a swimmer; Ya Rim basically fed off this insecurity bc since he grew up in an orphanage he has ISSUES!! He is extremely lonely and seems to want someone or people to be ultimately obsessed w him?? or something like that. Point is, he fucking sucks. He gets cheungho to fall for him and its exactly what he wants until *drum roll* he Actually starts emitting phermones like a regular omega! And, surprise, cheungho really cannot stand it! It’s unbearable bc of his past trauma (he was assaulted by an omega and that caused his abrupt push as an alpha), and omega smells are awful for him. So, OBVIOUSLY, this really hurts the both of them!! Cheungho especially bc imagine liking someone a lot after getting to know them and having sex with them often that you naturally fall for them (but it was mainly since they could benefit from each other), but now the defective omega is no longer defective and emitting regular pheromones; cheungho obviously feels distraught and unsure of what to do. Ya rim, feels guilty and ashamed of himself for who he is and what he’s done to cheungho and how he altered his life/path by forcing him into this situationship (WHICH IS WHAT I BEEN SAYING SINCE THE BEGINNNING! DONT ENTER A RELATIONSHIP FOR ULTERIOR MOTIVES AND DONT ENTER THEM THINKING THE OTHER PERSON WILL CHANGE THEIR MIND ABOUT U! BC EVEN IF THEY DO, SOMEHOW THINGS JUST WONT WORK OUT!). Ya rim avoids Cheungho for days weeks and this obviously HURTs cheungho bc despite being unable to go near Ya rim now, he still is stuck with these feelings of love for him; so he obviously misses Ya rim and wants him to return. The final jerjer Ya rim gets knotted and gets knocked up. Fantastic. More awful bad decisions They are happy for a bit but seme lies to uke about overcoming his trauma. Turns out, he is still taking illegal pills to avoid omega pheromes. Uke is distraught over this. Seme tells him its ok bc he QUIT the swim team, his swimming career. Uke is DEVASTATED?? Idk WHY :/ Seme chose uke, and his new baby/family over his career. Yet, uke is feeling all kinds of betrayal and decides to break up with seme and leave AGAIN. AGAIN!!! Like a stupid idiot!! Seme is heart broken, confused. He doesn’t understand. Should he have picked his career over being with the uke? Was wanting to be with the uke not enough for uke to be happy? Motorcycle guy tells seme he will no longer accept requests to find Uke. Seme asks why. All motorcycle guy says is “Uke has never been an ambiguous guy. You shouldnt have been so indecisive.” HUH?????? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTTTTT!!!!!!! LEFT OFF CH 45 UGH

