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david_holmes's manga / #Drama(50)

Oni to Tengoku

Complete | Aga naomi,Oyoshikawa kyouko | 2000 released

Reading (read chapter v3c01). 7 full penetrative sex scenes (first time c03 rape with bound and restrained uke infirmary; 2nd c04 bound in public toilet against door; 3rd v2c1 infirmary handcuffed and gagged and bitten; 4th c08 jealous sex possessively fucking uke and choking; 5th c11 mutual love (finally) lovemaking with feverish sick seme and uke on top (mentioned did 3x without pulling out damn seme!); 6th c12 HOTTTT FUCK FROM BEHIND AND first time FULLY NAKED SEX (both are naked but it’s first time for seme to not be fully clothed and he’s totally naked to boot!) with smitten desperate seme overwhelmed and biting uke all over (shown they had a first round before as they were just finished and seme wanted to do it again and then afterwards did it again so 3x at least); 7th v3c1 naked sex in bed uke spread with seme’s elbows holding uke’s knees wide; c05 messing around in a public park; c01 seme molesting uke with bondage, pain and blowjob). When I first read this, I thought this was an “oyaji uke” because uke-san was wrinkled and looked much older, but it seems I was mistaken, he’s actually around 40. Uke has major bags saved wrinkles so maybe the author made him look much older on purpose. It’s a weird thing to notice but I love seme’s large slender feet in his slip-on shoes, like nice big feet seme or nice feet shape in shoes seme. IMPORTANT: From chapter 8 (volume 2), chapters are numbered one chapter ahead so chapter 8 is really chapter 7, c09 is chapter 8, etc. C12: OMG THIS DOES A TOTAL 180 AFTER MUTUAL FEELINGS I MEAN IT’S SO F CUTE WITH A TORALLY WHIPPED SMITTEN CLINGY MADLY IN LOVE DESPERATE SEME OMGGGG!!!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!!! He went from cool arrogant psycho and mildly sociopathic violent nonchalant flippant seme to madly in love don’t let me go baby I love you so deep seme but his change was not forced but gradual and he really changed when he realised and admitted his own feelings; it’s like a dam broke free. Also, he’s never in his life been in love before or dated anyone so ALL this is new and it’s is FIRST TIME so when you think about how composed and shrewd he was about others, it’s because he’s super observant but bad with his own feelings ans uke opened that for him. When you think about it, maybe seme was always in love with uke because he’s the one who freely said he’d been watching uke for a long time before they even spoke and forced himself on uke chasing after uke aggressively even if just to toy with uke. RANT C11: I’m REALLY PISSED but also MIXED FEELINGS about this chap. PISSED ABOUT: Seme inviting uke rival, Hatano Yuuma-sensei (seme’s ex-student-cum-teacher (new colleague) who’s still in love with seme all these years later), to his house for sex when seme hasn’t even invited uke to his house yet forget for sex (*FUMING*) but MOLLIFIED because while seme *does* kiss this uke rival (GRRRRR) and tries to bed him (CHEATING SEME *GRR*), all he does is keep talking about uke like everything reminds him of uke (like you don’t smell like cigarettes (uke) or “oh your body is thin unlike that guy”) and he can’t go through with it saying it’s not “fun” and how it’s not fun doing it with uke lately either (as he’s in denial about being in love) and MAINLY because this scene is when uke rival makes seme realises his FEELINGS FOR UKE. That’s why I’m not pulling my hair out in frustration or abandoning this series. And after that FINALLY CONFESSION SEME!!!! He gets it that stupid sociopathic BAKAAA!!! NOTES: I think the moment I might really start to enjoy this is if (or hopefully when) the seme who’s all in control al the time starts to lose his composure and facade of nonchalance. Like clearly he’s a pervert who enjoys inflicting pain and discomfort on uke with the various expressions uke makes but he always makes light of things and kind of turns everything into a joke or a trivial thing even when he says he’s hurt when uke ignored him (c03) so that’s why I want him to actually lose his cool for or because of uke. C03, seme still just thinks of uke as a toy as he wants to do it as long as it’s fun, seme is anti-love and thinks it’s stupid and unnecessary. V2C1: It’s clear by the way Seme contradicts himself with uke that uke means something more as he unconsciously likened uke to a puppy he once had that ran away when he freed its leash; when uke points out that seme actually cared about the dog in his own way, seme fiercely hugs uke, bites him possessively (something we find out he only does to things he likes even that said puppy!) then says uke makes him want to chain him (like the dog he loved so much that ran away when unleashed). C08: Seme loses his composure (see below). C09: