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cocobunny's manga / #Possessive lover(41)

Stockholm syndrome

Ongoing | Kimpa, PACHE,Daddy kim | 2000 released

OHHH MY GODDDDD????!:?:!:!:!/!???!!! POSSESSIVE AF SENE HE IS LOTERALLY INSANE LITERALLLY A PSYCHOPATH I LOVE HIM SM!!!! Ch 35 when they about to do the jerjer in the tub after 10 yrs of seme being in prison for attempted murder (of the guy uke got caught having sex with [seme secretly recorded them bc he is OBSESSED with uke!!!]) and same-sex rape! (uke didnt testify against this or w/e). Seme is now rich and is chief of a company??? ex-con to chief…hmm possibly he is a gangster now! At this point……UKE IS STUCK WITH HIM….He can never EVER escape seme!!! He got Stockholm syndrome BAAADDF!! LEFT OFF CH 39 : They been living domestically (he has no CHOICE tho lmfao!!!) There are cameras everywhere to monitor him and the doors are always locked and there are always guards. poor dude can only live in the room. Eventually He has earned enough trust to be allowed to go out and shop at a supermarket to cook dinner. But then he gets a text from someone (a friend??? idk, i didnt recognize the name so may have to reread the story). and he immediately freaks out bc seunghun heard it and before anyone can react jeubin cuts himself with the knife (by accident?) when he was cutting onions. Seuhngun tells me he is not allowed to use knives anymore and he is only allowed to use scissors (ok then how is he supposed to cook dinner if he cant use knives????stupid head???). He sits him down and leaves to bring a bandaid. Jeubin quickly gets up and hides his phone in his bag and sits back down. Seunghun comes back and places bandaid on the cut & says he doesnt want spicy beef soup for dinner anymore. Theres silence. Then jeubin asks him whats wrong. Immediately the air is TENSE and SCARY!!! Seunghun says “Your phone. It was here on the table a minute ago. Where is it” OOP ….. Jeubin then states “I put my phone in the charger” and suggests they order pizza. Seunghun believes it for like 2.5 seconds before Jeubin tells on himself by sighing loudly in relief lmao dumb. Seunghun then tells him to start talking. Jeubin admits that he received a call from a friend(?), Kim Seungjoo, who he met up with back in the day. But last time they hung out Jeubin told him to stop contacting him bc it just kept bringing back bad memories of that time in the past. But for some reason, he contacte Jeubin anyway. Seunghun asks Jeubin what was the reason & Jeubin says he doesnt kno since he didnt answer anyway. Seunghun asks him why not and Jeubin says there was no reason to. Seunghun then looks at him all scary and says “So you and Kim Seungjoo are still in contact with each other?” This is chilling lol Jeubin tells him NOT to misunderstand bc its not like that. But then the PSYCHO just takes Jeubin’s phone. CALLS SEUNGJOO, And tells him that he and Jeubin have sex everyday and not to contact Jeubin anymore if he doesnt wanna get hurt??? asdfghjsjes???! But then when Jeubin frantically takes the phone back, and tells Seungjoo “I’ll call you back later!” it turns out SEUNGHUN DIDNT ACTUALLY CALL SEUNGJOO AT ALL!! IT WAS JUST A FIB!! OMG! Then he tells Jeubin that if Seungjoo calls him again then to say those exact words They argue a little over that and then do the jerjer. During which Jeubin i guess admits to himself that he really does like Seunghun, even tho hes crazy af. Then they have a little talk and Seunghun admits he’s crazy for Jeubin, if that weren’t obvious already. While at a cafe, Jeubin wonders to himself if he actually loves Seunghun back. Which, realistically, he really SHOULDNT? Bc he is being held captive against his will?? Lmao???? But he thinks back to what Seungho said, about Jeubin being his first for everything. As such, Jeubin feels a sense if responsibility to be with him. Its not clicking that he really has no other choiceeee lol Minwoo shows up and asks to talk. (apparently he was apparently pushed off a bridge in college but he survived it somehow idk i forgot what the scene was in that chapter but everyone thought it was seunghun who did it). He survived and discuses Seunghun with Jeubin, how they both worked together to make sure he got the maximum sentence in jail. Well, to make sure Minwoo stays away, Jeubin starts telling him all about how the sex he and Seunghun have is the best sex ever & that he is crazy for him. Minwoo doesnt believe him but Jeubin tells him to do ahead and use his