Hetakuso Love Step

Complete | Yoriko | 2000 released

In middle school yoshino aoi (blondie) was asked out by a girl. Since he thought she was cute looking and he was going thru puberty he said sure, why not. He figured that he’d start to like her eventually. But, he ended up liking his friend from the same class, who is a guy. He was very confused and startled, but came to terms with it. He asked his gf to break up with him. She asked why. He responded, “It turns out I like guys” Inevitably, she tells the whole school bc she was hurt that he said yes to going out even tho he didnt like girls (but he didnt know that he didnt like them like that so…). Everyone started to treat and look at him differently. He felt as if he was being punished for taking her feelings lightly. He swore then, that if both him and his partners would end up getting hurt—then it was better to not develop feelings for anyone at all. But for better or worse, girls always gravitated towards him. He was good looking and popular with them. Since he had a high sex drive..He felt that maybe it was better to be sex friends with girls. However, he always felt guilty and empty afterwards. But, instead if dealing with those emotions head-on, he continued to just play around. Bc what was the point? Its not like he could be in a relationship with a guy. His trauma from middle school made him feel that. Then we begin with the beginning of the manga. We follow the glasses boy who is quiet and is by himself most of the time. He is content this way. Then, his flashy childhood friend approaches him and desperately asks for his help. Apparently, some playboy won’t quit bugging her and she tried to ward him off by saying she already had a boyfriend—and proceeded to show the playboy a pic of glasses boy. So she just needs him to pretend to be her bf long enough for the playboy to back off and leave her alone. Glasses boy reluctantly agrees but reaaallly doesnt want to. Next day he is walking boy and the playboy, being clung into by girls, notices the glasses boy. He quickly comes up with a fake story/excuse using glasses boy in order to get away from the girls. They go into the cafeteria and talk. Playboy thanks glasses boy for walking by at the right moment bc he hates clingy women and they are bothersome when they want to pursue a relationship with him—since he only wants to play around. Glasses boy is stunned that the guy is like that. Playboy introduces himself, he is Yoshino! So this is how he gors thru life now, playing around sexually with women to keep his lípido in check. Yoshino asks Glasses some questions, to gauge if he’s really going out with the girl or not. Glasses boy gives vague-ish answers, but tries his best to make it believable that they are. Internally, Yoshino doubts him. He takes an interest in glasses boy and wants to tease him a little for fun. So he take him to the toilet and sexually harrasses him *-* Yoshino takes a strong liking to Glasses’ reactions to the touching and stimulating, so he asks for his line number afterwards lol. And thus their relationship begins to grow as they get closer! Yoshino initially wanted to tease Kota; like inviting him out to a gouken at someone’s house bc he thought it would be funny to see s girl pounce on him. But when she did, Kota made a cute sound and Yoshino (mid receiving BJ) changed his mind and took Kota away. He proceeds to tell Kota that he interrupted his BJ to save him, and that he has a great idea: Kora could finish the BJ lol. Kota being the nerdy pushover, reluctantly agrees. Yoshino enjoys it and realizes Kota looks very cute. Yoshino continues to tease Kota and starts noticing Kota’s feelings towards him. Kota doesnt realize it himself but it’s definitely obvious. Not thinking too deeply about “If we stop being playmates” , Yoshino continues to tease Kota and even jerjers him. Kota, being unable to bear the heartache of liking someone who just sees you as a sex playmate, states he doesnt wanna do lewd stuff anymore since they should just be friends. Yoshino takes offense and says “I’m done.” But later Yoshino regrets this bc its kinda his fault anyway. He isnt blind he can see that Kota likes him yet he continues to push him for sex and tease him. he doesnt like that Kota decided to run away. Bc unbeknownst to him, he has also fallen for Kota. Meanwhile, Kota is on a shopping trip with his friend and a college friend spots them. Wanting to get his mini revenge on Yoshino for rejecting him, he calls Yoshino and tells him that Kota and his friend seem to be going out now since Kota is vulnerable after pushing Yoshino away (half a lie lol). Yoshino immediately doesnt like this and seeks Kota out. He finds Kota and stops him, asks him to please hear him out. Kota refuses bc of what Yoshino said earlier about being done. Yoshino apologizes and admits fault. He begs Kota to hear him out. Kota reluctantly agrees. They go to Yoshino’s place and talk. Yoshino reveals his past and the reason he became a playboy. He then asks Kota to please not leave him. Kota, unable to say no bc he loves Yoshino, agrees. Kota accepts that he should be a good friend to Yoshino, even tho he has feelings for him. Idk if Yoshino realized that Kota had that resolution. Anyways almost a year passes by and they stay close and hangout constantly as friends. Kota enjoys himself and the time he can spend with Yoshino. Yoshino, meanwhile, I am not sure what he is thinking exactly BUT we find out that he cuts off all ties with his sex friends. So it seems this entire time he was just trying to do things right by pursuing Kota organically as friends and then ask him to be his lover; bc he knows Kota would want that. But Kota meanwhile thinks Yoshino just wanted to be friends lol. One day Kota overhears Yoshino asking some girls advice on how to ask out his love interest. Kota misunderstands and thinks Yoshino likes a girl. He gets upset and tears up. Yoshino spots him and asks him whats wrong. Kota asks that Yoshino breaks off ties with him bc if Yoshino goes out with a girl then Kota will only end up resenting her bc he likes Yoshino so much; Kota confesses here. Yoshino calms him down and also confesses. Kota announces that he will date Yoshino proudly (LGBT moment). They start going out and will happily ever after <3

Stack Overflow

Ongoing | Pilhyo | 2000 released