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cocobunny's manga / #psychological(34)

Raising Beta

Ongoing | Shin yuri | 2022 released

LOL. LMAO, EVEN. Short and sweet! Beta uke was living a normal life until the Seme alpha switch to his school and met him for the first time. Upon meeting, seme fell for him immediately. Seme has always had things given to him throughout his life, so he was determined to have the uke as well. 1st: he threatened and paid some guys to bully the uke at school. Thus resulting in the uke being ostra and alone. Easy for seme to swoop in and be the kind hearted guy who will be his friend and protect him. 2nd: Cut the breaks of uke’s PARENTS CAR so that they get in an accident and DIE omfg. Thus resulting in uke being completely alone. Seme was easily able to take in uke into his arms and offer his home so that they could live together. 3rd: Continuously give uke OMEGA MEDICINE to turn uke from a beta to OMEGA, along with his heart medicine. So uke was non the wiser. This resulted in uke turning into an omega and going into heat. Thus he was fired from his Beta-Only company and had no choice but to work in seme’s cafe that he owns. At home and at this cafe, the uke is constantly monitored via hidden cameras. This enabled seme to swoop in with his pheromones and seduce the in-heat uke to have sex. Uke didnt want to but his heat made him. They did it for 3 days dayum. The big moment was that seme came inside the uke, resulting in a PREGNANCY. As seme planned. omg. When uke came to his senses, he felt distraught bc they’re supposed to be friends. This annoyed seme bc after all he’s planned, uke should be in the palm of his hands by now lol. Seme demanded to know why uke was trying to hide that he was an omega now (even tho this was seme’s doing lol). Uke couldn’t bring himself to say that its bc he was scared that seme would hate him since he knows that seme hates omegas. Uke was adamant about taking some time apart to think about things. Begrudgingly seme accepted, albeit annoyed. Later on, uke took a pregnancy test, and realized he was pregnant! he tried to run away bc he felt that the seme would truly hate him (since seme hates omegas). He tried to run away to commit sewercide. But seme caught up to him and stopped him (and also scared away the trashy guys trying to get with the omega). Seme told uke he was so worried, he admits his feelings, blah blah etc etc. Uke falls right into his trap and is now ok with it all and he will keep the baby and stay by semes side forever. Then they do some jerjer. LOL. gr8!

Umbilical Sex

Complete | Towadako | 2019 released

Electrifying! Uke is a playboy who gets with multiple girls and cheats on his gf. Makoto, the quiet megane seme, joins the club that uke is part of. His intentions are initially unknown. But he confesses to uke discreetly, but uke is a cis male bastard and outs Makoto in front of everyone and makes fun of him for it. Makoto is embarrassed and quits the club. Uke finds himself at a massage parlor and a girl offers to give him prostate massage. He relents but finds out he now cant stop cumming to it. With his newfound pleasure, he cant live without it now. He then tries to use Makoto as his fuck buddy. Trying to be all nice and apologize in order to get what he wants. However, its the uke who’s playing right into Makoto’s trap. Makoto isnt what he seems, and knows a lot more about uke than initially thought. Info: -Makoto raped by mother as a child and thats why he’s so messed up :( -He fell for uke after their first drinking outting bc uke took care of him and made sure he was at a hospital -Makoto has since become obsessed with uke, stalked him, and took pictures of him -Makoto is psychotic and plans out everything and will do anything to make uke his -Makoto forces uke to jerjer in front of his gf to solidify that uke belongs to him now oop -Stockholm syndrome in the end oop