Seme reveals he’s not strictly gay as he doesn’t have a particular preference and he’s had female partners but he ends up with men more because his sadism hobby requires his partners to be stronger and have more stamina so by default it’s men: kicking, choking, strangling, biting (uke only), tying up, dislocating shoulder, arm twisting, etc (he’s very violent after all)… C10: UKE SLAPS SEME YES! As seme kisses that other new teacher (seme’s ex-student who’s in love with seme) when he cries saying seme never kissed him but kissed uke and uke gets pissed seeing heartless seme kiss and say cold things like kisses mean nothing, take that psycho pervert seme! C08: SEXY SEXY SEXY HOTTT CHAPTER when seme becomes super jealous and possessive of uke when this new younger teacher tries to take care of uke when he collapses and seme possessively and territorially rips uke from that guy’s grasp like don’t touch and angrily slams uke into the infirmary bed and goes crazy saying how he hates that someone casually touched what he found, that uke is his and screams it several times and hugs uke and then fucks him into the mattress. I added the “HOT” after C08 tag after seme desperately forcefully fucks uke out of jealousy and possessiveness saying it’s punishment when uke says it hurts when seme bites uke and thrusts violently and relentlessly saying it’s uke’s punishment for letting himself get touched by someone else (GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY TUMMY!) and then chokes uke with a belt collar… Seme is SO ANGRY (POSSESSIVE OF UKE). C10: Seme’s estranged Big brother Yutaka shows up to the school and immediately recognises the bite mark on uke’s neck to be seme’s and says that he’s happy seme has found a steady lover as seme only bites the things he likes, a habit since childhood. Uke denies saying they’re more like playmates since he knows seme is only playing with him despite uke’s serious feelings and the big bro says that’s not true and that seme just has a hard time showing affection. Big bro says it’s his fault for why seme is the way he is. Coming from reputed medics family, it seems big bro was a stand-in for their parents as they were too busy to be there for their kids and the brothers used to be extremely close with Yutaka doting on seme. But seme who was talented in everything started getting more attention from their parents and kept excelling in studies and got into a prestigious middle school where big bro failed to get in and so big bro resented seme and said some horrible things like he hates him and wishes he didn’t exist. Seme became warped after that (though he already had sadistic tendencies even as an innocent child loving torture stories for bedtime (fave being wheel torture-_-)) and said love is and illusion and all that matters is getting what you want and even slept with uke’s boyfriend (he’s also gay by the way, seems everyone is gay in this haha) to prove it. Seme stole all of his big bro’s (uke) lovers since middle school and they were all tops who were big and manly and even 100% ultra tops (baritachi) and seme topped ALL of those tops without exception and they fell madly in love with him, my god so seme is the uke x seme looking NATURAL ULTRA MEGA ALPHA TOP BY INSTINCT, lol. Anyway, big bro says he’s finally found a partner who loves him for him and so are getting married outside of Japan so wanted to see seme before he left but seme disapproves of their marriage. Uke realises in all this that seme looks down on love because he’s in love with the one person he will never get, his big brother. C11: Seme’s big bro Yutaka (uke) thinks it’s the first time seme has ever bitten a person before, all the things he loves the most he bites like plushies, anatomy books, blanket and even a real puppy he used to love but puppy was terrified of him (lol). Seme doesn’t realise he’s in love with uke. Tengoku Manabu x Aoki Atsurou. High school teachers. School Nurse x teacher. Gay x straight. Younger seme x older uke. 32 x 36. Ultra top x straight. Sadist x masochist. S x M. Do S x M. Pisces x Aries. Handsome x plain. Handsome seme. Clean cut seme. Tall seme. Flirty seme. Popular seme. Prince-like seme. Delicate looking seme (but super strong and aggressive). Uke-type seme kinda (just face as he’s pretty tall). Sexy big feet seme (bigger than other people shoes). Neck mole seme (right). Cheerful seme with darkness inside. Do S seme. Yandere seme. Forceful seme. Strong seme. Manipulative seme. Rich seme. Bully seme (to uke). Psycho seme (borderline). Wicked seme. Aggressive seme. Forceful seme. Sexual harassment seme. Pervert seme. Blackmail seme (always using his recordings of uke too lightly threaten uke into doing something uke doesn’t want it get closer to uke like get his phone number, etc). Seme’s who likes to toy with people (especially uke). Seme who wants to