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david_holmes's manga / #Jealous seme(43)

Hatsukoi o Kojirase Sugiru na

Ongoing | IKUTA Mugi | 2015 released

1-4) (Main couple complete 1-4); did not read rest). Nishio Ayato x Tachibana Kouhei. Ex-Best friends lost touch (due to uke cutting off all contact). High school Baseball club members. Straight x gay. Friends from high school. Model x Editor(?). Model x company worker. 23 x 23. Reunion. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Super tall seme. Touchy feely seme. Clingy seme. Desperate seme. Jealous seme. Everything for uke seme. Abandoned seme (by uke). Forceful seme. Unrequited love uke. Longtime Onesided love uke. First love (for uke). Ex-Band member uke (singer). Smoker uke. Confession uke (at the end). Anal masturbation uke. Uke did everything to go far away from his high school self, moved to the countryside, took a year off, cut off all contact with his previous friends (etc), all to get over his hopeless onesided crush for seme who was his high school best friend. And now years later they meet when he’s about to go into a love hotel with another guy. Seme comes rushing saying uke’s cheating on him and the other man leaves. Seme is crushed that he lost touch with uke even though he tried so hard to reach him and find him and missed him so much but now is just elated that he’s with him again. After meeting him again after all this time, uke still can’t get over his unrequited love for seme and it’s worse. When drunk uke let’s it slip that he no longer sings because he can’t get over a 5 year unrequited love, seme jealously asks it he knows who it is and... if it’s a guy. Seme desperately pleads that if uke is looking for random men to forget about his unrequited love then he wants to be that man. Hot. Anyway, soon after they get hot and heavy and before long seme fingers uke and puts it in. Seme was quite forceful when uke was hesitating so kinda rape. Then regret because both men’s obvious mutual feelings were not communicated. Turns out seme was pestering high school classmates he wasn’t even that close to to locate and get news from uke who just disappeared after graduation. Seme also joined the modeling agency in hopes of running into uke and his band but uke had disbanded by then and seme wouldn’t have known. Uke for the second time in their history doesn’t return seme’s millions of calls and texts and tries to disappear from his life thinking seme was doing it out of pity and probably wants to forget. They again meet by chance when their mutual companies have to work together (seme has to model and shoot a music video for a band and uke works I guess at a record company?? Something to do with the arts or creative... No idea...). Seme again in desperation holds uke right when all leave saying how happy he is to see him again and says he was so worried when uke wouldn’t return his calls or texts. Seme asks uke to go out with him saying he doesn’t care even if it’s to get over his other love. They agree to talk at seme’s place and FINALLY instead of angsting by himself he confesses and seme is overjoyed and wants to date and when uke objects seme says he doesn’t date people he doesn’t love. Happy ending. Seme was also in love with uke but it started with sexual attraction and awareness and couldn’t get the image of uke in a school girl’s uniform out of his mind and dreams even today. Seme realised later he was in love when from the beginning he was obsessed with uke.