Boy meets Girl

Complete | 바이퍼,Viper | 2000 released

Katamuku Karada

Complete | OKUDA Waku | 2000 released

One Shot. Immediate rape. Seme Yakuza bad guy has been in the group for awhile. He saw uke a few times and fell in love. He loved his dignified back. Inquiring why uke is never seen in the group, the leader (uke’s father) tells him that his son is raised normally in a normal life and thus doesnt belong in the yakuza world. Thus Seme comes to terms that the only way for him to have the beautiful refined uke is to forcefully take him. He receives this opportunity when the Leader (uke’s father) has cancer and requests that Seme take over the group since he is dependable. Seme agree on only one condition: The Uke. If he can have the uke. Father begrudgingly obliges imo. Seme then takes uke and forces himself on him for months (aka rape). And each time he asks uke if he loves him. Uke always says no bc he hates all this. Uke hates being embraced, he hates the feeling of the rape, he doesnt like pain, he hates it all. So he always says NO. Then one day the leader dies bc of his cancer. Uke doesnt know how to feel about this, since his father was never in his life on purpose since he was meant to be raised normally. He feels empty? As he describes this, the seme gentle hugs him from behind. Slightly taken aback by the fact that even a yakuza could embrace so gently, the uke then throws himself on seme and says they can have sex. Seme, enthusiastic but not wanting to take advantage of a grieving person, hesitantly says ok. He says he’ll do it gently, to which the uke perks up and seems to really want that. Sex is good. Uke says it feels good. Seme now understands that force isnt the way to go with the uke. The best way to approach him and have him fall in love with seme is to be gentle and treat him gently. Uke realizes that he rejected the seme this whole time (bc rape duh), but accepts him now bc he cant stand on his own rn d/t fathers death. Afterwards, uke thanks Seme for being there for him. Seme then happily sees that uke seemed refined and strong, but in actuality he is fragile and just wants someone to treat him gently and take care if him. And that makes the Seme love Uke much more. Pretty ok jerjers but would have been GREAT if there was more build up and not a one shot!

Haikei Pass / Jougi

Complete | | 2000 released

DAMN THIS WAS GOOD!!! Sadistic ABUSIVE homophobic seme who is a POS towards the poor uke bc the uke confessed to him. Seme then treats him like SHIT and rapes him! Uke hates it but seme blackmails him to stay with him. DARK AND FUCKED UP! Such a great plot its a shame its only 2 ch!!!!