have fun with people and things. Brother complex seme. Brocon seme. Prestigious medical family seme. Smart Seme who had super bright future as doctor but stopped after big bro said those cruel things. Oyaji looking uke. Wrinkled uke. Weary uke. Half-assed uke. Unmotivated uke. Respected teachers family uke. Smoker uke. Masochist uke. Uke who gets turned on by pain (involuntarily due to past trauma). Traumatic childhood uke (abusive mother who tied and beat him when he didn’t perform at school). Impotent uke (so traumatised by what his mother did he can’t get it up with women). Hairy legs uke. Condom sex (c03,12). Jealous uke (c04 but in denial; c08 very obvious). Uke starts to fall for pervert psycho seme (c04). Jealous seme (c08 with arrival of new young Idol looking teacher becoming too close to uke and seme showing unique signs of jealousy like getting migraines and not understanding why). Migraines brought on by jealousy seme (c08 seme says he’s been having bad migraines lately (since new teacher came and stole uke’s attention precisely) when questioned what’s wrong with seme lately as he doesn’t seem himself). SUPER POSSESSIVE SEME (c08 when uke is held by above new teacher as uke collapses and seme possessively tips uke away and holds him possessively in his embrace and angrily possessively fucks uke). UNFFFF!! Jealous sex seme (c08). Possessive sex seme (c08). Uke gradually falls in love first. Unrequited love uke. Slapped seme (c10). Confession seme (c11). Seme who says “I love you” over and over and over again during sex as well as uke’s first name (c12). Insatiable seme (c12). POST MUTUAL FEELINGS (C11+): Surprisingly needy seme (c12 always wanting uke’s attention). Very Jealous seme (c12). Clingy seme (c12). Desperate seme. Desperately in love seme. I love you seme. Kansaiben uke (c12). Sex beast seme (c12). Sex stamina seme (c12 can go again and again without pulling out or losing his erection). GUHH THE FACE SEME MAKES IS A MAN DEEPLY IN LOVE AND SO DESPERATE FOR HIS UKE UGHHH. First name calling curing sex seme (c12). Sexy body seme (c12 now that we finally get to see him naked he’s really fit!). That position where he’s fucking uke from behind lying belly on bed and seme bracing himself on my hands JUST UGHHH!! HOTTTT! Seme saying he’s never done this before (having sex with thoughts of love) while making love to his uke (v3c1). Seme is basically a pervert and borderline sexual offender (as he lays hands on students as well but would call him a pedophile as he’s into ANY man who comes his way) who likes to toy and play with people for fun and hates love and ends up hurting everyone he “plays” with as if they end up falling for him he rejects them and pushes them. This freak (seme) molests and forces uke to come to terms with his sexuality (masochist) by forcing pain (after he realises uke for hard from his forceful manhandling of uke). Seme biting uke back in v2c1 was him marking uke possessively when I thought it was simply seme being his regular psycho I want to cause you pain for my own enjoyment, thing. But it’s somehow REALLY HOT when you find out seme has bitten NO ONE BUT UKE ONLY and tends to do it when he’s really overwhelmed with lust, love or possessiveness of uke. So mainly during sex but also when he wants to possess uke entirely. V02: Introduction of new character, uke rival, a new young male pretty boy uke-type teacher, Hatano-sensei (Shimazaki Yuuma who changed his name to his mother’s Hatano), who knew seme as he used to teach at his school 7 years ago but seme doesn’t recognise him and so this new guy gets close to uke, pretends to be super friendly and uses uke to get seme’s attention and instead seme goes mad with jealousy and possessiveness over uke. C11: Uke gets rejected when seme says he doesn’t love him despite kissing and almost having sex (seme was trying to forget uke but it didn’t work everything reminded seme of uke) but V3C1 is when Yuuma utterly broken-hearted cries and starts to move on by getting a short haircut (he had kept it longer as seme said it would look good on him) thinking he “I really really liked you (seme)”. C03: After the first 2 chapters of seme forcefully kissing and sexually harassing uke, uke avoids him and seme comes out of his “lair” (infirmary) to the faculty room which he never goes into to follow and confront uke which I thought was kinda hot. And proceeds to nonchalantly dislocate uke’s shoulder with an innocent smile in front of other teachers, lol. It’s not supposed to be funny but the set-up was made to be comical and given the serious nature of the trauma and sexual perversion borne from that trauma, I thought it was oddly fitting for comedy. New younger good-looking Prince-like teacher Hatano is trying to get close to uke but really he’s after seme to get seme’s attention as he sees seme only paying attention to uke.