Love Awakening x Syndrome

Complete | Machida Tomato | 2000 released

Complete (read 5.5). 2 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c05 naked in bed missionary; 2nd c5.5 after doing one round (didn’t explicitly show it so didn’t count it), they go fits another round with uke on too naked in bed; c03 seme jacks off uke). First kiss c04. I honestly love this uke, he’s so earnest and sweet! Seme is so handsome! I LOVED IT! C04: Flashback of younger seme when a past lover broke up with him. Despite his flakey appearance, Seme is serious in Love yet every partner he’s had always wanted something casual because of his cool laid back demeanour ans playboy good locks but seme himself never wanted a casual fling but something serious and they always ended up breaking up with him because he was too intense or serious in their relationship. Uke realises he’s in love with seme too late (after seme kicks him out of the assistant job). Seme realises that he was too hasty in his jealous reaction because he finds out from the girl who liked uke and uke rejected her saying he was in love with someone who had completely captured his heart, mind and body (the words seme used to describe being in love). And I LOVE how the fight they have with crying uke being jealous about the news part-timer at seme’s feels like a lovers quarrel with seme holding uke’s wrist and panicking after saying something hurtful. I like here that seme who has a fetish for cute crying faces of uke’s (like uke’s) doesn’t understand why uke’s crying face hurts him when he should like it, which implies that even when seme was deeply in love in the past, he’s never felt this way before which is a nice touch as otherwise uke would just be on the same level as seme’s precious lovers. C05: I can’t lie I find it really hot that seme gives uke an out saying he’s really overbearing as a lover (possessive), gets jealous really quickly and will probably restrict uke, and is uke still okay with all that. And speaking of jealousy, seme’s jealousy has already treated its ugly head when JEALOUS SEME gets jealous at uke’s closeness when his close friend seme (who already has an uke of his own). AHHH SEME-SENSEI YOU ARE SUCH A HUNK. When uke questions seme why he acted odd earlier with his friend, seme admits he was jealous. Seme asking permission to monopolise uke, aww. Asking permission to be possessive of uke and immediately forbids uke from smiling at others once given permission haha. Some SemePOV (c04 but not enough to really count as). Kigami Yoshitake x Sano Yuuya. Older seme x younger uke. University Professor x student. Associate professor x university student. Archeology department x advice seeking. Boss x assistant (part-timer). Teacher x student. Gay x straight. Gay Top x uke. College professor x college student. Older seme x younger uke. Mature x innocent. Black haired x blond. Experienced x virgin. Super handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Hot seme. Tall seme. Manly seme. Mature seme. Droopy eyes seme. Large hands seme (they show how different his hands are to uke’s in some panels). Cute uke. Earnest uke. Positive uke. Heartbroken seme (c03 when he sees uke being confessed to indirectly and jealously takes it out on uke saying he doesn’t have to be his assistant anymore). Jealous seme (c03-04 when he tells uke not to come back as he has to prioritise his new girlfriend (without even checking with uke to see if he’s actually accepted the confession from the girl); c04 seme acted in jealous haste from hurt). Hurt uke (c04 from Seme’s rejection due to misunderstandings and seme’s jealousy). Heartbroken uke (c04). Confession seme (c04 when he admits he was jealous and didn’t wanna hear uke saying he got himself a girlfriend since he’s on love with uke). Mutual confession (c04 uke is so cute saying it back and says it so earnestly and sweetly). Seme asking uke out (c05). Jealous seme (c05 when seme sees uke being close to uke’s good male friend (who already has his own uke lover), seme interrupts them out of jealousy and possessiveness). Possessive seme (c05 enamoured seme asking is it’s alright to monopolise uke and then telling uke he’s forbidden from smiling at others due to uke’s sweet smile). Condom sex (c5.5).

Melt at Night

Complete | Taga | 2019 released

Read (completed chapter 5; god I wish there was more of this couple>_<). I AM LOVING THIS SO HARD (this will be “F” in my list!)!!! Kuniharu (Haru) x Inohara Tomoki. Male escort x false client. College student x salaryman. Younger seme x older uke. 21 x 26. Bisexual x straight. Exclusive top seme. Handsome seme. Cool seme. Playboy seme. Sex pro seme. Cute but handsome shoujo manga kind of seme. Cheerful seme. Piercings seme. Earrings seme. Carefree seme. Sex for pleasure seme. Idol-like seme. Shorter seme. Caring seme. Gentle seme. Sex with others seme. Bara uke. Buff uke. Bigger uke. Taller uke. Manly uke (in body only). Timid uke. Shy uke. Clumsy uke. Crybaby uke. Hopeless uke (hetare uke). No self-confidence uke. Social anxiety uke. I love this pairing. Unrequited love uke (mutual pining). Onesided love uke. Sexy jealous seme. Jealous rage sex seme. Uke is big and buff but super insecure and timid and younger Seme though shorter is masculine, handsome, cool and lean. They make a hot couple that plays on my kink. Bigger buff uke but with a seme that’s not cutesy, just a regular sized but masculine hot guy. Sexually experienced x sexually awkward. College student seme who’s part-timing as a call boy for money. Seme is a carefree guy who loves money, sex and his freedom not being tied down to anyone or anything which is why he likes his part-time gig as male escort and he doesn’t want his face plastered everywhere which is why he doesn’t want to model. Seme loves sex with women but decided to try out guys too and he likes it. Super jealous seme. Insane jealous rage seme. LOTS of butterflies in my belly! OMG, I am loving this. After their first time, unsurprisingly uke starts to fall for seme and his gentleness but seme who’s a happy go lucky guy who hates attachment and only into physical sex is clearly attracted to uke but is still his usual aloof happy free for all sex self and cheers for uke to have sex without his fears. Seme am told uke he’s a natural bottom than top (in any m/f relationship). Yet, when uke says he’s interested in knowing more about seme’s escort company (implying uke wants to become a customer but only wants seme though seme doesn’t know that), seme starts to show hints of jealousy (no words just in how he imagined uke being fcked by another man in that panel where we don’t see his full face just his eyes and then his down turned clearly displeased mouth) and surprises himself by suddenly asking uke if he himself can’t be his partner (instead of another male escort). Squee. Chapter 4 is crazy hot with seme losing it as uke doesn’t want to have sex with him anymore (because he loves seme and thinks seme is just having pity sex as an apology) and has jealous I ain’t ever letting you leave me sex (yeah like non-con but it’s hot though coz he still making uke feel good lol). Seme competes with other imagined men trying to fuck his sexy buff uke, heh. But anyway the lovesick longing faces seme makes is truly HAWT. Love this sweet younger seme’s jealous and possessive side when he’s not the type.