Two in Six Billion

Complete | Denzou | 2022 released

WHAT AN AMAZING READ!!!! FANTASTIC!! Psychological semi horror thriller yaoi (but jerjer is like 1 panel and not great BUT ANYWAYS), obsessive/yandere seme and cowardly suicidal bullied uke!! Summary: Katou (uke) wanted to start his new school year with a fresh start and positive atmosphere. But unfortunately he got stuck sitting next to Oda (seme). Oda is the cream of the crop top popular students but he is also a bully. Not wanting to do his hw, he turns behind him and demands Katou to do it for him. Oda has always been super bored of his easy life. Grades and athleticism came easy for him. As a silver spoon, he had it all. So doing this hw is such a bore to him. Of course getting the random kid behind him to do it is preferred. Poor Katou, cowardly, quiet, mousey, and not able to speak up, hesitantly obliges in defeat. Afraid of saying no to Oda. The rest of Oda’s lackeys saw this, and immediately went ham on bullying Katou and making him do THEIR hw as well. Poor Katou is spineless and couldnt refuse. The light bullying at first then evolved into full-fledged assault and humiliation. Oda was never around for these instances, his lackeys did all the bullying. Whether Oda was aware or not, we dont know. But he likely didnt care what his friends were up to. So he probably wasnt aware they were severely bullying this kid. That doesnt matter tho, bc he had to have had some idea something was going on? He probably didnt care enough to pay attention. He could have stopped it all. Thus, Katou grew to hate and detest Oda. The pain and suffering he is going thru is all because of those lackeys, and by extension, ODA. Katou couldnt take it anymore. He stopped going to school, and stopped leaving his room. He grew extremely depressed, and anxious. A few years go by like this. He basically rots in his room, depressed in bed. One day, Katou cant take it anymore, and decides to commit suicide. He cuts his wrist and tries to drain his blood, slowly succumbing to the blood loss and closing his eyes. He experiences the last moments of his life, and to his disdain he sees the face of the one who ruined his life one last time: Oda. When he wakes up, he realizes something is off..his entire bathtub is filled with his blood. Somehow, he is still alive? And not dead?? He looks at his wrist and miraculously the cut he did is gone. He is beyond confused, scared, and panicking. His mother asks if he’s ok in the bathroom, and he quickly says yes, but he realizes something strange. He is now hearing an echo in his head. Its his mother’s thoughts. Quickly, Katou tries to clean up the mess and head to his room. Upon further inspection, and constantly trying to cut himself, he learned two things: 1. His body is now indestructible. Now matter how he hurts himself, his body immediately heals. He cannot die. 2. He can hear other people’s thoughts. This drives Katou insane. He cannot handle this, this life now. Always hearing the thoughts of others and cannot even kill himself now. Katou tries to go out for a walk, hoping this will help. But his life is even more beyond miserable now. He enters a store and coincidentally, Oda is there. Katou is shocked, he cant move. The person responsible for his ruined life is now in front of him, enjoying his life. Its not fair. As Oda walks out of the store, Katou hears his thoughts: “Who is that weirdo?” Katou cant take it anymore. He is filled with hatred for Oda. Why does Oda get to be happy? He should die, just die. Katou is filled with these angry thoughts. Somehow, or by the power of Katou’s new supernatural abilities, he causes the truck outside the store to start moving towards Oda. The truck runs Oda over and kills him? Katou snaps out of his hatred thoughts and realizes what he’s done. He runs over to Oda’s body, freaking out. He calls out to Oda, over and over, please dont die please. Katou is frantic and wishes and pleads for Oda not to die. Then in a panic he runs away. Katou is afraid, anxious, scared, and panicking. He isolates himself once again in his room, unable to come to grip the reality of what he’s done. He feels ashamed, he feels he is a murderer now. With trembling hands, he googles the accident for information. To his shock, Oda did not die. Katou cant believe this. It doesnt make sense. With all that blood loss, Oda should have died. Curious about Oda’s condition, Katou visits him in the hospital. Unbeknownst to Katou, his supernatural ability caused Oda to live, despite his wounds that should have killed him. When he pleaded and called for Oda, this gave him his life back, and in turn killed the driver instead. Also unbeknownst to Katou, Oda now has the same supernatural ability as Katou: hearing everyone’s thoughts. Although, he also has another ability, superhuman strength. When Oda woke up in the hospital bed, he was confused on what happened. When the nurse and doctor came in to explain what happened, he was able to hear their thoughts. He was confused on what that echo in his head was, and asked the doctor and nurse wtf it was and whats going on. Oda also makes it clear these echos are really, really fucking annoying and he wants them to stop. Alarmed at the “auditory hallucinations”, they recommended to keep Oda for longer in the hospital. Oda’s friends from school come to visit, and it only gets worse. Oda can hear all their thoughts, and their truths. That even tho they say stuff like “Miss u! Hope u can get discharged asap” in their heads they