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david_holmes's manga / #Manhua/Manhwa(203)

Love History Caused by Willful Negligence

Ongoing | Woojootokkang,Ginjyo | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter 66). (Read official scans for c28,30 and continue from c31 onwards but before & c29 only fan translations; also art for seme is COMPLETELY changed by the chapter 20s). ? full penetrative sex scenes (c64 jealous seme possessively makes uke suck his big dick again in the car; c59 (first physical sexual thing) forced blowjob, uke is forced by seme to suck him off and it’s all uncensored with big cock seme and it’s out of nowhere (there was no hint of sex to this suddenly like a 180 wow!); c51 first kiss uke kisses seme first and then seme fueled by both anger and desire pounces uke). The reason I’m on the fence about reading this is that for some reason there are two versions where the art is VASTLY DIFFERENT from one another… I have no idea why it’s like the artist decided to redo the whole work from scratch. Personally I don’t like it because the seme for example (and uke for that matter) look like two completely different person. While the uke looks cleaner and more cute in the second (more recent I assume) version, seme looks less masculine and kinda wonky, I preferred his more manly handsome earlier counterpart… But I love that while uke looks the cutesy type, he has a goal and he does it well. He’s got backbone from the getgo doing everything he needs to do impeccably (first rate manager) for his own purpose (revenge)! Hetero sex seme (c56). C05: Uke’s true motive to expose the shitty rotten person who is the famous beloved actor Lee Wooyeon (seme) is revealed, probably due to some past event that uke wants revenge for. The reason uke is so efficient, knowledgeable and perfect as manager is all the work he put for this day. Also, seme is a womanising jerk with a rotten personality for real but pretends to be this nice gentleman. C06: Not sure yet if it’s fake or real but POSSESSIVE SEME when uke was taking care of a crying girl child actor and the caretaker asked if uke could stay with her a bit until her scene and seme said uke is HIS manager and was moody with uke a bit (it could be a ploy to find a reason to fire uke but it seems real!). [cont] Cunning shrewd seme already knows from the way uke is that uke is lying about saying he’s seme’s fan. Seme says uke is the perfect manager as he’s intuitive to all his needs even when he wants space, this is why seme dislikes him, uke is too perfect as seme’s manager. Yet seme is still jealous and possessive that uke is taking care of another haha. C07: Flashback high school when uke’s close American (?) female friend Jennifer (Jenny) (a fat rabbit toothed blond girl) had a crush on seme who was a super handsome, popular, smart, gentle “Prince” and told uke about him. He was also a celebrated football quarterback (jock haha). Uke meanwhile was a sickly boy with congenital heart disease and had 3 surgeries by high school. Seme true bad guy personality comes out when we find that the previous good luck stone seme gave uke for safe keeping which uke lost when the film crew made him ride a roller coaster for a scene (uke always had a weak heart so he never rode roller coaster as that’s dangerous but even if he can now it’s still too much for him), turns out that seme was the one who took it and threw it away. It’s one of the “pranks” (trick) he does to have a reason to fire the managers in the past (generally he’d give him an important task or item for safe keeping, then steal it and have them blame themselves until they quit from low self esteem. Seme likes to destroy people from the inside like that. He just did that to uke and revels the horrible panic uke feels and thinks he can just fire uke. C08: More shitty personality seme who’s cussing out uke for trying to find the lost item (which seme took back in the first place) F-bombing uke but pretending to be nice and helping uke trying to find it. Seme is annoyed as to why uke whom he knows hates seme would go to suck lengths to pretend to help him if he hates seme so much. C10: Seme goes looking for uke and finds uke about to be raped by some men. C11: Flashback uke high school days (he mentioned in a previous chapter that he was an adopted Asian kid so I guess he grew up in the States or something?) of being bullied by some American white kids calling him “China”. At first, I thought it takes place in America but uke then moved back to Korea. But if both seme and uke were in the same place back in high school, does that mean that seme also grew up in the States? Hmm I’m confused. Because the current locations are Korean. I hate that it’s not clear because both MCs are Korean… Anyway, unsurprisingly the head bully (jock type Fred) was lusting after uke and tried to rape uke when uke said he was going back to his country and anywhere where that bully wasn’t while bully was like “bitch where do you think you’re going” and his friend Jenny saved him then by bashing that rapist bully’s head with a trophy lol … That’s how they became best friends. [cont] In present times, uke is about to be raped by some men again (I think uke is the honey trap type where he is seductive to men and seme men) and seme comes to his rescue. C13: Sociopathic seme was drilled to keep his impulses to hurt others in check as he can’t understand that on an emotional celebrity so memorised then as rules of society but when he looks at uke his deep urges flow back to hurt and bully. C16: Uke saved seme’s life (he rescued him from the frozen one as seme admitted to uke he can’t swim) after a fight with some hooligans (the same ones who seme saved uke from when they tried to molest uke) even though seme knows uke ages him so he’s completely lost as to what to think now but since then seme has become obsessed with uke even stalking him watching him sleep in the hospital at night and is super nice and gentle to uke as in wanting to get closer ans spend more time with uke. Since seme is a sociopath, maybe he wants to observe uke more closely to know why he saved him when he knows uke hates him or maybe seme became attached to uke because uke save him simply, not sure. C17: Seme being quietly furious uke is hiding something from him and thinking “tell me right now… I can’t even smash the back of his head.” And then thinking how disgusting it is that uke has such innocent eyes while trying so hard to deceive him. Seme is a freak seriously lol. C21: Flashback of high school where uke first sees seme. They’re in the same city in the States and uke realises that the Prince his girl friend Jenny is talking about is Asian but so totally different from uke. He’s tall, handsome, strong, broad shouldered, popular, and beloved even then. Seme looks absolutely stunning in his American football attire, so unattainable. C22: Seme is getting close to bewildered uke and invading his space over and being nice and nosy and kind much to uke’s discomfort. Seme is trying to dissect uke and his deep curiosity to dismantle uke is becoming obsessive. He enjoys bullying uke subtly and wants to mess up uke completely to enjoy uke’s misery. C26: Evil seme seems to become jealous and possessive when he sees uke being close to others. Like when he accidentally mentioned Jenny a few chapters back. When uke slaps away seme’s grabbing hand from uke’s wrist seme is very upset but pushes it down as they’re in public and thinks “stupid son of a bitch. I show some kindness and you forget your place.” C28-29: Uke met seme when they were both at the once-a-month Korean student association for high school students to reconnect with their Korean roots. I’m surprised seme doesn’t remember uke when he even spoke to him… Seme seems to have also grown up abroad just like uke (same place and all) and even back then in high school seme was very smart and talented and unlike uke who had a hard time with Korean language seme was flawless. C31: GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY BELLYYY!! Even if seme’s a trash seme psycho sociopath evil bitch who doesn’t care about uke and is just curious and cusses out uke in his head calling him all kinds of names and demeaning him on any given day, we still got SUPER JEALOUS SEME who after uke says he needs to see “Kate” (his house plant), a bit of the evil seme appears when he shuts the car door and with a cold look quietly asks (demands) who’s Kate. Then proceeds to grill uke like an interrogation (even though he keeps saying he doesn’t want to know anything about this idiot) indirectly insult and put uke down passive aggressively from jealousy (also thinking in his head that he can’t believe an idiot like uke lives with a foreigner). I love that even though seme thinks he wants to find a way to fire and get rid of uke his thoughts and actions betray his true feelings as he gets pissed even uke draws an invisible line that keeps seme away from uke which makes him want to push harder. Jealous Possessive Seme calling uke