Undead (TSUYUHISA Fumi)

Ongoing | TSUYUHISA Fumi | 2021 released

UTD (read volume 2 chapter 5.5). 4 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c03; 2nd c05 uke on top as seme is dying from being infected; 3rd v02 c03 rape from behind after fingering uke as seme has lost all his memories of his past and has become cold and unfeeling so when uke still keeps trying to come to him, seme coldly hurts and rapes uke; 4th v02c5.5 naked missionary in uke’s old house with mutual love and seme crying and telling uke he loves him; c02 seme almost raped uke from sheer jealous possessive madness). This looks good *and* HOT AF. First off it’s a super rare genre of apocalyptic zombie world (my two favourite things ever to come together? BL and Zombies, YES PLEASE!) and it’s about survival. But also because we have this EXTREMELY PROTECTIVE loving-to-his-childhood-friend-but-dangerous-if-anyone-hurts-him-or-tries-to-take-him-away Seme who clearly has been in a longtime onesided love towards uke and is scary when anyone tries to stop him from being with uke. I looooove this mangaka’s previous work which would have been a favourite “F” if only it continued which I badly wanted it to. Plus, her artwork and characters are MIND-BLOWINGLY GORGEOUS! MAJOR STOMPING RHINOS IN MY GUT (chapter 2) and I think I’mma make this a favourite for that, it has everything I crave for in BL, a beautiful and calm and stoic yet manly and super tall childhood friend seme losing it completely when he thinks uke has been taken by another man than him. V02C01: 3 year Timeskip. Seme has disappeared for 3 years after he got infected (so sad…). Seme comes back at the end of this chapter!! Seme saves uke from a nasty new survival group. V02C02: Seme is alive and well but lost his memories due to the antiviral drug that cured him as a side effect and is mean and cold to uke and in general. This is probably who he would have become if uke and his parents hadn’t come into seme’s life and saved him from his horrible mother. He’s part of a new group of survivors who are well stocked and part of a large community. But they are shady and off. The main doctor of that community makes them do blood tests and finds out one of uke’s group members has the antibodies against this horrible virus (I think it’s uke). V02C03: Uke still tries to reconnect with seme but cold unfeeling seme forcefully kisses uke (to which uke slaps him again and tries to push him away) and proceeds to rape uke telling uke “I’m not the man you knew anymore” and never to show his face to seme again… :( But plot twist: When seme’s new group kidnap the 2 kids and their mother from uke’s group and turn out to be bad people where the main doctor is the evil leader turns innocent people into zombies for his own agenda, seme rescues the trapped family and tells them to tell uke’s group to escape far away, the little girl realises seme has not lost his memory but pretended to most likely to protect uke. Uke, who was about to save the kids and mother sees the car in which the family escaped in drive in and the little girl tells uke what all happened and uke is shocked. Kousaka Ai x Asahina Hikaru. Zombie Apocalypse. Zombies. Childhood friends. Neighbours. Young Older seme x younger uke. 21 x 19. 24 x 22 (post-timeskip). Handsome seme. Beautiful seme (manly though). Gorgeous seme. Stunning seme. Devastatingly stunning seme. Ash Blond seme. Masculine seme. Super Tall seme (190cm; almost 6’3). Height difference. 190cm x 175cm. 6’3 x 5’7. Manly seme. Ripped seme. Sexy abs seme. 8-pack seme. Adonis body seme. Muscles seme. Hunk seme. Hot seme. Calm seme. Stoic seme. Big seme. Broad shoulders seme. Very Top seme (to other uke types aside from uke). Dangerous seme. Super Strong seme. Ex-Archery club seme. Genius archer seme. Scary seme (when uke is threatened or anyone tries to stop him from being or going to his uke). Mega Protective seme. Commanding seme (uke listens to him out of respect as an older brother type). Older brother figure seme. Doting seme (to uke only). Mother hen seme (to uke only). Spoiling seme (seme’s who spoils uke like a caring Big brother would to a younger sibling). Indulgent seme (to uke). Caring seme (to uke only). Killer seme (anyone who hurts uke). Deadly seme. Possessive seme (c01-02). Insanely Jealous seme (c01-02). Insane with jealousy seme (c01-02). Yandere seme. Jealous rage seme (c02). Forceful seme. Confession seme (rejected as seme lost his mind with jealousy and started having his way with uke). Longtime onesided love seme. Unrequited love seme. Slapped send (uke slapped him when seme went too far and started fingering uke forcefully). Cute uke. Jealous uke (he didn’t like that seme was having sex with other people secretly (another man) and so acted childish to the other uke type). Seme who will kill (and has) without hesitation anyone who hurts his uke. Seme who goes from gentle and calm to cold-blooded unrecognisable killer when uke is in danger or losing his mind with jealousy when his uke close to being defiled or touched by other men. Seme and uke only have each other and so are fiercely protective. Uke accidentally sees seme butt-fucking from behind one of the two guys in their new survivors group (a pretty man named Yukio (28)) and feels betrayed and jealous as Seme keeps telling uke he’s all he has left in the world and yet is able to fuck another man up the arse and keeping this secret from uke. Uke nearly gets raped by a bunch of depraved men survivors but seme saves him. Murderous rage Seme (when he finds uke hurt by them). Killer seme. Jealous rage killing spree seme. Seme whose switch is flipped and nearly rapes uke from jealous and possessive insanity. Seme only went with the “I’m your family” so that he could stay by uke’s side forever. Slapped seme again (v02c03 when seme forcefully kissed uke Uke slaps him but seme who has lost all his memories and become a cold person then rapes uke). Rape (v02c03). Crying seme during sex (v02c5.5 overwhelmed seme crying and telling uke he loves him). Seme saying I love you during sex (v02c5.5). At just chapter 2, I have MAJOR MASSIVE STOMPING RHINOS from seme’s INSANE MURDEROUS JEALOUSY AND POSSESSIVENESS after he interrogated uke on how far the gang of rapists went with uke, if they touched him and sticking his finger in uke’s arse saying that’s what they would do. Extra characters: Igarashi Kaname (30) & Yoshitaka Yukio (28). Those two are part of uke and seme’s group of survivors. Yukio is the very beautiful uke type that seme fucks up the butt from behind to release his pent-up sexual frustrations for uke on. Before zombie apocalypse: Cop seme. Doctor uke. Policeman x doctor.