are truly thinking the opposite, and hate his guts. Oda now sees these people for who they are, awful 2 faced monsters. He cant stand it. He cant stand being surrounded by monsters like them. And the constant noise of always hearing everyone’s thoughts is too much. He starts to have a mental breakdown due to all this. After he hears the real thoughts of one of his “friends”, he punches him. But bc of his superhuman strength, he fucks up the dudes face bad and causes a fracture. People then stop visiting Oda. Just as well, tho, since he just wants silence and doesnt want these monsters near him. When Katou visits Oda, Oda is wincing, waiting to hear more unwanted thoughts from someone. But then, he hears nothing. Oda, to his shock, cant hear this person’s thoughts. In a frenzy, he immediately gets up and grabs Katou, frantically states “Finally, someone normal!!” this shocks and scares Katou!! What on earth happened to Oda?? He looks weak, frightened, and insane! Completely different from the arrogant cream of the crop bully he once knew! But Katou quickly realizes, he cant hear Oda’s thoughts at all!!! Ecstatic to finally have some peace and a normal person near him, Oda asks Katou a lot of questions like his name etc. And asks Katou to please visit him again tomorrow. Katou, feeling so uncomfortable and not wanting to do this, spinelessly obliges. Katou is confused. why cant he hear Oda’s thoughts? For now, he feels lassoed into pretending to be friends with Oda now, despite hating him so much. The change in Oda’s demeanor was also very shocking for Katou. After being discharged, Oda frequently asks Katou to hangout and stuff. Katou begrudgingly obliges each time. Feeling nauseous at having to humor a fake relationship with the person he hates. Oda desperately wants to always be with Katou, bc Katou is the only person he cant hear the thoughts of and the only source of peace and quiet in his life now. Soon, of course, hanging out with Karou constantly and always thinking about him, Oda started to harbor deeper feelings for Katou. Whether these feelings are love, or simply and obsession, we cant say, Because both are merged so deeply and indistinguishably from each other. Oda also wonders why he cant hear Katou’s thoughts. He comes to a brash conclusion that, perhaps Katou is like him and also has powers? And, if thats the case, then… they were clearly meant to be in each others lives. Katou was, in a way, sent for him…as his savior from all the noise and monsters around him, as a beacon of peace and quiet. Oda then comes to this conclusion, and states “Katou… was sent for me. He is mine..and mine only.” Wanting to confirm his hypothesis, he asks Katou out to karaoke. At karaoke, Oda asks Katou if he can hear thoughts as well? Katou, shocked by this question, begrudgingly says yes. He can hear thoughts. Oda, trembled as soon as Katou said those words. He knew it, he knew Katou was special. His savior. Oda then goes down on his knees and asks Katou to be his savior. This freaks out Katou, and Katou quickly realizes he made a mistake. He quickly says “im going home!” and runs off. Katou, freaking out and panicking in his bed. He cannot believe everything that Oda said. Him? His savior? You gotta be kidding me! He is insane! Of course, Oda follows him home!!! Oda enters Katous room, and katou freaks out more! bc wth!! Oda apologizes for abruptly asking him something so crazy. He states to Katou, he should’ve been clear and started off with his feelings first. Katou is like “Huh? feelings?” and Oda says “Yes. Katou, you’re very special to me. I love you” Katou couldnt believe what he was hearing. How could Oda love someone like him? He wanted him DEAD. He hated him! To fall in love with someone who had that much hatred for you, is foolish. Katou then explains all this to Oda, that he hates him.. he wanted him DEAD, bc of what happened in middle school. Oda listens carefully, his face shocked by what he is hearing. Then Katou admits it was him that got Oda killed. Oda asks him “Did you really make the bus move?” Katou hesitantly says “Yes, of course i mean, how couldnt it have been? i wanted you to die at that moment.. and then the truck started moving.. when you think about it, it had to have been me!” Oda is COMPLETELY ecstatic?????? He is SO happy! he says, “Dont you see?? You CHOSE me! You saved my life! Even though i was so awful to you back then, in the end you still chose to save me.” Which, makes sense. If we remember that at that moment Katou was pleading and begging for Oda to live and be ok. Why did he call out to Oda and beg for him to live if he hated him so much? Lol. Oda then explains to Katou that that day, the driver died and Oda lived, which made no sense considering Oda’s life threatening wounds and the drivers non wounds. This breaks Katou, because he sees now that he really did kill someone.. Oda is beyond happy. He hugs Katou, and kisses him. He thanks Katou for choosing him and being his savior. Oda then rapes Katou (jerjer). Katou, empty and dead inside, is unable to fully grasp everything anymore. He dissociates, because he cant bear it anymore. Oda fully drowns himself in Katou, and never wants to leave his side. One last time, Katou tries to resist, tries to be clear to Oda that he HATES him. Katou wraps his hands around Oda’s neck and tells him his hatred, and that he wished Oda had died back then. If it werent for Oda, then Katou could have a normal life like he wanted. Oda is happy, he chuckles. Nothing Katou could