cell to call Seunghun if he doesnt believe him. We find out Jeubin says all this stuff to rile him up bc the last time a guy was involved he got killed. So Jeubin doesnt want that to happen again. He then leaves the car they were talking in and calls Seunghun to have sex. While Jeubin is at home some guy??? Comes in. I guess he knows Seunghun and asks Jeubin if they’re living together. Jeubin says “isn’t it obv?” idk if hes a prosecutor or was involved in the case. But then he says “So the victim has decided ti shack up with his attacker” lol. But we then realize that this rude guy was actually Seunghun’s bully he mentioned in ch 15, and i think Seunghun tried to kill him as revenge afterwards in school. But anyways then in college i think this guy reported an attemoted murder and thus resulted in Seunghun getting max sentence. OH MY FUCKING GOD. No. Pls. It cant be. We find out. That this rude guy, ALSO gets fucked by Seunghun T_T apparently Seunghun likes to screw around and mess with the pretty ones (why? Probably from the trauma/experience of wanting Jeungin so badly in college or maybe the bully was the catalyst for him causing him to want to be cruel and mean to all pretty boys afterwards). Jeubin’s face… T_T ugh just leaVe that awful place. Anyway, Seunghun calls and this guy picks up the phone. He starts asking why Seunghun hasnt been to see him recently, is it bc he has a new plaything? Does his ass taste better than his? All this shit he asks on the phone in front of Jeubin. Jeubin is beyond furious, hurt, and maybe even confused. Thinking is rapist/kidnapper loved him fr. But then, why should he think such a thing, if hes a victim? In a rage, Jeubin leaves. Guy tells him that Seunghun will be there soon and if he sticks around maybe they can have a threeway. Jeubin gets more mad and tells him “Whether you two fuck each other or not has nothing to do with me!” and leaves. In the taxi he reminisces when Seunghun tells him he loves him, and starts crying. He has the taxi take him to a nearbye bridge. He then calls Kim SeungJoo. Seungjoo shows up and they talk and he prepositions Jeubin to come over for sex as a way to make him feel better i guess?? But then SEUNGHUN shows up! He somehow finds Jeubin?? Seunghun is PISSED OFF. He says it took him 2 fucking hours ti find Jeubin, and he is BEYOND angry and he wants to KILL. So he grabs Jeubin to take him back home to discuss why he left, but then Kim tries to get him to let go of Jeubin but then Seunhun just kicks Kim in the face and tells his assistant to grab him. Jeubin keeps trying to fight Seunghun off and tells at him to tell him go. Seunghun tells him to shut up before he throws BOTH his assistant and Kim off the bridge omg. Seunghun then says that hes so mad that he could just kill Kim rn. Jeubin tells him not to or else, but the. Seunghun punches him to get him to shut up. Then he takes him back home. At home we see that there was..a fight that broken and blood everywhere o_o; Seunghun demands and asks Jeubin why he is acting thus way and why he left? As if Jeubin didnt hear what that ither douche said on the phone out loud?? Seunghun again asks Jeubin why he’s acting this way. Jeubin in a roundabout way tells him that he was chastised by Seunghun in the past for being a slut that fucks many, so why is Seunghun doing the same? He inadvertently says that Seunghun is a two timing bastard and he is upset. And why did he say all that stuff earlier about lovjng him if he has sex with other men? Seunghun realizes this and is happy?? That Jeubin is jealous & that jeubin is upset bc he thought Seunghun was having an affair? He says “Lets clear up the misunderstanding. I have only ever done it with you.” and that he put the other guy in the hospital for joking around on the phone (hence why theres blood everywhere). So turns out that was hust a big little funny that the other guy tried to do but it backfired on him bc Seunghun came home all angry for joking like that and almost killed him & then went to look fir his Jeubin :D Now Jeubin still doesnt believe him and he still feels hurt but Seunghun reiterates that he only knows how to pleasure Jeubin and that is that. they do the jerjer They then get matching watches instead of rings as committing to one another. Then do more jerjer. Jeubin confesses he only loves Seunghun and no one else, thus the confinement isn’t necessary. But i assume he knows jt wont ever stop. Anyways, he is still holed up but enjoys it i guess? LEFT OFF CH 53