Ongoing | Takahashi Hidebu | 2000 released

Reading (read chapter ?). SemePOV.

Sayonara Kyouhansha

Ongoing | Agata ito | 2019 released

Complete (read chapter 12). 2 full penetrative sex scenes (+1 intercrural sex doggy style: first time c09) 2 chapters in and I’m sorry but I’m absolutely loving this! Uke harbouring a fugitive seme. These are clearly official translations and it shows. Having amazing translations really make all the difference… I enjoy it that much more, however, you do lose a fair bit of cultural context, still well done for the most part. While searching for his lost cat, Mookie, uke stumbles on seme hiding in a flat of an abandoned rundown apartment complex about to be demolished. Seme had saved and taken care of uke’s cat when he found it injured on the side of the road. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS by end of chapter 3, this slow build-up UNFH. THIS DEFINITELY IS “E+,F” FOR SURE!! So so good! So in love the both of them! A child who wants to hurry up and be an adult to be on his beloved’s side and a jaded adult who becomes more and more like a child due to falling in love deeper with his adorable beloved. SemePOV (c05 then here and there; c09). Hirose Sekiya x Ikaruga Hajime. Salaryman x high school student. Fugitive x student. Older seme x young uke (younger uke). Adult x teen. Early 30s x 16. Sales department x Son of CEO. Employee of big car company x heir of said company. Wanted man x high school class rep (class president). Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Manly seme. Hot seme. Tall seme. Body size difference. Height difference. Big seme. Stubble seme. Unkempt seme. Scruffy seme. Smoker seme. Unshaved seme. Mysterious seme. Jaded adult seme. Serious uke. Smart uke. Studious uke. Top of class uke. Rich uke. Elite family uke. Polite uke. Lonely uke. Antisocial uke. Loner uke. Innocent uke. Harbouring a fugitive seme (uke is helping). Confession uke (aww he’s so innocent confessing to that hot guy not knowing anything about him). Reluctant seme x aggressive uke. Erection seme (c08). Tenting trousers seme (c08). Fingerfucking (c08), reluctant seme was pushed down by desperate uke wanting to be touched by him because seme keeps trying to leave uke for uke’s own sake yet can’t hold back once he sees aggressive uke’s desperate love and need for seme, ungh! Intercrural sex (c12). Fingerfucking tokoroten uke. Tokoroten uke (c12). In lust seme. So in love seme. So in love uke. Slow build-up. Uke has an adorable but very big, fluffy and fat cat named Mookie haha. He made me make incoherent noises of cuteness overload. Seme has his business suit and his work laptop when uke found him. Seems seme is wanted by gangsters. I LOVE this kinda premise where we have an adult seme reluctant because uke is innocent and sweetly in love with him and should know better but can’t help himself and hold back any longer when he sees sweet uke become desperate and aggressive for him. Their intimate relationship starts when desperate and in love uke tries to get closer by forcing seme to touch him and jerk him off (c06). Then when it’s clear seme plans to ditch uke for good, uke says to please have sex with him and he’ll leave him and uke makes seme finger him and that’s when seme loses all control and fingerfucks uke (c08).