say atp would deter Oda and his love/obsession with him. Oda then lovingly tells Katou, “Dont forgive me then, until the day you die.” Katou then starts crying. He cant take it anymore. He doesnt want this. He doesnt want to be with Oda forever. He just..wants to be normal.. Oda then tenderly caresses Katou, and tells him, Only when we are together can we forget everything and become “normal” again. In this hellish world, the only ones who understand us are each other, and thus should be together forever. He tells Katou they should stay together forever, until the end of their days. Afterwards, Oda states he wants to get an apartment together, so that they never leave each others side. When he leaves, Katou notices the bruises and hickeys all over his body from the sex. Katou is like the hell..and says “What was he thinking leaving these marks all over me.” But then he realizes….why ARE there marks on his body? Shouldnt they have healed by now? Katou then wonders if his body and powers are changing again.. Katou gets a call from Oda(he ignores) and then a message from Oda, asking if they can be together again that day. Katou, unable to deal with this anymore, tries to run off. He says “I have to run, I have to get away from Oda” but Katou runs into a crowd and cannot stand the constant noise of everyones thoughts. He stumbles and sits on the ground, clutching his head, nauseas. Then he starts getting another call from Oda. He cant take it. He starts to panic. Then some rando almost trips on Katou and starts getting in his face. Katou, clearly not socially ept, cannot adequately answer back. The rando pushes Katou and threatens him with a fight. Katou, freaking out and panicking, braces for impact. Then, thankfully, Oda shows up and stops the man. He threatens the man and states he called the police. The man then runs off quickly. Oda then redirects his attention to Katou and asks him if he’s ok and if hes hurt. Katou asks him how he was able to find him and how he knew where he was. Oda responds “I suddenly felt uneasy and went looking for you. Then i saw you wrapped up with that guy, its a good thing i showed up before things got bad” Katou then realizes, for the first time ever, he felt a sense of calmness, relief, and security at seeing Oda’s face. But he is confused. The reason he got into that mess was because he was trying to run away from Oda. Or…did he subconsciously seek Oda out? With this, Katou then thanks Oda for saving him. Oda then says, “You dont need to thank me. Because, Katou, you’re special to me.” Oda then takes Katou to his place so Katou could feel safe and take a breather from what just happened. Katou appreciates it. At Oda’s place, Katou is now reliving what just happened back there. That was so scary and terrifying for Katou. Its traumatic. He starts shaking in a panic, rethinking how bad it could’ve gotten had Oda not found him. Oda then gently and lovingly holds Katou and tells him, “Its alright. Its just you and me here. Nothing scary is going to happen. You can come here whenever things get tough. No one can hurt you in this room, dont worry.” Katou starts tearing up. He wonders why… why being inside Oda’s arms…feels so warm? Katou then starts crying bawling and Oda gently comforts and caresses him. After Katou falls asleep crying, Oda takes it upon him to snuff out anyone that hurts Katou. He prepares a mallet and hides his identity, and goes out to kill the man that hurt Katou that day. As time goes on, they both become dependent on each other, as if they were seeking a high. Oda shows Katou the world of intense pleasure in sex, and Katou becomes dependent on Oda’s warmth and safety. They both become engulfed in each other Over time, Katou loses his powers, and can no longer hear other people’s thoughts. Of course, he doesnt rly seek to hurt himself anymore. As the years go by, his dependency on Oda turns into a strange twisted form of love, like Stockholm syndrome. Katou realizes he cant ever leave Oda, he needs him in his life. He is crazy about him now, which is funny considering he hated him so much in the past. Katou is still anxious and jumpy, and has no social skills, but no longer as depressed now and not suicidal. He comes home every day to Oda like a little puppy, and just becomes engulfed in Oda’s pampering and babying of Katou, with all the love Oda wants to give him. Katou comes to realize, his new fears now are if Oda will leave him one day. Because atp he cant live without him now. Since Katou now also loves Oda. He admits to himself, if Oda ever left him, he’d beg and cry for him not to. Oda is now beyond happy. He gets to now live with the one important and special person in his life. At some point, after Katou lost his ability to hear other’s thoughts and became normal, Oda was then able to hear Katou’s thoughts! Oda, of course, lovingly welcomed this change. Of course he doesnt tell Katou about it, that he already been knew that Katou’s powers have been gone for years and he has now been able to hear his thoughts. Oda loves this. We also see that Oda takes it upon himself to murder every single person that ever hurts Katou, including the bullies who made his life miserable in middle school. Oda thinks its so silly for Katou to have these anxieties about their relationship atp. Because even if Katou no longer had powers, Oda would absolutely never leave him. Oda is beyond obsessed and in love with Katou now. Nothing can ever tear them apart. And u know what? Katou is fine with that now. END