immediately after reaching home to come to his house for no reason but to read scripts calling over uke right after he imagined uke panting over some woman (jealous possessive seme). Seme admits to himself he wants uke’s time and loyalty solely for himself so possessive seme cockblocking uke (is what seme thinks even though uke has no one) so uke is with him instead of “Kate” (uke’s houseplant). Seme prefers expressions of pain and sadness on a person than happiness and seme is revelling in uke’s distress at his every action. Flashback to seme being diagnosed as a child with basically sociopathic and sadistic tendencies and how his mother worried nonstop saying seme has a disease in the head just like people do with their bodies. Even as a kid seme was detached and started observing people to copy their emotions as he didn’t feel any. C35: More flashbacks of uke back in America with Jenny and uke seeing seme at the Korean student association (how the centre became insanely popular and attended just became of gorgeous seme). I still find it extremely weird that seme doesn’t remember uke despite talking with him more than once. I would get it if they were in the same class but never spoke to each other or if uke had a drastic image change but that’s not the case. C36: I have a better idea of what happened between Jenny, seme and uke. It’s clear uke (whose American name was Peter and was adopted) started falling in love with seme after first first so much about him and the seeing him in person when his best friend Jenny who had a deep onesided crush on seme showed him to uke. Then by chance Asian seme turned out to be Korean just like uke and attended the same Korean student association and they started talking here and there. It seems something bad happened between delusional Jenny who had a mental illness (depression and bipolar and was also abused by her mother) and seme who set up a plan to humiliate her and she committed suicide (we know she’s dead now but uke was reading what is clearly a suicide note). Probably uke hadn’t believed Jenny when she said seme ruined her life so after her death and reading eye suicide note, uke was consumed with guilt and decided to get revenge on her years later by becoming seme’s manager and exposing his weakness and nastiness to the world. Uke is again swayed by seme’s fake kindness thinking maybe seme is actually kind but remembers Jenny and what happened and decides not to disbelieve her again. C37: Seme acts completely unlike his usual self as when he jumps in front of an angry horse on set to protect seme and get injured seme loses it wanting to burn everyone and snap the horse’s neck that hurt uke. He’s also cussing at uke but also cursing those that hurt him. It’s so unlike seme to care. Also, it’s clear and seme has realised that the problematic actor is the one who sabotaged the horse’s saddle and basically almost killed seme (uke in this case as uke went in the save seme, again). Seme is terribly perplexed as to why uke who he knows clearly hates him would keep saving him. C40: Turns out seme only became an actor to piss off his dad who had sent seme to Korea for “treatment” (probably due to his sociopathic disorder) but seeing as it’s perfect super talented seme well he became famous lol. But seme also admits to himself that he feels a strange never before felt warm sensation pervading from his heart when uke rushed to save him. SEME IS FALLING IN LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME WHICH MEANS UKE IS HIS FIRST LOVE HAS HAHA! C40: Though there were obvious hints, confirmed that uke has longtime unrequited feelings for seme as he thinks about how he fantasised kissing seme so many times. Seme makes uke kiss seme to show he’s serious as uke said he’d do anything for seme (c40). Men straight guy seme where after uke misters all his courage to kiss seme even falling in loves all over I with cruel seme, seme says he’s not into men act it was just a long so can’t kiss men and uke cries. C42: Flashback seme high school days of why exactly he came to Korea and became an actor. He a player from the opposing football team called teen star player seme a monkey waving a banana in his face and he completely lost the nice guy persona he’d tried to hard to hone and almost killed him ripping out an eye and totally lifelong inuring an arm and heavily injured anyone who tried to stop seme (he was like an ape gone ballistic) and ended the sports career of a highlt regarded prospect so he was shipped at first to a mental asylum instead of jail (due to his parents high status and money seme avoided prison) but when he horrified mother tried to make him understand how wrong it was to treat human life so poorly and seme saying he feels nothing for them and why should he and she realised she could do nothing to help and he was just born a monster, she slit her wrists to make a point but didn’t die. The father was shook enough to send him to Korea with a relative for rehab in the mountains but seme knocked out the grounds man and escaped to Seoul to become an actor to get back at his dad. C46: Reaaaally weird how seme does not recognise uke when he’s had personal conversations with uke and even congratulated uke on winning a writing contest and made it to the local papers (US). Meanwhile his best friend Jenny’s bipolar depression worsened and for the first time she totally took it out on uke saying he’s the reason why seme’s not replying to her letters anymore (uke was translating everything in Korean but the replies she was getting back weren’t his handwriting as uke has a secret onesided crush on seme since then and knew his handwriting from seeing it in the Korean student association classes when he wrote them on the board). C48: GOT BUTTERFLIES IB MY BELLY FROM SEME’S INSISTENCE FOR UKE TO SIGN HIS NEW CONTRACT OF 3 YEARS (seme wants uke around by his side as he’s becoming gradually obsessed with uke and gave him a crazy salary and all haha even though it’s not his money but his company’s lol). Also the face seme makes of cold murderous chill when president suggests uke doesn’t want to sign it SO HOT! Seme even a few chapters back bricked a shitty problematic coactor in the head dastardly from behind just because he was causing uke problems (that guy deserved it as he was physically abusing uke). C49: AHH THIS WHOLE CHAPTER GAVE ME BUTTERFLIES IN MY BELLY FROM SEME BEING POSSESSIVE AND PUSHY WITH UKE TO KEEP HIM BY HIS SIDE! So seme still grills uke to sign the contract and gets annoyed and pissed when uke keeps putting it off and saying he needs more time to think and seme says “what’s there to think about, it’s super favourable in this industry, just sign it” but basically uke found out seme was the one who severely injured that shitty abusive actor (hitting him with a brick behind the head from behind) and uke took a picture that night intending to anonymously send it to ruin seme’s career to expose him for the fraud he actually is (well in terms of who he is) so uke has basically bought his plane ticket back to the States for next week so obviously can’t tell this to seme so tries all sorts of things seme hates to get fired like putting on dance music in the car (which uke knows seme hates with a passion; in fact uke pretty much knows everything about seme as he’s basically his stalker haha to gather info to crush seme but really also because he’s secretly in love with psycho seme) but it backfires as instead of firing uke seme grills uke about why he listens to music like that as he’s surprised and asks if uke goes clubbing and uke answers yes (he’s lying about everything to get seme to fire him after all) and seme instead invades his privacy by asking him where he goes clubbing and that they should go together. Totally different to what he would do normally with any other manager: fire them. This is DEFINITELY indirectly JEALOUS POSSESSIVE SEME rearing it’s ugly head. So seme is pissed in two fronts, 1) uke won’t sign the contract & 2) he goes clubbing unexpectedly. Seme forces uke to go clubbing with him. SEME’S JEALOUS ANTICS THIS WHOLE CHAPTER WAS SO HOT!! Uke escapes when asks them to go dancing after booking a VVIP room. C50: SUPER RAGE JEALOUS POSSESSIVE SEME! Uke gets hit on by a handsome blond foreigner seme type at the club and is so forceful and pushy and uke finally agrees to a drink as he realises it’s the easiest way to get fired by seme by doing irresponsible things but it’s goes worse as the man (a CEO) plans to take uke home to fuck him and even force feeds him a sex drug (probably ecstasy) by mouth. Seme comes STORMING IN and while he wants to PULL OUT THE MAN’S GUTS he has to stay clean and nice as too many eyes on him. Seme freaks out when he realises uke took a drug by the seme type man fed to uke by mouth. C51: SEMEPOV OF ABOVE SCENE AND SEME LOSES HIS MIND WITH JEALOUS RAGE AT SEEING UKE IN THE EMBRACE OF ANOTHER MAN and LOSES IT AND BECOMES HIS NORMAL YANDERE SELF when uke says he was force fed a drug by mouth. He tells uke never to give him mouth