Kiss dake de Ike souda -Soshite Oretachi ha Ochiteiku-

Ongoing | Oiko komaru,Rei kagemura | 2019 released

Reading (read chapter 5). 2 penetrative sex scenes (first one is in 2 parts as it sons 2 chapters and he starts again so very long and explicit with x-ray fingering, fucking and cumming inside innies). Nice butterflies fluttering and some rhinos stomping on my gut when uke ignores seme out of embarrassment and seme chases after him and from seme’s hot possessiveness. Explicit sex. Anal play only starts on chapter 6. Seme took his time making uke feel good (only with the front) before ravenously attacking and possessing uke’s butt which was his main intention. Sakai Kyosuke x Nagoshi Ryo. College students. Best Friends. History? x education department. Straight x straight. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Stunning seme (above celebrity level good looks). Popular seme (ladies). Cool seme. Cool and collected seme. Smart seme. Predator seme (to uke). Pretty uke. Prince uke (referred to as Prince of his department). Always dumped uke. Pheromones uke (who is attractive and sexy and fuckable to many other men). Physically Relationship that starts with drunken sex. S seme. Jealous seme. Protective seme. Possessive seme. Confession seme. Fucktalking seme. Explicit sex. X-ray innies fingerfucking & fucking with seme cock coming inside. Fucktalking seme about how he wanted uke’s anal virginity for so long and how hell fuck uke until he can’t walk straight and how he’ll fill uke with his cum (chapter 6). Super in lust seme. Rimming (brief chapter 6). Erection seme. Tenting trousers seme. Big dick seme (uke says he’s big many times). Uke is the one who drunkenly tells seme kiss him so he can be better at sex and not have his girlfriends dumping him but seme is so shocked uke says that he’ll ask another guy and that’s when seme goes all out (jealous seme). Possessive Seme who tells uke not to show his sexy debauched face to any other guy. Seme who calls uke a slut. Super jealous and possessive seme who hates when uke makes his sexy flushed face to other guys. Seme says “I love you” A LOT to uke. Seme who says “I love you” over and over when he comes inside uke during sex.