Ongoing | MINAMI Kiriko | 2000 released

GODDAMN!!!!! DARK GRITTY ANGSTY TABOO INSANE STORY!!!! Extreme sadistic abusive seme older brother x Extreme masochistic doormat uke young brother Unfortunately it was discontinued early and there are some plot holes and inconsistencies towards the end, but its to be expected if it got discontinued. My only nitpicking is i wish the younger brother has a little bit more confidence in himself and defied the older bro more, instead of just accepting getting beat up all the time lol. It would have made it juicier~ But alas~ It was very good either way! They are also BIOLOGICALLY RELATED BROTHERS LOL

Time's Up

Ongoing | Oh Chae,Dalky | 2023 released

SO GOOD!!! MC used to severely bully these twin brothers. Like super bully them. Why? Because they were gay. THATS IT. MC was a POS shitstain towards them and humiliated them at school and made their lives miserable. Turns out, MCs homophobic aggression was also bc one of the twins (brown haired one) Confessed to MC at school that he liked him. MC of course didnt like that AT ALL so he beat the shit out of him. Years later now the brothers become multi billionaires and have their own company, and are ready to enact their revenge now. They send out an approval letter to MC for a position in the company. MC who is desperate for a job, takes it. Once hired, he makes friends quickly with the employees. But after work, the brothers invite him out for drinks. While drinking, the twins reveal who they are, and why they hired MC for. MC is taken aback and fondly remembers the times he bullied them. Not happy, the brothers tell him that they will pay him 5k every time for a session where they can do whatever they want to him. MC obliges, bc he wants the money and isnt aware that they mean sexual stuff. They trick him and it escalates. MC is sickened with them and his homophobia jumps out lol. MC now makes adjustments to their contract: every session has to be recorded so he has proof in case they decide to chicken out. They also include an additional clause; if at any point he gives up, then their torture on him will be worse than ever. He naively agrees, thinking its just gonna be more masturbation stuff. At work, they call MC in their office and demand he masturbate again in front of them before the company meeting starts. MC begrudgingly obliges. MC hates all this. But he loves the money lol. He buys himself a new car with the money. He then gets a date with one of the female employees. He takes her out and they enjoy themselves, but then the brothers interupt and play it off like o i just saw u just now! lol. They request MC follow them to a separate room. In there they insert stuff in his ass for the first time. MC HATES IT!!! Then they finish and MC cant believe what happened to him. Next day everyone at work alienates him. Why? Bc the brown haired brother told everyone MC was gay. MC is FURIOUS. Why would he lie to them about that?? MC now wants out but the brothers tell him, “Is that even possible? Ur already used to our money lol. If u stay being our toy, then we’ll promise you a lavish house, pay off ur car, and give u more money” MC then agrees. Now he realizes he is stuck. The brothers then continue to play with his ass, and then he gets fucked raw for the first time by the brown haired brother hmmmm. Brown haired dude seemed to rly like thaaaat. Afterward MC is at their beck and call. Constantly the same thing, ass play, urethral play, ball gag, restraints and whipping. Brown haired sibling then buys MC the house they promised. Other brother questions why he bought such a house when its doing too much. Brown haired says “I wanna make sure my toy is safe~” hmmmm Other sibling then visits on his own and absolutely tortures MC with lots of whipping and a giant dildo. Then he leaves MC like that bc he fucking hates him so much. Next day when he tells brown haired that he already visited MC and he should see for himself what he did, brown haired decides to leave work early. Other sibling sighs and says “Ur too nice” When brown haired sees MCs state, he gets angry. he then takes MC to the hospital. When MC wakes up, hes like “u didnt need to bring me here” and brown haired is like “gotta take care of my precious toy ;)” and gently brushes his cheek. MC confused and weirded out, then remembers that brown haired sibling actually CONFESSED to him lmao. He finds this useful. Upon discharge MC then tries to butter up brown hair by being like “lets go home and have lunch together!” to which brown haired is like okay. Once they arrive, MC tries to seduce him by kissing him? but brown haired grabs his head and tells him to know his place, and makes him succ his ddddd lmao. MC HATES it. Afterwards tho, we see sum reflection or thinking from brown haired sibling hmmmmmm Throughout all this, MC ultimately HATES having to submit to their torture ass play. They force him to cum and he hates it. Tho slowwwwllly we can see he is starting to change a little. Anyways, MC gets a call from a friend and they meet up for drinks and to catch up. MC gets a little too drunk tho and spills that he spreads his cheeks for money. Friend doesnt believe him and just lols. Then brown haired guy CALLS MCs phone?? Why hmmm. Since MC is too drunk, the friend picks up and tells brown haired that MC is too drunk. Brown haired then comes to pick up MC. Friend is very suspicious of the dude and follows them. Brown haired notices this and walks into an alleyway demands MC succ him off for 10k. MC drunkily obliges, not realizing that his friend is watching. Friend cant believe what hes seeing, and runs off. Next day, MC wakes up not knowing what happened last night. When he gets a call from his friend saying they need to talk, MC is confused. When they meet up, friend states that last night MC was talking about selling his ass. MC frantically rebutes it as just a joke bro. Friend doesnt look convinced obv bc he saw MC succing. Then we see Brown haired at the office looking stressed. He gets up and plans to see MC. sibling is like “To play with him?” and brown haired responds “i guess” and sibling is like “well thats what hes for :” CLIFF HANGER LEFT OFF CH 21!!!! Friend admits to MC that he saw him succing someone off in the alley last night. MC feels so embarrassed and reluctantly admits the entire truth to his friend. Then brown haired calls MC and the friend picks it up instead. Those two get into a mini argument over the phone. After the call, the friend then tells MC be has to run away and he’ll help him. MC obliges. They run off to a motel and they try to brainstorm what to do next. Friend starts thinking how crappy this situation is for his friend, but it seems to makes sense since MC has a pretty face and mouth..then he starts to reimagine when he saw MC succing then he starts blushing oooooop! Unfortunately for them, the brown haired found them and took them away! Don’t understand why MC just then tells him he’s had enough but ig MC is too deep in it now. Brown haired forces MC to suck him. Friend yells out for MC to snap out of it, is this how he wants to live? Brown haired then tells him “You can stop any time you want, and i’ll let you go back to the shitty boring life you had. But can you really live without my dick?” to which MC curses himself and continues to succ willingly now. Friend cant believe this and then gets a b0ner?? omfg LEFT OFF CH 24!!!!!