to mouth CPR with with lips he gives away so freely and let seme die instead (PSYCHO JEALOUS MUCH SEME?). Seme was losing it when uke wasn’t coming back from the restroom and went to every single VVIP room one after another looking for uke. Then when seme saw uke in another man’s embrace Seme actually wants to strangle uke himself for following a complete stranger and having drinks with him. Uke high in drugs cries and seme thinks uke is so pretty when he cries even though he says ugly people only get uglier when they cry. Also high as a kite uke kisses seme and seme angry and bothered kisses uke back passionately but FRENCH KISSES and then seeing uke blushing feels desire for the first time in his life (he has been attracted and has sex as an emotion but he’s never actually felt desire per se until now). [cont] OH SHIT THINGS ABOUT TO GET REAL AS AFTER THE PASSIONATE KISS UKE SAYS “Goodbye Phillip” which is a name no one knows in Korea!! Seme is utterly shocked speechless (uke has shocked him 3x times to seme who hardly ever gets shocked at anything: first hugging seme then kissing seme and now this). C52: SEME BACK TO BEING THE COLD MAN with uke after realising uke wa hiding a lot and being cunning under that innocent expression and seme starting to fall for uke. Meanwhile uke forgot everything that happened after he took the roofie… [cont] Straight seme is so freaked out at being aroused by uke in the last chapter when seme kissed uke back passionately and felt actual desire for someone for the first time in his life that he calls a sex partner immediately. Seme thought “I want to put my cock in his mouth” watching uke sleep so freaked himself out… SO HOT!!! C53: Psycho seme jealously calling uke while having hetero sex fucking a girl and saying he’s not feeling well knowing full well uke would come running. Seme was jealous thinking uke was with a girl named “Kate”. C54: [FLASHBACK HIGH SCHOOL IN AMERICA] How Jenny for humiliated at a party with some mean girls tricking her pretending to be seme (whose name was Phillip then; it’s his English name) and making her come to a party to throw cold water on her and uke accompanied her to be a good friend but knew something was wrong and knew seme never wrote the replies as they weren’t his handwriting). C54: [CONTINUATION FLASHBACK HIGHSCHOOL IN AMERICA OF HUMILIATION] When uke also humiliated and hurt that seme didn’t recognise him or care also lashes out at delusional Jenny who keeps trying to defend seme and the situation and finally snaps at uke saying he seduced all the men even that bully who tried to rape him (seme type Fred) who Jenny said uke got him hard just looking at him and then relating how she heard the soccer team condescendingly said if they had to fuck one of them, it would be uke, and Jenny continues to spit that seme changed her letters to humiliate her like this and uke also likes seme (which is true but uke never told Jenny), uke is hit deep. C56: SEMEPOV Uke quit in last chapter but here seme is stunned and shocked but let’s uke go and SEME IS FCKING PISSED AS HELL as he did a background check on uke and figured out some stuff which he hasn’t yet revealed but at the very least knew uke’s name “Choi Inseob” wasn’t his real name and all. Hetero sex seme (fucking a girl but chick is not shown). Seme’s career goes to shit when female reporter published some shit on seme (maybe about him being the one to put that actor in ICU). C57: PSYCHO SEME TRUE SADISTIC NATURE COMES OUT when he’s beating up some hooligans eh molested uke ans tried to kill seme by pushing him in the lake and torturing them cutting off their fingers with a shovel and beating them bloody to confess they were the ones to attack that actor and frame them. This is even after he finds out that uke was the one to make the call to tell the police that the actor was injured. Seme is not taking out his extreme violence on uke but then yet says in previous chapter he wishes he broke uke’s wrist when uke said he would leave. That’s literally the only reason seme is truly angry despite uke’s charade that seme is aware of, that uke quit. C58: JUST AS UKE IS TO LEAVE BACK TO AMERICA THE NEXT DAY CRAZY YANDERE SEME BREAKS DOWN UKE’S DOOR (seme isn’t even supposed to know uke’s home address as he’s never been DAMNNN) WITH A MURDEROUS LOOK ON HIS FACE CALLING UKE’S NAME (fake: Choi Inseob) WHILE UKE STILL HAS SEME’S PHOTOS ON HIS WORKBOARD (you know the ones cops, stalkers and obsessed people make to track down something or someone)!! AND SEME KNOWS EVERYTHING BUT WANTS TO KNOW WHY UKE DID AND EVEN SLAPPED UKE (JERK SEME PIECE OF SHIT DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH UKE!!) AND HE GOES BUTS THINKING UKE WAS IN ON IT WITH THE GUY WHOSE IDENTITY UKE BORROWED BUT IN THE END UKE HAD TO SPILL THE BEANS ABOUT JENNY AND HER SUICIDE AND ALL BUT SEME GOES BATSHIT CRAZY SAYING IT WOILD BE MORE BELIEVABLE THAT UKE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM AND GIVES 5 SECONDS TO TELL THE TRUTH OR HE’LL DRAG EVERYONE INVOLVED TO HELL! C59: UKE CONFESSES IT ALL (he’s Peter but his Korean name *is* Choi Inseob and just paid a guy with the same name to use his identity for a short while Ace that he’s from America and met seme there and about Jenny) AND PSYCHO TRASH SEME FORCES UKE TO GIVE HIM A BLOWJOB AND FACEFUCKS UKE! SEME TRUE NATURE IS OUT TO UKE NOW. Seme is pacified having uke suck his dick lol C60: UKE REALISES NOW THAT SEME IS TRULY A BAD GUY! Seme steals uke’s clothes to stop him from going back to America and makes him his manager again to watch over uke as he’s still furious with uke for his betrayal. [cont] YANDERE PIECE OF SHIT CONFINING UKE YET SAYS HE’S NOT INTERESTED (doesn’t get aroused) IN MEN’S BODIES AFTER UKE CONFESSES EVEN THOUGH HE MADE UKE SUCK HIS BIG HARD DICK WTF SEME?! ME TO PSYCHO SEME: Hey JACKASS! Who you kidding here?! YOU GOT A HUGE THICK CHUB WITH THAT BIG DICK OF YOURS GETTING HARD AS FCK HAVING UKE SUCK THAT COCK AND LAST I CHECKED UKE HAS A DICK HENCE IS A MAN HENCE YOU GOT HARD OVER A MAN BITCH!! LOLOL C61: Seme gives uke one month to convince him that he’s sincere or he’ll fck uke and the other guy whose identity he borrowed up. Threatening scary seme. Uke is confined and prisoner in seme’s home not allowed to leave. C62: PIECE OF UTTER TRASH SEME TELLING UKE THERE’S NO POINT IN ACTING LIKE A MAIDEN (hiding his naked body as seme only left him in a bed sheet and threw away all his clothes so uke wouldn’t escape) AS SEME WON’T GET TURNED ON WITH UKE’S NAKED BODY AND THAT IT’S A SHAME IF UKE FANTASISES ABOUT SEME SINCE HE LIKES HIM BECAUSE HE’S NOT INTERESTED IN MEN EVEN IF HE WANTED TO TRY IT YET TAUNTS UKE ABOUT UKE’S VIRGINITY AND SAYING UKE FANTASISES ABOUT SEME FUCKING HIM FROM BEHIND HEY SEME THERE YOU GOOD?? WHY GET SO DESCRIPTIVE WHEN YOU DON’T LIKE MALE BODIES YET YOU WON’T LEAVE UKE ALONE AND KEEP INVADING HIS PERSONAL SPACE DOESN’T HE GROSS YOU OUT? C63: GOT RHINOS STOMPING IN MY BELLY FROM SEME JEALOUSY AND POSSESSIVENESS!! They both visit the shitty abusive actor sunbae (Kang Yeong-Mo) at the hospital who seme bricked in the first place (and who the shitty actor sunbae suspects anyway) and he keeps treating like shit and his errand boy and has uke help him pee in a bedpan and SEME FREAKS OUT (but only to uke when they’re alone saying uke’s fine with any man’s dick) and proceeds to indirectly threaten actor saying uke is HIS manager (possessive seme) when trash actor sunbae says he wants uke as his manager yet when actor asks if they’re like that (gay) seme completely acts like it’s beneath him yet has the gall to get upset when actor taunts seme that seme is afraid he’ll fuck his manager… SO WHY YOU SO PISSED THEN SEME IF YOU AIN’T INTERESTED IN MEN LIKE THAT HAAA?? C64: MAJOR RHINOS STOMPING IN MY GUT FROM MAJOR JEALOUS AND POSSESSIVE SEME ACCUSING UKE OF SEDUCING EVERY MAN (uke is seductive to other men since he was young like the high school bully the soccer boys and then the molesters in the bathroom that seme saved uke from and then that foreigner at the club that seme again saved uke from) and makes uke touch seme dick and make him cum saying touch me the way you touched him (“now do it. The way you did it to Kang Yeong-Mo (shitty trash Actor sunbae))” and when uke resists “you touched his dick yet you won’t touch mine even though you like me? (Seme anger)”). And seme gets so turned on enough to touch uke’s body and nipples and force uke to give him a blowjob again and swallow and then THREATEN UKE THAT IF UKE TOUCHES ANOTHER MAN’S DICK IN FRONT OF SEME SEME WILL BREAK UKE’S OTHER HAND! C66: MORE MAJOR RHINOS STOMPING IN MY GUT FROM MORE SUPER JEALOUS SEME DUE TO UKE WHO IS SEDUCTIVE TO OTHER MEN AND SEME GETTING PISSED ABOUT IT. Uke gets hit on by a seme type photographer who’s shooting gorgeous seme but his eyes and comments are for uke. And SEME IS NOT HAPPY. C67: SEME WHO KEEPS USING THE “DON’T YOU LIKE ME?” Excuse to do whatever the heck he wants to uke and also uses that to force uke to have sex with him by forcing him to confess that he’s thought to having seme fuck him in his fantasies when uke sincerely said he never once thought those things and I believe, it’s only because seme is so horny for uke but his straight huh pride won’t let him be the one to admit to wanting uke that he wants uke to admit it first even though he’d be lying just so seme can stuff his cock in uke’s hole and DAMN WHAT A POTTY MOUTH FUCKTALKER SEME IS (he dirty talks nastily since he made uke suck his cock and even before (“I want to shove my cock in his mouth) and every time afterwards. Uke/SemePOV. Lee Wooyeon (Phillip Levin) x Choi Inseop (Peter). Actor x manager. Famous actor x newbie manager. Celebrity x fan (pretend). Beloved actor with no antis x capable manager. Reunion. Older seme x younger uke. 27 x 24 (26). Brown (black in new version) x blond (brown in new version). Straight x uke. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Cool seme. Tall seme. Height difference. Prince type seme. Big seme. Body size difference. Hunk seme. Sexy body seme (c25 even if he’s evil and a sociopath who has no emotions for people, man’s HOT AF, I mean look at that body!). Washboard abs seme (c25). Broad shoulders seme. Manly seme. Masculine seme. Cybergenics seme. Excellent sportsman seme (American football quarterback, basketball, etc). Athletic seme. Popular seme. Smoker seme. Beloved seme. Smart seme (c07 class topper back in high school). Nice voice seme (c07 voice as smooth as chocolate; mentioned many times since; c47 when seme hosted a late night radio program and it had crazy high viewership even on awards and school girls would fall asleep in class because they were listening to it so parents even protested as it became a huge problem) . Gentle seme (fake). Kind seme (fake). Playboy seme. Womaniser seme. Cunning seme (hidden). Seme who loves sex (c67 admits it saying he needs it). Insane sexy body seme (c68). Nice muscular ass seme (c68-69). Sociopath seme (c13 basically admits he’s one as he doesn’t get feelings on an emotional level and why he shouldn’t find joy in other people’s suffering and pain when he does so he tries to be a good guy to mask his lack of emotions but wants to bully and hurt uke). Bad personality seme (c07 we find out he plays with managers feelings and self-esteem by giving them something of his that’s precious for safe keeping (fake) and steal it when the time is right so they would blame themselves which is exactly what he did to uke and so enjoys uke’s torment). Cold hearted seme (c07 who doesn’t care about people’s feelings or even uke fainting but doesn’t want a bad reputation so is forced to look for uke who didn’t return). Evil seme (he doesn’t understand human emotions and feels more joy in people’s suffering and fear and sadness). Seme diagnosed as a child with sociopathic and sadistic tendencies (c31). More crappy personality seme (c08 whose inner self keeps cursing out uke and calling him dumb or stupid manager). Bully seme. Yandere seme. Two faced seme. Seme’s only flaw is that all his managers quit as seme likes to passive aggressively taunt them until they lose confidence and quit. Crazy main top seme disguised behind a gentle smile and kind closed eyes (c01 he literally beats bloody some anti who threw champagne at him; c13 throws a wrench at a car of drivers who tried to assault uke before). Constantly cursing seme (mainly in his mind but after he reveals his true monster self to uke he cusses ALL THE TIME). Potty mouth seme. Cute uke. Cutesy uke. Capable uke. Feckles uke. Droopy eyes uke. Crybaby uke. Seductive to men uke (he has always attracted men since he was a teen; enough that his best friend Jenny got complexed by it). Sickly uke since childhood (c07). Unrequited love uke (c41 confirmed he has feelings for uke but doing revenge hit his dead best friend who seme hurt deeply and drove her to suicide). Possessive seme (c06 when uke was taking care of a crying girl child actor and was given her responsibility by the child’s manager, seme said uke is HIS manager and acted moody). Racism (c11 uke facing racism I guess in America where he’s called “China” by white kids). Reunion as they met back in the States in high school at a Korean Association (c28-29). Jealous seme (c26 when uke gets close to another female actress that reminds him of chubby buck tooth Jenny, his best friend). More Jealous seme (c31 when uke says he needs to meet with Kate (his house plant), seme demands to know who that is and proceeds to put uke down passive aggressively from jealousy). Possessive seme (c31 calling uke away to come to seme’s house for no reason at all just so he won’t spend the night with his supposed lover (Kate is just uke’s houseplant). Sadistic seme who loves to tease, bully and torment little uke and gets pleasure from it (c31-32). Cruel straight guy rejection seme as joke (c41 seme mages uke kiss him to prove he’s serious about doing anything for seme only to say he’s not into men and it was just a joke and uke who took it so seriously cries because he’s fallen in love with seme again). Yandere seme who enjoys watching uke cry (c41 thinking uke has the most pretty crying face and wants to keep watching him cry all evening but felt something human enough to make him stop as uke broke his finger and almost died for seme). Indirectly jealous possessive seme (c49 testing uke about going clubbing as uke lied saying he did and seme grills him forces him to go clubbing). INSANE JEALOUS SEME (c50 when uke gets hit on by a blond seme type at the club). SUPER POSSESSIVE SEME (c50 pulling uke away and taking him away possessively thinking about smashing the guy’s face in and pulling out his guts (wow) and regretting coming to a club with uke). CRAZY MURDEROUS JEALOUS SEME (c51 at seeing uke in the embrace of another man and wanted to rip his guts out). Seme being freaked out at being aroused by uke (c52). More jealous seme (c53 psychotically fucking a girl while calling uke just because he thinks uke is with a girl too and saying he has a headache knowing full well uke would come running and see seme in his underwear with a woman). Jealous possessive seme invading uke’s personal space (c54 I love how seme approaches uke from behind and just leans his whole body into uke and says he’ll tell uke his weakness if uke signs the contract). Hetero sex seme (c56 woman not shown but moaning and half naked seme having sex with him thrusting is shown). Scary seme (c57-60). Crazy psycho seme finds out the truth and confronts and hits uke and goes batshit crazy Yandere (c58 breaks down uke’s door and all to find out). Yandere seme (c58). Blowjob (c59 seme forced uke to give him a bj). Big cock seme (c59). Face fucking blowjob (c59). Stalker uke (c59 confesses he was a stalker because he liked seme). Confined uke (c60-62 crazy seme confines uke in his home so uke is a prisoner with no access to anything). MAJOR jealous seme (c63 getting angry at uke when they’re alone for helping an injured asshole actor pee in the hospital bedpan and accusing uke that he can touch any man’s dick, hey seme I thought you weren’t gay or interested in men huh?). MAJOR Possessive seme (c63 telling shitty toxic actor sunbae uke is HIS manager and to leave him alone when actor says he wants uke as his manager). INSANE WITH JEALOUSY JEALOUS POSSESSIVE SEME (c64 accusing uke of seducing every man and basically being a slut so from jealousy making uke dick his big Dick again). POSSESSIVE THREAT SEME (c64 if you touch another man’s Dick in front of me I’ll break your other hand “). MORE JEALOUS SEME (c65 when a known gay seme type photographer clearly is attracted to uke, SEME IS PISSED AS FCK). Shitty seme who keeps using eh “but don’t you like me?” excuse to do whatever he wants to uke. Diagnosed sociopathic and sadistic tendencies seme dislikes being stuck with the same person day in day out (manager) which is why he cunningly has them quit by pretending to be a nice guy and playing with their confidence once he gets their trust and then seme will gently criticise their mistakes until they lose all confidence once they think they broke seme’s trust and ask to quit as they’re not good enough. Seme takes enjoyment from that even though he knows his perfect image is tarnished by this one known flaw, seme has so much fun he can’t help it. The longest record of a manager is 3 months and seme knows uke will quit before then. Uke who grew up in America became seme’s manager as a ploy to get revenge for seme hurting his beloved best friend, chubby blond hair blue eyed girl Jenny (Jennifer). Jenny was a troubled teen with bipolar disorder and depression who was abused by her mother but cherished uke after saving him from getting raped by a bully and whom uke also loves dearly. By c35 it’s unclear if she’s dead or alive but uke talks about her as if she’s no longer there. Anyway, seme uke and her all grew up in the same town and uke and seme went to the same Korean student association where he spoke with seme for the first time. Oddly, seme doesn’t seem to remember uke.