Complete | Ceci , Jiyo | 2000 released

UTD (read chapter 58). I’m terrified I’m literally reading a story where a horribly cruel seme has emotionally, psychologically and physically tortured uke for decades cruelly killing seme’s own child son slitting his throat and cutting off his head with his bare hands just because uke adored him and raping uke in front of the child’s corpse. And uke being given the chance to be born again knowing he never wants to meet the seme YET making the EXACT SAME CONSCIOUS CHOICES THAT LED TO HIM MEETING SEME LIKE WHAT THE FUCK??? You know how much I despise weak uke’s who let themselves get used without a backbone but ill hate this more if he’s LETTING himself get used AGAIN IN A NEW LIFETIME. Plus he loved that crazy cold-blooded monster seme who was capable of all that and was trying to actually save his life when seme was assassinated despite all the cruelty he did to uke and those uke LOVED LIKE WHAT THE FVCKING FUCK?!! I get uke loved that crazy cruel bastard but even if he’s disgustingly kind to a fault, to allow a monster like that to roam alive even if you love him makes you WORSE than the monster itself and you never truly loved or cared for the people you claim you did which includes his one father, his best friend who was like a brother and got his arms cut off and left to die an agonising death and the poor child (seme’s own fvcking son) who was brutally beheaded and the scene desecrated vilely by the uke being raped in front of the dead body by the killer, the dead child’s own father... line FUCK. This is basically a copy of Avatar’s world where you get superhumans divided into 4 clans of those who can wield fire, water, air and earth (water also have self-healing qualities). Yoong Jin-Hwa x Gahyeon Yeo-Dam. Fantasy. Historical. Supernatural powers. Emperor x Pontifex. Super powers x divine powers. Mpreg possible world. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Stunning seme (ungodly beauty). Manly seme. Beautiful seme. Super tall seme. Major height difference. Super powerful seme. Strong seme. Strongest seme. Most powerful ever in their clan history seme. Extremely dangerous seme. Dangerous seme. Deadly seme. Possessive seme. Seme in disguise (as child through magic pendant called “mana cube”). Big dick seme. Big cock seme. Uke bled profusely after having sex with seme for the first time in past life (probably raped). Uke was sick for a month and was bed ridden for 2 days after their first time! That’s how big and scary seme’s dick is. Original life: Emperor x Pontifex. Evil seme. Brutal seme (horrible brutality seme). Cruel seme (merciless cruelty seme). Cold-blooded seme. Ruthless seme. Insane cruelty seme. Deadly seme. Sadistic seme. Bored seme. Crazy seme. World living in fear of seme. “Firebender” seme. Countless concubines seme. No self-control seme with many offspring. Seme fathered 14 children (even after uke came to the palace by force). Love at first sight uke. Seme’s clan wields fire but it seems he has hidden water-wielding powers as well. People from the Jin clan are superhumans who possess not only super powers according to an element but also superhuman beauty and strength. They are basically gods. Seme so powerful being all beings he was often bored so loved games and manipulation. Seme completely different in uke’s rebirth. It seems seme who is a Jin and this a different species from normal humans, he loved uke in his Jin way. Jins do not empathise with humans and are not only much more powerful and possess powers akin to gods but tougher built so don’t understand human weakness. They perceive things differently than humans as well. Rebirth. Emperor x Concubine. 180 seme. TOTALLY DIFFERENT seme from past original life (not cruel or sadistic). Pining seme. Unrequited love seme. Longing seme. Pining for 8 years seme. Desperately in love seme. Madly in love seme. Rejected seme. Puppy like seme. Jealous seme. Possessive seme. Insane with jealousy (chapter 45). Seme asking uke to “bear my children” (chapter 18) Seme wants to impregnate uke. And this when they meet again for the first time after uke rejects seme once he finds out the noble child he’s been caring for and loving the past 8 years was the Emperor himself. Normal adult age seme and uke finally “meet” chapter 10. In their original lives, seme was assassinated 10 years after he possessed uke.