Ongoing | Sundal | 2019 released

INSANE AMAZING LOVE IT..,LEFT OFF CH 6 CH 8’ CH9 LEFT OFF CH 24 LEFT OFF CH 30: UKE MEETS THE DOC/DAD & SEME IS REVEALED TO MAKE DRUGS W HIS BODY BC HE WAS CREATED IN A LAB THUS HE IS THE GOLDEN GOAT?? Basic synopsis: Guy who WAS born into a well-off family; blew it all away on gambling. He is a selfish, spineless, pathetic, narcissistic, greedy fuck who used anyone and everyone to get more money for gambling and stock trading. He couldnt even hold down a job bc he also has no work ethic. Eventually, his parents cut him off from the family completely and disowned him bc he just brought shame and embarrassment to the family. Same goes for any friends he had, they cut off ties with him. Bottom of the barrel now, but his personality is still rotten. To the point where, while dressed in a fancy-ish suit, will approach some poor construction ladies taking a break and berate them for not working. He’ll make elaborate claims that he owns the construction company that employs them, and if they dont want to get in trouble for slacking then they should pay up now and give him money. Absolute scumbag. YET SOMEHOW, there is an individual out there who LOVES this guy and his rotten personality. Cue the seme, he is also extremely well off and handsome and intelligent and has everything handed to him. He is also born into a wealthy family. While we dont know much about him, we DO KNOW that he fell head-over-heels for scumbag-kun at some point. His love grew into a psychotic obsession and he ends up kidnapping the MC. He brings him into a warehouse and ties him up and jerjers him while he’s unconscious. When MC comes to, he thinks he can threaten and scare his way out of this with cheap tactics, of course. Seme is unfazed and proceeds to further show how obsessed and psycho he is for MC. MC is completely disgusted and shocked at Seme’s “love” for him. Seme rationalizes the MC’s grossed out reaction due to his parents always dragging him to church every sunday. MC Is shocked and freaked out that seme knows that about him—which begs the question, how much does he know?? (a lot, we find out. Seme tracked MC’s browser movements and clicks and all his stocks transactions). MC tries to overpower him but this doesnt work as Seme is somehow a super human and has insane strength, so when MC tried to tackle seme down it didnt really do much. This only turned on seme “I never thought you would be on top of me like this” with a creepy ecstatic erotic look. He then jerjers MC forcefully rapes him. MC HATES ITTTTTTT. We also see that seme apparently somehow installed some kind of body physiological tracker chip inside the MC’s body, for easy access and reading of MC’s body reactions. MC eventually passes out and the seme’s butler/worker/secretary comes in and lets him know that they should pack MC in the trunk to bring him into their home/hotel/place. This shows that seme has an accomplice. MC wakes up & seme washes him. Then he takes him to bed where he is tied up. Seme explains that this will be MC’s new home. MC is determined to escape somehow but seme never ever seems to leave his side. MC reluctantly gets used to the routine of being fed and washed, but he doesnt stop thinking of escaping. At some point seme thinks that MC is pent up and offers to jerk him off but MC hates it. He also reminds seme that he SAID he wouldnt do anything that he doesnt like, sex included! Seme stated of course he’ll keep his word. After seme cums on MC’s face, he goes off to shower. Then seme’s accomplice comes in and hands MC some towels and change of sheets. MC’s begs him for help but the accomplice says no since he just started working there. MC gets frustrated and angry and demands to be let go. Accomplice laughs at MC’s rotten personality, and assures him that the seme gets tired of things easily. And not to worry bc seme will get tired of him at some point but advised him to play nice for now otherwise he’ll get hit by seme. And since seme has super strength then it’ll definitely hurt him baaaad. He stated that with enough time seme will get bored of MC and give him hush money. MC immediately gets excited about this -__- and asks repeatedly asks how much money. He gets so happy like he forgot his current situation smh. Accomplice assures him that MC will get his sex-pay . Lol ouch.