B-Class Guide

Complete | Nangjun,낭준 | 2019 released

Is it because i'm cute?

Ongoing | 배리포터 | 2022 released
2024-04-05 07:30 marked

The Man Who Can't Taste

Ongoing | 이후추,Lee whoo choo | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Lee Inwoo x Kim Jiho.

One Night Mate

Complete | Cherry Manju, Justice | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter 55) (bear with the shitty translations until chapter 3 (utter crap) because it’s gets NORMAL BY C04). 4 sex scenes (first time c11 (starts sexy time at c10) in hotel bed in bathrobes from behind but.. WHAT THE FUCK THEY DON’T SHOW ANYTHING THIS IS NOT EVEN CENSORED BUT IMPLIED WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BL?!!); 2nd c32 in bed missionary naked but how would I know SINCE THEY DON’T SHOW ANYTHING!; 3rd c33 from the back but again not down and 1 panel but counted it as it’s not like anything is shown ANYWAY DAMN IT; 4th c49 both naked I think missionary in bed but again nothing shown but at least more of an idea of what’s happening after fingering and bj from seme to uke; First kiss c09). We’re June 16, 2024 and I haven’t started a new BL manga in a bit but I’m actually very intrigued by the first skimmed chapter hmm!! WHAT THE FCK IS THIS THEY DON’T SHOW ANYTHING WHATSOEVER THE SEX IS ONLY IMPLIED EITHH ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY BELOW THE WAIST IN FACT THEY DARKEN IT WHAT’S THE USE OF HAVING SEX IF YOU WON’T SHOW IT WHAT THE FCKKK!! This went from 5/5 to 4/5 due to NOTHING SHOWING!! Aside from that MAJOR LETDOWN, it’s a fun read that kept me going and also got me to chuckle and LOL a few times from uke’s antics or something Seme did. I love how Seme is the my pace dumb but smitten boyfriend who’s completely oblivious to being smitten and uke is the feisty short-tempered girlfriend who has to reign in her stupid airhead boyfriend lol! NOTES: WHAT SHIT IS THIS THAT THEY DON’T SHOW THE SEX SCENE AT ALL!! JUST THEIR FACES GRUNTING AND HAVE NO IDEA IF SEME IS FINGERING UKE OR WHAT HE’S DOING DOWN THERE LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!!! C04: All misunderstandings between them get cleared up after uke drunkenly admits to being gay and to keep it a secret. Uke jumped to conclusions about seme as he’s not homophobic and doesn’t hate uke. He’s just a normal straight guy so can’t relate. Also uke admits Seme’s cold and unresponsive demeanour makes uke uncomfortable so seme starts to be more easygoing and free even telling uke he can stay outside if Uke wants to have fun and bring home guys to fool around with. Seme had broken up with his girlfriend so was alone and hates being alone so asks uke to stay with him until he has to meet with his brother in Barcelona in a few days. Their unpleasant companionship becomes awkward fun after that. [cont] IT STARTS!! STRAIGHT SEME THINKS UKE IS CUTE! C06: OMG Seme who was ambivalent to uke in the past and completely uninterested now finds uke REALLY cute haha! Seme is the kind of guy who’s actually nice and chill once you get to know him or at least become close to him. Seme uninterested with others he doesn’t care about but becomes nice if he cares, basically is actually a soft guy and shows his true self with ones who know him otherwise is cold and blunt. I love that uke who when he had a crush on seme wanted to be close to seme and would get so happy but now that he wants to keep his distance, seme is the one who seems to want to close the gap! SO SEXY! C08: Love that seme follows uke when they run into each other by chance again haha. By now seme really likes uke’s company and finds him really cute (due to his contrast between innocent and having a temper) but in a I wanna keep hanging out with him and the fact that he’s gay isn’t a problem. I can’t wait for seme to find uke cute and want to make him his! They’re at a club and seme is going off with women but laughs at uke’s antics. C09: OMG SEME KISSES UKE THINKING HE REALLY IS CUTE AND WONDERS IF HE’S BISEXUAL and propositions uke!! C28: (Flashback) AWWW UKE MADE ME TEAR UP crying after a bad experience where he almost got gang-raped and relaying sadly how lonely he feels as a gay guy and his friend hyung listens and also confesses he’s gay. I LOVE UKE FRIENDSHIP WITH HIS SENPAI HYUNG YOON DAWOOL (a department and 3 years older) who’s also gay but has a bad sour personality so doesn’t have any friends. C29: I cried here!! Dawool hyung and uke’s friendship is truly sweet! Hyung apologises for snapping at Uke via an anonymous letter on radio save IT WAS SO TOUCHING I CRIED AWWWW!! C30: Personally I’m not a fan of uke’s confessing first but it did fit. Now I want seme to go crazy for Uke!! C38: (Flashback sent Childhood): Explains why seme hates being alone and why he’s never serious about anyone. Defence mechanism. Enter Seme’s grandma even he started getting used to being all by himself in America dealing with shitty racist bullies who shut up once he knew how to deal with them. C39: Grandma showed him warmth and at first he hated it it was awkward as he was used to being alone but then he got used to it and needed her so when she died a few years later he was heartbroken and hated being alone. C40: Seme count take the pain of losing the only one who was so close to him so he Never cared for people deeply so as not to feel pain as everyone leaves as it’s just a natural part of life and there’s no point in caring too deeply. C42: FINALLY FIRST HINTS OF JEALOUS SEME!! AND POSSESSIVE SEME!! It’s subtle but there’s 3 obvious instances: 1) when uke is horsing around on his dear Dawool hyung’s back seme just stares and then subtly tugs uke’s shirt saying uke is probably tiring his hyung our (subtle call to get off and away); 2) When uke is walking with seme and hyung in the middle, Seme possessively cuts in to hyung’s path to be close and dote on uke & 3) When seme’s bad boy seme-type best friend Eden Lee kissed uke as a greeting in their first meet, surprised seme pulls him back and while dlesnt act upset, the vicious grip Seme grabs his friend Eden by was PRETTY HOT!!! C44: I LOVE HOW OBLIVIOUS SEME is to how much he’s into uke. So so far it was clear Uke was head over heels but seme was lukewarm, like sure he likes Uke but mainly that he serves the purpose that seme believes Uke wouldn’t leave him as his biggest fear is being alone, aside from the fact that he really finds Uke cute and does genuinely like him. So even though uke is visibly more into Seme then seme is into uke, it’s hilarious that he’s the one who can’t stop thinking about uke when they have to separate rooms to accommodate seme’s seme-type best friend wild bad boy Eden Lee (who is clearly gonna have his own romance with uke’s beloved Dawool hyung who’s gonna be Uke in this case (he was at first seme coded)), seme doesn’t mind being in separate rims rooms and while he finds it cute that uke is sad about it and pouty, he doesn’t understand what the fuss is about thinking they’re gonna spend time together anyways it’s just at bedtime they have to separate. Also that he’d be fine since he’ll be with friends whereas uke wants to be with him. Uke realises he’s the only one who feels like it’s a big deal (in earlier chapters Seme also doesn’t get why it was a big deal to uke that seme is still friends with his ex girlfriends). That said, Seme can’t stop thinking about uke constantly even when he’s with his close friends and supposedly wouldn’t be lonely even if it’s just to think how silly but cute how Uke is being to be so clingy making a big deal out of this situation and laughing about uke’s antics yet is totally oblivious to his ALWAYS THINKING about uke and even thinking uke loves chicken when they eat it with seme’s friends. It feeds seme’s ego so there’s a sense of superiority in that “he’s so cute for being like that but I don’t really get it” way. YET. Seme is the one who ends up going to uke’s new temporary room when it’s been ZERO DAYS since they moved rooms HAHAHA. Seme down bad and doesn’t even realise it LOL. Also oblivious to his own jealousy in c42 LOL. C45: SEME BEING SO DOWN BAD BECAUSE uke which was kinda annoyed that seme didn’t miss him when he came to give the fried chicken is shocked when seme who’s a little drunk came over and over and over to give him things like beer and snacks and just random excuses to keep seeing uke HAHAHA!! C46: First serious lovers quarrel: Our Baka Couple have another fight over stupid seme’s obliviousness of being unaware if his own actions. He’s said before that he keeps getting dumped because he’s too open-minded and laid back about his relationships and this time when