Kuroe And The Garden Of Feminine Pleasures

Ongoing | Chifuyu | 2000 released

UTD (read chapter 6). 4 full penetrative sex scenes (tons implied as implied seme has been beasting on uke every single day for hours). Some SemePOV for his family extremely possessive obsessive and sadistic thoughts but SHIT IT’S HOT. Horrible childhood seme with child abuse with horrible young mother who neglected him to the point he could have easily died but survived somehow. Uke/SemePOV. Hojuro Kuroe x Sonogi Eda. Host club. Hosts. Top host x bartender. Older seme x younger uke. 26 x 20. Straight x straight. Bully x target. Blackmail. Master x slave. Hermaphrodite uke. Genderbender uke. Vagina uke. Do S x M. Gorgeous seme. Handsome seme. Stunning seme (in manga world). Tall seme. 6’1. Neck mole seme. Yandere seme. Womaniser seme. Elite seme. “Cybergenics seme” but in fact just self-taught. Sadist seme. Do S seme. Bully seme. Sex beast seme. Pervert seme. Perverted seme. Psycho seme who’s never known family and love. Extremely possessive seme. Wild jealous seme. Seme who’s alone with no family so doesn’t care. Crazy seme. Cute uke. Pink-haired uke. “Punk uke”. Ex-delinquent uke (honestly he’s too cute to be anything like a delinquent). Sad backstory uke (lost his only parent and loving mother at 19 a year ago). Sad backstory seme (rather, horrible backstory seme; tragic past seme; tragic childhood seme; mother had seme at 16, and was not only neglected completely as a child and left for weeks while he was a toddler but abused physically, psychologically, verbally and emotionally by that horribly cruel disgusting bitch; child abuse seme). Cruel mother (seme’s). His horrible mother finally left him when seme was 7 never came back so he grew up in an orphanage until 18 and has been completely damaged by her. Damaged seme. No wonder seme is so warped and doesn’t care about anything. Evil seme; psycho seme; torture seme; twisted seme; dark seme (see below paragraph). Cunnilingus (c02). Pussy eating seme (to uke). Fucktalking seme. Dirty talking seme about making uke a mommy (impregnating uke). Seme wanting to impregnate his uke. Fear of unplanned pregnancy. Menstruation seme. Menstruating uke. Period blood uke. Seme fucked uke raw and came inside him over and over for hours all night and morning their first time. Crazy Yandere seme who’s happy that uke looks pale thinking it’s because he came so much inside uke that his “spermies” have having a field day swimming inside uke’s body and how he wants to use a microscope and watch and “sorry my spermies are such bad boys*heart*”, haha. Chapter 5: Seme’s terrifying cruel true colours and dark nature come out when he accidentally finds the guy who drugged uke with the drug that gives men a temporary vagina and who meant to rape uke and it drives seme so insane that he tortures the guy ripping off his earrings besides beating the guy black and blue. The guy was bad news as he’s a rapist but he enjoys torturing the guy. He says it’s too cliché to gouge out his eyes or rip his nails so he says he should give the same drug and film perp bring gangbanged and post it online. Seme says the idea will make him cum. Horrified uke says to stop torturing the guy so seme compromises and makes uke have sex with seme in front of the perp. Exhibitionist sex with twisted seme fucking uke spreading uke wide while he rams his cock into uke right in front of rapist’s face (the one who didn’t get a chance to rape uke). Chapter 6: So sweet and fluffy and no sex! Seme breaks up with uke thinking he can’t taint him but they’re still working at the same place and uke can’t bear to see him being sweet to his female customers anymore as he’s in love with seme and quits and seme goes nuts and chases after uke. They reveal their mutual feelings and seme quits and they’re just so in love. Seme has met uke before as a child as uke’s mother was the o my adult kind to him, his neighbour. So reunion and reencounter as well.

Semantic Error

Complete | Jeosuri,Angy | 2019 released

UTD (read chapter season 2 afterword+ 52 official translation; had to re read official translations from c40 as the fan made ones were utter rubbish and confusing as hell). First frotting semi-clothed sex in car (c44). First kiss (c36). Ugh this is so good!! Damn by chapter 42, I can safely say this has become a favourite like “E++,F+”…. I FCKING LOVE THIS! This what I hate most about Korean Webtoons is that they make no sense storyline wise after you start reading and getting into it. It’s like once you start getting into the story, they throw you a new timeline in between that leaves is baffled like right now after reading chapter 6-7, I’m thinking, “wtf so seme has met and known about uke before even though he acted like he had no idea who he was like WTF??”. Uke/SemePOV. Jang Jaeyoung x Chu Sangwoo. Bi x straight. University students. Visual Design dept x computer science dept. Hate first relationship. Sunbae x Hoobae. Senpai x Kouhai. Fine arts x engineering. Designer x programmer. Designer x coder. Campus star x genius. Delinquent x strict. Laid back x top student. Party animal x antisocial. Bully x target. Gorgeous seme. Stunning seme. Cool seme. Model like seme. Tall seme. Hunk seme. Manly seme. Masculine seme. Piercings seme. Cool earrings seme. Playboy-type seme. “Pigtails pulling seme”. Smoker seme. Skateboard seme. Persistent seme. Strict uke. Serious uke. Straight lace uke. Blunt uke. Direct uke. Socially awkward uke. Selfish uke. Self-centered uke. Expressionless uke (starts emoting when seme starts “bullying” him. Robot like uke. Analytical mind uke. Annoying uke (he doesn’t help people or do anything that won’t benefit him, I’d say he’s a sociopath in that he doesn’t get human emotions or rather has Asperger or something like that). Unlikable uke. Queen uke. Pushy bottom uke. Bossy uke. Pushy uke. Slave driver uke. OCD uke. Stalker seme (kinda to get back at uke but also because he subconsciously noticed and likes uke so wants to be noticed back and since uke has forgotten seme many times before and hurt his ego and feelings he becomes kinda a stalker so uke will finally have no choice but to acknowledge and notice him but yeah seme in deep with uke hehe). Obsessive seme. Jealous seme (over a girl uke is close to and acts immature toward her and is shocked at his own behaviour). Possessive seme (who wants to make uke his, devour him). Unrequited love seme. Seme falls in love first. In lust seme. Mutual onesided attraction. For once I’m happy that seme is bullying uke, he deserves to be bullied haha. I totally understand seme’s need to annoy uke but also why he’s so wanting to be a part of uke’s black and white and grey and strict routine. Seme only wanted to get along with uke and uke keeps rejecting him rudely and annoyingly and I would also want to teach that kind of rude and manner less uke a lesson. Super Jealous seme (many times but c50 was especially hot because he saw uke’s phone contact list with a guy’s name Jonghan with a heart sign next to it so seme’s like “who’s this fucker?” with a death glare LOLLL). Seme has slept with guys before but never wanted to date one until uke. I kinda love how seme who’s so prideful and arrogant and laid back starts to give in and let go of his pride and ego to pushy slave driver uke just to be able to be near and with him. Very jealous seme. I actually feel sorry for the sweet and very likeable girl who’s interested in uke as seme is kinda mean to her being passive aggressive out of extreme jealousy.