Chou to Kumo no Su

Complete | Akabeko | 2000 released

its OK. Was expecting more. MC’s mom dies and her boyfriend then slowly replaces her absence with her son. He seems overly possessive and controlling, not allowing MC to go out and making him get a womb tattoo. At some point bc of all the grooming , MC developed Stockholm syndrome and didnt mind the sexual abuse anymore. But the boyfriend doesnt seem to want to come to terms with that? He prefers if MC kept putting up a fight or something. Pretty weird and unsatisfying. Its all fondling and jerking offf MC until HS, then back door play with fingers after. Only 1 jerjer scene and it was towards the end when MC liked being the boyfriend’s slave replacement at that points. Mostly psychological manga with dull plot. The characters arent very expressive except for key moments. Plot moves slow for a manga with only 2 chapters. The boyfriend’s sex circus show thing eventually got exposed and he had to flee, leaving MC behind. End.

Kokoro O Korosu Houhou

Complete | kashio | 2014 released

Fantastic amazing story. MC gets repeatedly raped by his step bro and he HATES IT. MC has a mental break and allows step bro to just go to him and rape him. Its almost like a self harm kind of thing. Bc he hates it yet is numb to the rape. He still physically feels it and moans thooo. At some point MC has enough and quits his job (this is bc he had a crush on his senpai at work but when they started going out the step bro ruined it all by fucking MC while he was on the phone with the senpai. Then the senpai is angry at MC for cheating on him [he doesnt know the full story or that mc is being threatened and blackmail with a video, and thus breaks up with MC] and causes MC to spiral), he changes his phone number and moves out of his apartment. He tries to run, get away from the pain of it all..but his brother eventually finds him. And they do jerjers a lot. MC then decides to kill step bro by giving him a sleeping pill and choking him. Yet, he couldnt do it. He simply couldnt. He then calls his step mom and tells her everything. MC then decides to OD on the sleeping pills. When he wakes up in the hospital, he finds out the stop mom died(probably bc she needed to rest plus the agony of learning your son was raping your step son the whole time), and that step bro was taken away to live with his relatives on mother side. Everyone blamed Hikaru on the step moms death bc the step mom initially went out looking for him when she saw he left the house. But we know it was being exposed to the elements and also learning the truth of her son raping her step son that killed her. So essentially it was both their faults! Anyways, This gives MC time to heal as best as he can with his father and seek therapy. He works part time. At the step mom’s 3rd year anniversary, MC decides to send step bro an invitation. We see its bc he wanted to reach out. Step bro doesnt want MCs pity, or to hear MC ask if he’s repented. MC then admits it wasnt step bros fault that step mom died, but his. bc he told her the whole truth. Imo it was both their faults. They both cry in this air of like, acceptance for what theyve done. In the manga they are described as two partners in crime who know each other the best out of everyone. The two meet up occasionally to talk casually. Senpai sees this and exclaims to MC why tf is he meeting up with Hikaru. Hikaru gently tells, basically, Hikaru hasnt changed one bit..and he was relieved at that. and he wasnt changed either. Neither have. Woah. We then see step bro and MC at step bros place and they kiss and try jerjer but MC says the trauma has caused him to become impotent. Whaaaaaat. Thats the end. They remain with each other. MC has developed severe stokholm syndrome and step bro remains obsessed with him. They remain with each other in their own suffering. Relenting to each other, bc atp the only ppl who understand their inner darkness and pain is each other. A shakespearean tragedy.