uke is angry at seme for agreeing to spend alone time with a girl who clearly wants to get with him, uke storms away and seme is annoyed with uke for always being upset with him without telling him why and wonders if they’ll break up and thinks maybe it will happen since there’s no chemistry between them but his heart throbs painfully at the idea and doesn’t understand why (boy you’re in love and don’t want to break up duh!). [cont] For the first time in his life, seme is pissed at someone (uke). Because he’s bewildered as to why uke is pissed with him (read above para), that uke won’t tell him and it shows and his seme-type best friend Eden comments how surprising it is as seme never gets annoyed when seme tells him he’s annoyed with a friend, saying that’s never happened as seme never talks bad about anyone since he doesn’t consider humans lol so if someone is problematic seme cuts them out with a nonchalant sigh rather than annoyance. Eden says Seme doesn’t care enough about people to be upset with them once telling Eden there’s no reason to. Eden rightly concludes it’s about seme’s roommate (uke) and accidentally sends a text seme was thought was too harsh to send but wrote in the heat if his annoyance: “Woojin, you’re too sensitive.” C47: WHOA CHAPTER OF HARD TRUTHS. Seme and Uke talk about the fight when uke confronts seme (read since paragraph) and while Seme didn’t mean to send that text, he doesn’t get why uke makes such a big deal about seme’s going out with a girl for a meal. Turns out seme is into open relationships and doesn’t rule out the possibility of meeting someone new. That said, he wouldn’t do it without the partner’s consent as he doesn’t outright cheat but he’s into polyamory. Seme says he wouldn’t make a fuss about all the things uke is making a fuss about it if the tables were turned. And that if something asks him out, he’d ask uke before going out with them (to which uke vehemently days he’d never agree) but that ultimately he’d go wherever his heart took him. When uke asks seme if he likes uke at all, Seme admits he only likes those who like him, it’s the same with uke now, that even if Seme finds him adorable, he likes Uke because uke likes him (I wouldn’t necessarily agree there Seme hehe I think the poor guy is deluding himself as he got interested in Uke before he was sure uke was interested in him lol but for now let’s just mourn uke who believes seme’s own denial). Seme asks if it’s a deal breaker if Uke wants them to break up and uke tells him while he’s not ok with this he doesn’t want to break up. Uke loves Seme too much to lose him even if it hurts him that seme might start dating someone else, he wants to stay by seme’s side. Nooo uke, have some self respect! But I kinda hey right now he can’t think of letting seme go as seme is his first everything even if uke is just another in a line of so many for Seme. Uke just accepts that he’s the one who’ll lose in this relationship because he’s the one who’s in love in this relationship. Seme is special to him even if uke is not to seme. NOOOO! DAMN YOU SEME I HOPE YOU FALL DESPERATELY IN LOVE WITH UKE ANY UKE BREAKS *YOUR* HEART!!! GRRRR!!! C48: Even though seme said all the above, it doesn’t get past his Seme-type best friend Eden that seme is acting like he’s gonna spend the rest of his life with uke. Eden knows they’re dating as he caught them holding hands and being lovey dovey and says he’s weird now because he’s acting in a way he never acted before and asks seme what would happen if they break up and seme freezes. Seme is unceremoniously kicking out Eden just because uke is gonna move back in. Seme assures his friend nothing’s changed this is just like any of his past relationships so Eden asks him to come out to pick up girls which seme hesitates. C49: SEME WHO IS SO IN LOVE AND TOTALLY IN DENIAL AND OBLIVIOUS TO HUS OWN FEELINGS. After what his friend said, seme can’t stop watching uke and thinking he’s so pretty, like THE WHOLE TIME STARING AND every body part thinking uke is pretty everywhere and seme is impatient in bed and sucking odd uke which he’s never done before and seme is so totally smitten thinking uke is beautiful while fcking him and still staring after uke falls asleep thinking he wants to see uke more even though uke is right there. SMITTEN SEME. SEMESOINLOVE! C50: UTTERLY BESOTTED COMPLETELY SMITTEN SEME WHO CAN’T STOP STARING AT UKE REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY ARE OUBLIC OR PRIVATE BECAUSE HE THINKS UKE IS TOO CUTE OR BEAUTIFUL OR PRETTY OR HANDSOME OR COOL. Now uke knows seme is only going out with him because uke likes him and vows to like him more to remove any possibility of anyone stealing him away yet when seme acts utterly besotted and smitten like that, it makes uke believes seme is so much more in love with uke than uke is. C50: Love how annoyed seme gets from being away from his uke. For the first time he’s annoyed he’s not getting time with uke as uke suddenly gets super busy. Seme wonders if he actually misses uke or if it’s just his usual loneliness kicking in. Boy YOU DOWN BAD YOU NEED YOUR UKE! It’s clear by the next chapter which of the two it is fufufu! C52: Seme best friend Eden takes seme out to a club to the hopes of breaking up his relationship with uke (just so he can move in with seme because he hates his current roommate, the ever anal strict and bad personality Yoon Dawool (uke’s dear close hyung friend in the same department)) and seme knows uke will get upset but tries to justify that he already told uke what he’s like (that he won’t stop others from being with him as he’s into open relationships) yet for the first time EVER, where before he would be happy to be with other people, NOW HE IS BORED AND DOESN’T GET WHY! Even his friend comments on how normally seme would happily be flirting with other girls together and is puzzled as to why seme seems so down and not into wanting to hit on other girls, lol. SEME YOU DOWN SO BAD FOR UKE YOU MISS HIM TERRIBLY!! Eden tries to distract him by giving seme a girl’s phone who has asked for his number just when uke barges into the club fuming that seme is doing this again but when seme sees uke is suddenly beams with utter happiness calling it uke’s name, much to Eden’s shock and disgust haha! Eden your tactics won’t work your friend is too much in love HE DOWN BAD!! C54: GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY BELLY FROM STUPID OBLIVIOUS UNAWARE OF HIS OWN FEELINGS SEME’S JEALOUSY. After uke says he needs time to think when they talk about the fact that seme yet again hurt uke with his open minded free Love thinking (meeting his friend Eden at the singles bar/ club), seme thinks it might be the sign that uke wants to break up because that’s what his previous girlfriends used to team him before it was over. Even though he thinks it’s inevitable as he sent to a place he knew would upset uke, he wasn’t even having fun until uke showed up, he didn’t go out with anyone or flirt so he doesn’t think he actually did anything wrong. That said, the thought of breaking up makes his chest throb and doesn’t understand why. When uke tells his Dawool hyung the truth about his relationship with seme, hyung goes batshit crazy as there’s one thing he doesn’t forgive and that’s cheating as he was cheated on by his ex-boyfriend (even though seme hasn’t technically cheated), and stomps his way to uke’s boyfriend furious and ready to beat him with a baseball bat lol and uke tries to stop him. JEALOUS SEME whose chest hurts and feels betrayed seeing uke hold his hyung by the waist thinking after uke said he needed time to think yet is supposedly having fun with someone else (he’s not he’s trying to stop the man from beating his boyfriend lol). Seme was clear about being in an open relationship, that would also apply to uke yet being hurt by that for some reason and completely oblivious to the fact that it’s hyung is about to beat him haha. Seme gets a taste of his own medicine btch, you wanted an open relationship right? That also applies to uke you get, then why feel so betrayed when uke does it eh? He realises he doesn’t have a choice but to accept the situation but finds it unpleasant! HA HA! Seme stupidly asks if uke and his hyung are dating in his hurt jealousy and uke uppercuts him from rage hahaha! C55: SEME WHO IS OVER THERE MOON LIKE A SPOILED HAPPY PUPPY SEME JUST BECAUSE UKE DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING WITH HIS HYUNG. Uke asks if seme doesn’t care that uke would get with other people (thinking seme would never get jealous as he doesn’t care about uke the way uke loves