Akuma To Keiyaku (haru)

Complete | Haru | 2016 released

Reading (read volume 2, chapter 6; completed volume 1, 7 chapters). 3 full penetrative sex scenes (+3 implied not fully shown; first c05 is pure painful and bloody rape and after that mutual feelings sex). The art is very manhwa-like and reminds me of “The Summit”. Shocked seme full on raped uke... I thought he’d stop himself after seeing uke was clearly terrified but went ahead and painfully penetrated raped uke bloody with his big dick… And to think seme was really looking out for uke I was not expecting him to do that no matter how jealous of possessive he became after seeing uke with that hickey. Uke/SemePOV (here and there but 90% ukePOV). Kojima Masato x Katou Ryousuke. Top actor x newbie actor. Actor x assistant. Boss x employee. Boss x assistant. Older seme x younger uke. 34 x 20. Bully x target. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Stunning seme. Hunk seme. Perfect body seme. Sexy body seme. Perfect body type seme. Perfect proportions seme. Bully seme. Hot seme. “Devil seme”. Broad shoulders seme. Manly seme. Tall seme. Height difference. 185cm x 169cm. Sexy body seme. Abs seme. Jealous seme. Possessive seme. Forceful seme. Jealous rage seme (c05). Possessive rape seme (c05). Cute uke. Naïve uke. Crybaby uke. Talented but no luck uke. Pheromones uke (all the men seme types get attracted). Confession uke (uke confesses first). Very painful first time. Rape. Bloody sex (c05). Bloody rape (c05). Funny uke scratched seme’s expensive car and to pay back has to work as seme’s obedient assistant as uke can’t afford to pay back such a huge amount on his own. Uke hates seme because seme harshly turned uke’s audition for a role twice due to uke’s bad choice of roles. Turns out seme recognises uke’s talent and skills but had to fail him as he’s not suited for the roles he auditioned for so now that seme has forcefully taken uke under his wing as guise of assistant saving uke from his corrupt company whose president drugged and forced him into making a gay AV, seme’s true intention is to groom uke into being a successful star. Seme has taken a true liking to uke and his cheerful but excitable personality. Seme even fakes a broken arm to get closer to uke and have uke by his side constantly, fufu. Seme-san flies into a jealous and possessive rage after seeing the hickey that the sleazy producer left in uke’s neck when he got attacked. To be honest, I was quite surprised that seme used that kind of sexual violence in uke given that despite the title of “devil” to describe seme since he’s got a temper, loves to bully uke, he’s affectionate and clearly in love with uke or falling for him so he really looks out for uke and does things for uke’s best interest so was shocked that he went full-on brutal rape with blood and all (painful bloody first time for uke or rather rape). Volume 2: Emergence of uke career saboteur, Sakuraba, a seme-type (who can be uke to main seme), young but rising and very promising actor who’s very jealous of uke’s luck to be cast in big movies and dramas due to main seme and hates uke so sabotages uke’s career. So I was right, he’s uke’s professional rival who thinks uke can’t really act but after seeing that uke is indeed a great actor in his own right during an audition that he failed to sabotage, he respects and admires uke and they become friends. Uke gets his face sliced by the crazy stalker bitch’s husband that piece of shit manager of uke and seme goes insane (see below). Side couple: Saeki Kenta x Shunya. Main Seme has a creepy, unhinged and insane gay crossdresser uke type sasaeng stalker (Shunya) who badly injures anyone who gets close to seme. But also loved getting fucked by her big dick seme lover (Kenta) and imagines it’s main seme and sends main seme all kinds of nasty shit like pictures of his well decked asshole, loads of condoms full of cum and anal vibrators wet with his ass juice lol. And uke’s new seme type manager is none other than that crazy slut bitch uke type stalker’s lover (Kenta). So that seme type manager is sabotaging uke and seme and uke blindly trusts him and is sweet and kind to him and when he tries to send USB footage of crazy bitch stalker to their company president for proof, seme type manager destroys it and shit. I knew this new manager was bad news from the moment he got hired because he was sullen, disinterested and eyeing uke oddly.