Chase the dragon

Ongoing | Wagon,Drift | 2019 released

Osananajimi ha Syuuchaku Love Monster

Ongoing | Fuji isshiki | 2019 released

cant tell if the possessive friend is actually possessive in an evil way or a golden retriever dog way

Kimi no Tabegoro

Complete | Yoriko | 2000 released

Seme is the heir and will inherit family shop, so he is well off. His childhood friend and neighbor has always been why his side; they have basically been inseparable since they were babies. Seme at some point fell in love with uke and is very clingy and cutely possessive of him (non-aggressive way). Uke doesnt mind, he is used to the seme’s over protective and clingy self. At some point they started to jerk off together. The plot doesn’t explain how or when but it was the seme’s idea. Inadvertently, this does make the uke subconsciously develop feelings for seme but he doesnt realize it of course lol. Uke’s little sis wants a birthday present so uke wants to look for a part time job. Seme states uke can work at his family’s shop (he is very pushy with this obviously bc that means more time to send with uke & obviously he doesnt want uke to work at a random place). As uke starts working, he gets to see a cooler and different side if the seme. He is impressed and he likes it. Uke thanks seme for allowing him to work at his family’s shop and asks what he would like in return. Seme asks if he can give uke a BJ. Uke is like WHAT NO???! Seme then requests “Ok then go out with me <3” to which uke also rejects. In the end uke allows seme to give him a BJ. Uke didnt dislike it and wasn’t uncomfortable. Which prompts him to ask his friend about it bc it confuses him (bc he doesnt realize he likes seme derr). He talks to friend and i think friend pretends to confess and stuff ti make a point that uke’s feelings for seme are genuine and unique, and not just one a friendly “as friends” way, bc uke didnt react at all to his friend’s advances. Unfortunately, seme interrupts at a bad moment and takes uke away. He starts groping and kissing uke and he doesn’t like that. He doesnt like the seme just doing as he pleases especially when he is still unsure of his own feelings. He asks the seme for some space. Seme agrees but he is sad and regretful of his actions. As he is given space, uke starts to feel lonely. He then realizes that while he is unsure of his feelings rn, he definitely knows that he hates being separated from the seme. So he runs to semes house to talk. Seme initially thinks that uke came over to reject him. But uke quells this idea. He explains his side of feelings and seme is overjoyed. Seme reminds uke that he will always stay by uke’s side as long as he is ok with it. Time goes by and seme does his best to be on good behavior, such as keeping a good amount of distance, letting the uke go out with his friends, not seeming overly jealous, etc. Uke takes it the wrong way and thinks that seme lost interest. he shows up seme’s house with stuff and snacks and basically forces them to hangout lol. Uke then asks seem why he’s been different lately. Seme explains he just doesnt want to be overly greedy and make a mistake like last time, since he considers uke to be so precious to him. He doesnt want to do anything that would upset uke. Uke then asks about the girl he saw seme talk ti and seme explains the girl just asks for advice since she likes their friend. Seme asks uke if he’s jealous bc he likes him (seme asks teasingly but not overly serious). Uke thinks about it, and finally admits/realizes that yea, he likes seme. Seme is beyond happy. They then kiss and do jerjer and live happily ever after :)