seme) but seme days as long as they’re not the reason behind their breakup he has to accept it (but seme has a hard time saying those words as clearly he doesn’t realise he hates the idea lol). UTTERLY INFATUATED SEME. TOTALLY SMITTEN SEME who acts sorry lovey Dovey and spoiled to uke aww! [cont] SEMESOINLOVE YET INDENIAL HAHA BUT SAYS HE ALWAYS ACTS LIKE A FOOL AROUND UKE, he does insane and his feelings are all over the place, that he feels strange and he says this while acting like a spoiled baby to uke wanting his attention and touch and UTTERLY THE MOST IN LOVE MAN EVER LOL. C56: UTTERLY IN LOVE INFATUATED SEME WHO MISSES UKE SO MUCH WHEN UKE LEAVES FOR HOME HE LIES ON UKE’S BED AND SNIFFS HIS SMELL ON THE SHEETS! C58-59: it goes from seme missing uke LIKE CRAZY and refusing to break up with him (58) when his friend Eden tells him to as there’s plenty of fish in the sea (Eden just doesn’t want to live with his hardass roommate (uke’s close hyung friend) because he got too personal about his past failed career as a prodigal rookie violinist) and Eden is shocked that seme has indeed changed so much. SEMESOINLOVE. C59: BREAK UP!! Uke has a horrible day hearing his disgusting broadcast station Club problematic senior talk shit about him (how he’s brawn no brain etc) and sees seme be given a gift by a woman (seme was anxiously waiting for uke to come back missing him terribly and the woman who likes him just approached him on her own) so he breaks up with seme being overly sensitive and sad saying he can’t do this anymore that he was in over his head. Seme’s heart is also breaking but he’s scared of the pain he felt losing his grandmother so agrees reluctantly to the break up thinking everyone eventually leaves anyway… Uke/SemePOV (c04 onwards alternates but c16-17 almost totally SemePOV). Seung-Hyuk x Cha Woo-Jin. University students. Reunion. Chance Meeting on a trip (Europe). Light brown hair x dark brown hair. Broadcasting department x physical education department (sports major). Broadcasting station announcer (university extra curricular) x club member. ?? x 21. Straight x gay. Experienced x virgin. Player x innocent. Unrequited love (uke). Falling out of love (uke). Gorgeous x bland (but he’s cute though). Cherry popper x cherry popped. Handsome seme. Prince like seme. Cool seme. Under lip mole seme (left). Chin mole seme. Popular seme (ladies (c03)). Sexy body seme (c02). Unresponsive seme (misunderstood). Expressionless seme. Pokerface seme. Unbothered seme. Blunt seme. Disinterested seme. Pushover seme who can’t refuse others despite not caring. Uke says he’s an annoying kind of yes man who pisses you off but will agree haha. Fluent in Spanish seme (he’s been to Spain countless times). Nice body seme (manly and muscular but not overboard) (c02). Muscular seme (c02). Abs seme. Broad shoulders seme (c02). Smoker seme (c01). Chin mole seme. Womaniser seme. Ladies man seme. Seme for whom sex is no big deal. Rich seme. Puppy like seme. Super clingy seme. Wanko seme. Super touchy feely seme. Seme is the type who’s hates being alone and is super clingy in new friendships but drops them like flies once he gets a girlfriend (he’s lost many friends due to this bad habit). Utterly Smitten seme (later especially c49). Totally infatuated seme. Puppy like uke. Seems uke had love at first sight due to seemed handsome face but it ended soon after joining the university broadcasting station club after he was recruited by seme (c02 Uke overhead some guys from that club including seme talking shit about uke how he’s probably gay and has the hots for seme and at first says he doesn’t care but when they say uke could jump Seme as he’s in sports seme says that would be a problem as he’s not into gay people). Turns out it was a misunderstanding and seme doesn’t hate gays, he’s just straight and so can’t relate but uke jumped to conclusions after drunkenly confessing he’s gay and pleading with seme to keep it secret, seme says he’s not the kind of person who’d do that and is disappointed that uke thought so little of him, all misunderstandings clear up after uke also says he’s uncomfortable with seme as seme is so unresponsive (seme wanted uke to let him k ow if there was anything else uke doesn’t like) (c04). Big dick seme (c09 seme admitting he is on the bigger side). Painful first time (c11). Condom sex (c11). Post-sex pain (c12). Erection Seme implied (c17 seme recalls sex with uke and gets hard but we don’t see it as they never show anything just he’s crossing his legs to hide his hard-on). More erection Seme not explicitly shown (c20 seme gets hard looking at uke and gets a stiffy and tells uke he wants to do it again). Uke confesses first (c30). Dating (c31-32 onwards). Jealous seme (c42 (FINALLY!!) when uke is touchy feely with his dear Dawool hyung and horsing around jumping on his back, Seme tugs uke’s shirt saying uke is tiring his hyung out (so subtly get off and away from him)) and then most notably when semes seme-type best friend kisses uke when meeting uke for the first time, Seme grabs his friend’s arm in a vice like grip even though he didn’t act especially visibly upset other than surprised). Possessive seme (c42 Seme cuts into uke’s hyung’s side to crowd uke away from said hyung friend). Seme who keeps thinking uke is so pretty during sex (c49). Jealous seme who’s hurt by his own choices (c54 seme gets a taste of his own medicine when he sees uke being close to his hyung holding him when uke said he needed time to think and realises uke is allowed to have his own side fun if seme is one who said open relationship). Slapped seme (c54 more like punched haha because uke got angry he said something stupid like if uke is dating his dear Dawool hyung). Basically, uke who’s a sports major had a fast crush for this handsome broadcasting major guy and joined his club after being recruited on the first day. Uke acted like a wanko with a puppy love crush around seme so others got sus. Seme is a so-called “yes man” who can’t refuse others despite his Pokerface and nonchalant and uninterested demeanour. Uke’s crush quickly ends when he overhears some broadcasting club members talk shit about him saying he’s creepy and gay for acting lovesick around seme and seme says he doesn’t care (in a whatever way) until they say uke being a sports major can pounce seme and seme says that would be a problem as he’s not into gay people. Uke goes on a solo trip to Europe for the first time to forget and have fun and have a nice gay fling with a nice foreigner but he mistakenly didn’t reserve his hotel booking properly and so is stuck homeless for the night on a rainy day. Imagine the WTF moment when out of nowhere his university crush just HAPPENS to be at that very hotel (what are the crazy odds eh lol BL gods) also in this random European country and city at the same time as uke lol. Uke asks if he can crash with him for the night and seme says yes. Seme still acts completely disinterested and says he doesn’t care when uke tries to thank him. Seems seme got robbed and lost everything so asks uke to help him out. Turns out uke got the wrong idea about seme and they clear up the misunderstanding of seme being homophobic and hating uke for being gay after uke drunkenly confesses he’s gay and to keep it a secret (c04). I love that seme thinks uke is cute but in a this guy is actually pretty fun and wants to be friends with him. I like that because I love to see when “man this guy’s kinda cute he’s hilarious and fun” to “man this guy is cute I want to make him mine” lol! AND HONESTLY, I’m a sucker for stories with uke’s falling out of love and wanting to keep their distance but the seme is now the one who wants to close the gap! I love how seme once he realises how much he enjoys uke’s company because uke‘a antics are entertaining and hilarious, seme starts clinging to uke more and more until he’s so touchy feely all the time with uke. Also, sex is no big deal to uke and he separates that with his regular life, seme lost his virginity very young so that’s why it’s like eating. For seme sex isn’t equal to feelings or love so the fact that uke takes it so seriously baffles him, he can still see uke as a friend after that. Also after the one night stand with uke abroad though, seme becomes more into uke as in seeks him out but also because their paths keep crossing somehow. They become roommates. After Seme and uke start dating from c31 Uke I’d very clearly smitten with Seme but seme doesn’t get it. Seme’s frivolous and never felt deeply about anyone due to his loneliness and what he had to deal as a kids always being left alone.