My Starry Sky

Complete | Star Candy Planet | 2000 released

Complete (read chapter 62). The prologue (chapter 0) made absolutely NO SENSE to me whatsoever I don’t know if things went haywire in translation or the author was trying to be too abstract or prose-y but it failed miserably and I hope the actual chapters make actual sense *mad*. I don’t like when uke doesn’t take revenge when he’s been all puppy eyed and used by a mean nasty seme just because he said “I’m sorry for every single thing.” That being said, despite how much I hated uke for many reasons among them that he was a doormat pushover uke who follows seme around even though seme is a total piece of shit to him, uke FINALLY grows some and now it’s seme’s turn to chase after uke. It starts getting good after they resolve their misunderstandings of 7 years and uke moves away. Things start getting really interesting when seme’s heart changes and starts to fall for uke and even chases after uke after he’s moved away barging into uke’s life and being enraged with jealousy when he sees this seme type tall guy being extra friendly with uke. So MAJOR 180 ROLE REVERSAL from chapter 30. Major butterflies fluttering and rhinos stomping in my gut feelings due to sene seeing uke be close to other guys and this seme type handsome guy in particular. More seething jealousy when seme thinks uke has a boyfriend. Mean seme who treated uke like total crap getting what he deserves when he’s MAD MAD MADLY in love with uke and practically begging forgiveness and being a fool for uke, lovesick and needy! SUPER LOVESICK SEME. My favourite so I’m favouriting this because it’s my weakness!! “E,F”. Uke/SemePOV. Seo Skyler x Son Yeonduk. Childhood friends. Classmates. Fall out of friendship. Drifting apart. Hate to love. First loves. Bully x victim. Handsome seme. Popular seme. School star seme. Tall seme. Super tall seme. Major height difference. Mean seme. Bully seme. Super Rich seme. Regretful seme. Meek uke. Unrequited love uke. Gofer uke. Gofer boy uke. Weak uke grows balls. Revenge uke. Confession seme. Passionate confession seme. Rejected seme (damn right, go uke!). Jealous seme. Seething jealous seme. Lovesick seme. Needy seme. Clingy seme. Super needy lovesick seme. Madly madly in love seme. I hate hate hate it when an uke says I’ve had enough of pining over a shitty mean seme yet when seme acts a little friendly he gives in and acts like a lovesick puppy again, GROW A PAIR DAMN IT MAKE HIM BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS. YUP SADLY THIS IS WHAT I FEARED. ANNOYING SPINELESS UKE WHO DOESN’T GET WHEN HE’S BEING HATED AND DOESN’T HAVE THE SELF-RESPECT TO KEEP HIS OWN DIGNITY AND INSTEAD BEING A SYCOPHANT TO SEME. UGH, YOU KNOW IT’S BAD WHEN YOU READ SEME’S FLASHBACK INTO WHY HE HATES UKE AND YOU END UP HATING UKE JUST AS MUCH AS SEME. UPDATE: Awful 7 year MAJOR misunderstandings finally got resolved. FINALLY seme chases after uke. So MAJOR 180 ROLE REVERSAL from chapter 30. It’s seme’s turn to pine after uke now. He treated uke like complete shit and used him because he thought uke was a spy for his mom and was only looking after seme for her and the things he got from her but it was wrong so now seme feels like utter shit for the way he treated uke for all those years. Seme feels extremely guilty (as he should). Major butterflies fluttering and rhinos stomping in my gut feelings due to seme’s jealousy. I hated uke and said that I understand why seme hates uke (he thought uke was just his horrible mother’s spy for him) but it doesn’t stop that seme was a mean piece of shit to uke. Passionate confession of love and lust seme and then rejected (c43). I AM A TOTAL SUCKER for stories where a mean horrible seme who treats uke like shit gets what he deserves by realising or falling madly in love with the uke and chasing after uke while feeling guilty and ending up being the most needy character and totally lovesick, and that’s what I’m getting, hahaha.