Breath The Same Air

Ongoing | yuuji , Dasik | 2000 released

Rugged and rude guy x Clean cut intelligent guy. They knew each other since childhood but parents had divorce. Naturally hate each other bc of their differing personalities and outlook. After rugged guy comes back from the military, he moves in with the clean polite one out of request from his mother. Arguments and trouble and hilarity ensues Both start to realize feelings for each other (rugged one may have already had feelings of attraction for the clean guy since they were preteens but probabably mistook it for envy/and wanting to bully the person (bc you like them). But he also apparently hates how “fake” he can be with his fake polite smile (but in polite guy’s defense he literally says its normal to have a good facial response as an adult ti certain situations its calling being mature lmao). Rugged finds out polite guy is gay (via toys-etcetc), and bullies him relentlessly for it. This further fuels his attraction for him, and it all deepens when he accidentally catches him jerking off and also when he accidentally walks in in polite guy’s friend trying to remove a vibrating egg from his ass. Rugged guy starts getting possessive and lustful for the polite guy. He eventually becomes aware of this and realizes he wants to have polite guy as his lover. He has the brilliant idea of drugging him with an aphrodisiac so that polite guy has no choice but to have sex with him lmao. Polite guy, meanwhile, is severely annoyed by Rugged’s brash rudeness and uncleanliness. Its irritating, awful, and a disturbance to his regular calm life. However, he slowly grows fond over him, despite his horrible temper. He views the Rugged guy as cute, somehow. Like a cute grumpy elementary school boy who got his toy taken from him, kind of way. One he realizes his growing affection for Rugged, he is unsure what to do. He doesnt like that Rugged makes money by going with with woman as a jiggalo. He doesnt want to make it obvious that it bothers him Or that he has feelings for him now, so he keeps it hidden. Eventually, Rugged’s bullying him for being gay really sets him off. He cant take it anymore and decides that Rugged needs to be punished or at least taught a lesson. He decides that the best solution is to drug him with an aphrodisiac and force him to see Polite with lustful eyes, then Polite can make fun of him back. This all backfires spectacularly and they both end up doing the jerjer~ They decide to give each other their everything and selves, and become lovers. Fin. Ch 36. (could have sworn i already wrote up this entire plot before?)

Hoshoku-sha Kisumi-kun

Complete | TORIBA Yuuji | 2018 released

crazy obsessed childhood friend seme x busy news reporter uke they have been together all their life but seme has had an unreq love for uke since they met. Uke lowkey is subconsciously aware of these feelings (very very slightly) but he doesnt bring it up or acknowledge it to himself at all, he simply accepts and allows the seme to dote on him thru out their childhood and even as HS kids (one instance uke woke up from napping during class and noticed seme was gone. classmates teased him that he looked like a baby bird looking for its mother). Seme just always stays by his side bc all he needs in life if the uke. Is is very obsessed over him. On day uke felt depressed over some things and said “I want to die” and the seme Did Not like this at all. He cant bear or imagen not having the uke in his life. So he responded “Then i’ll eat you” this freaked uke out and snapped out of his moody moments wheneve seme said that. As adults things remain the same. Until uke overworked himself and seme had to admit him to the hospital. This upsetted Seme. He did not like seeing the object of his obsession/affections collapsed due to fatigue. Thus he made the decision to have the uke move in with him, so he can keep an eye in him and his health and of course have more access to him. But even so, uke still doesn’t acknowledge the seme’s obsessive love for him. We find out that yes the uke had a feeling lowkey that seme like him, but he didnt wanna acknowledge it yet bc he liked how seme ‘chased after’ him and it made uke feel wanted. Uke liked that a lot. Regardless, seme felt that even after all this time, being close childhood friends wasnt working in getting his feelings across. So he decides to chain up the uke and keep him bound. Uke is surprised and doesnt like it at first. But then eventually realizes that he DOES like the love and attention seme gives him, and that he is in the situation he is in bc he took seme’s love for granted. He asked for sex and seme said No bc they werent dating yet and seme didnt want to be just sex friends (even tho uke is chained and has no choice either way lol). Uke felt pained but then realize this is exactly what seme must have felt all these years. Uke then makes himself clear: he loves seme. and opens up. Seme is then so relieved and they do jerjer

Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou

Complete | Tokishiba | 2000 released

excellent jerjer scenes. Good plot for short story!

Sadistic Beauty BL Sidestory

Complete | Lee Geumsan | 2000 released