Aren't You My Type

Ongoing | Ha tae jin | 2022 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (first time c05 seme fantasy of fucking uke before he meets him and thinks it’s someone else but it was very vivid and explicit though censored so could have counted it but face wasn’t shown as it’s just seme’s fantasy anyways it as missionary partially clothed but naked uke; c06 hetero sex Uke fucking a chick missionary m). Skim read all 17 available chapters (June 19, 2024) and while translations aren’t great, it was so sexy and can only get sexier from here on as seme is just starting to kind of stand uke haha (also I pretty much properly read chapters 10-17 so can reread 1-9 properly). Love the premise of seme thinking uke is the cute omega (the one he initially met who’s a terrible friend to alpha uke as he gave his number to the seme; he could have just given a fake number, why give out his actual friend’s number that’s a crappy friend!) he met in America instead of the handsome manly alpha he’s actually talking to everyday on the phone. OMG AFTER SKIM READING CHAPTER 9 I MUST READ THIS SERIOUSLY!! SEME IS PISSED AF AT BEING DECEIVED AND SCREAMS AT UKE IN THE CAFE SHAMING HIM PUBLICLY AS UKE DESERVES. ABSOLUTELY WANT TO READ THIS WILL WAIT TILL WE GET AT LEAST 30 CHAPTERS AS AS OF JUNE 19, 2024 there’s only 17. READ ME!!: Chapter 9 has an incomplete and complete version. Read the second complete version as THE WHOLE HORRIBLE FIGHT is shown. C08 (end): THEY FINALLY MEET IN PERSON (actual alpha uke and not the omega that alpha seme thinks he’s talking to!). And seme is NOT HAPPY. C09: DISASTER FIRST MEETING. But uke does reveal he really is the real “Joo Geon” seme has been texting and talking to (and phone sexing lol). Alpha seme is understandably FURIOUS at being deceived and tricked by alpha’s uke’s shamelessness. Seme really insults uke in the end as he kinda deserves it. Uke tried to pacify him with a gift as seme even decided to move back to Korea to work in a company as soon as he graduates from university (it’s implied it’s to also pursue a relationship with uke before he knew who uke really was). Seme looks so different in his fury from his usual sweet soft self. Seme is right, uke could have confessed to who he really was but continued with the charade for fun until it started getting more serious. But uke wants to actually have a relationship with seme but seme wants nothing to do with alpha uke saying uke is not his type as he’s an alpha and the complete opposite to his preference which hurts uke a bit though he expected it. Seme storms out of the cafe saying he never wants to see uke or the omega friend of uke’s who tricked him again. C10: SEMEPOV Seme feels bad for being too harsh on uke even though he’s alpha he said some hurtful things like how he shouldn’t waste his life on this kind of thing (playing and deceiving people) if he has nothing better to do with his life… Seme realises uke was at least genuine in wanting to get to know seme as uke made the effort even though he’s an alpha and seme knows he should judge people like that, seme is actually a nice guy but for furious at being deceived AND RIGHTFULLY SO! Anyway he apologises and they make up and uke makes a real effort to make up to seme. C10:11: Seme breaks up with uke so to speak though they were never officially a couple especially after uke reveals his true self and seme’s disgust of uke trying to contact him is kinda funny so I CAN’T WAIT FOR SEME TO BE TOTALLY DOWN BAD FOR MANLY COOL UKE HAHAHA! Ha Hyundal x Joo Geon. Alpha x alpha. College student x relationship consultant. Rich x rich. Brown hair x black hair. Older uke x younger seme. Seme x straight (mostly he only sleeps with female omegas). Brown hair x black hair. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Stunning seme. Prince like seme. Soft gorgeous seme. Cool seme. Tsundere seme (after knowing uke’s real alpha identity). Sexy body seme (c04). Muscular seme (c04). Sexy abs seme (c04). Smitten seme (thinking he’s talking to the cute omega he met in America). Manly uke. Handsome uke. Cool uke. Buff uke. Muscular uke. Promiscuous alpha uke (he has a one night stands every other day with a new partner). Erection seme (c03 from alpha uke’s voice as they haven’t met yet since uke is not the omega seme thinks he’s talking to but regardless alpha seme is turned on by alpha uke’s voice). Big dick seme (c05). Huge dick seme (c05 seme says himself he’s a little big (he’s huge)). Masturbating seme (c05,06 phone sex with alpha uke). Phone sex (c05,06). Massive cum shot seme (c05 he cums like a thick fountain whoa; c06). Confession seme (c08 thinking he’s confessing to pretty omega rather than manly alpha seme haha). After the initial fury over uke deceiving him, seme reluctantly allows himself to uke’s company as the other one kept somehow pushing for it by means of wanting to make it up to him for lying to him. Seme is soft Prince like gorgeous but with shameless manly alpha uke, seme is such a tsundere Haha. Anyway, when seme breaks up with uke so to speak (basically saying they don’t have any to meet anymore and good luck), uke develops physical symptoms of bad illness which after going to the doctor is told are symptoms of hormonal imbalance due to breaking off a deep bond (basically seme breaking up) and that seme would be going through the same thing and that medication can help but side effects are hair loss and erectile dysfunction haha. Doctor said another method is being around the partner of deep bond often to ease breakup of bond for one month. Uke barges into seme’s life to remedy his crisis lol and seme reluctantly lets him after initially refusing. They start an awkward semi-friendship non-romance (though uke is smitten with seme, a first for him as he’s only into one night stands and with women, so wants more) in order to ease the effects of separation. Both start to improve in health and seme starts being comfortable around uke. Uke likes seme and tries to seduce him haha! I want MORE!!!

Beyond Memories

Ongoing | Todayspring | 2000 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Skimmed the first 5 chapters and looks very good! Kwon Ido x Jeong Sejin. Arranged marriage.

Night of the Unmarked

Ongoing | Today spring | 2022 released

Dead man Switch

Ongoing | Coinmint , Eise | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Ki Wonyoung x Jung Hohyun.

Dear, 00

Ongoing | Brothers Without A Tomorrow | 2000 released

Reading (read chapter ?). ? full penetrative sex scenes (???). Really wanna read this as seme is so pretty with a big muscular hunky body! Only 4 chapters as of June 22, 2024 so will wait for a while until 30 chapters or so. Michael x Adam. Esper x Guide. SSS rank Esper x B rank guide. Blond x brown hair. Manly uke.