If You Hate Me So

Complete | Fargo | 2016 released

Completed. (Read only Main couple: chapters 1-18) (Rest is focused on the slut loose asshole teaching assistant hyung uke that main seme was masturbating to so not reading). 8 full penetrative sex scenes (first time was rape in chapter 6 (pretty much all times until chapter 15 when it’s finally mutual) but third full sex on chapter 10 was also full-on rape); before the first time was also attempted rape; 0.5 is on chapter 8 as seme forcefully inserted his dick inside uke in an alley during a festival (public sex) but had to take it out before he could start fucking uke as he got a call and another 0.5 on chapter 15 when seme inserts from behind but uke got scared as it reminded him of first time that seme raped him from behind). I read this before I got on mangago and was obsessed except POSITIVELY DESPISED that side pairing with the bitch seme and his ugly name Kiseon which is why I disliked the story later. Seo Hyeongjo x Lee Minjae. College students. Hoobae x sunbae. Younger seme x older uke. Manly seme. Super tall seme. 190cm seme. Major height difference. Aggressive seme. Forceful seme. Violent seme. Cute uke. Short uke. Rape seme. Masturbating seme (over another uke). First time rape. Painful first time. Barebacking. Raw sex. Raw rape (>|). Anal creampie. Condom sex. Tokoroten uke. Lifted against a door sex. Being fucked while sleeping uke by in lust seme. Jealous seme. Possessive seme. Kiseon x Woo Jinhan (their story started since before but it focuses on this slut uke from chapter 18 onwards). Literally the ugliest seme (inside out) and couple. I hate that meddlesome hateful bitch seme with his stupid name and acting like a scorned bitch and the annoying slut uke he has unrequited feelings for. That slimy bitch has no dignity of a seme whatsoever, trying to act all edgy like a manipulative shrewd seme but coming off like a whiny selfish meddlesome bitch who’s a shitty snitch putting even putting the uke he likes in shit due to his snitching thinking he did something there just because his slut uke who made main seme lust after his slutty loose asshole teasing him and being too late when main seme finally got with main uke, couldn’t handle it. This is why I hated this story because of their part. This is the uke who main seme was lusting and masturbating (jerking off) to when he got caught by main uke. I don’t think I’ve ever despised a side character as much as this ugly creepy stalker bitch seme. Funniest thing is this teaching assistant hyung uke says he mostly tops and doesn’t mind bottoming but literally this bitch has only bottomed with every men, like 4 so far that they show. What a loose asshole slut.

In the Private Room

Complete | Seobang,Dasjwi | 2019 released

UTD (read chapter 38). 7 full penetrative sex scenes (1st c04 fucked hard from behind against office desk after explicit uncensored gaping hole fingerfucking; 2nd & 3rd in same long session fucking for over 4 hours (!) (2nd c09 seme on top & 3rd c10 doggystyle) seme steering and manhandling uke semi top and then uke on top and then doggystyle and then seme pumping uke lying on belly, after nipple sucking and fingerfucking; 4th c12 uke made to be on top then seme pounding uke into couch and Fucktalking making uke say dirty things; 5th c17 Crossdressing Sex hard pounding doggystyle to lying on tummy to sitting behind spread wide, after eating out uke’s wet arsehole and biting his ass cheek and major vigorous fungerfucking with multiple dry orgasms in c16 SO HOT HOT FINGERFUCKING; +1 uke explicit fantasy of being fingerfucked and fucked). Uncensored and explicit cocks and holes (gaping holes at that) but only the first sex scene, all the ones after that are censored with the white eraser lol. Had to take a break on chapter 7 because stupid bitch ungrateful uke while acting all meek and shit still causes unnecessary selfish trouble. Naked tits (this big tittied actress sleeping with old Woosung Holdings chairman). 2X RIMMING (c16 & 29). This is hot as fuck damn. Damn, lately I’ve been reading with a lot of semes who love to eat out their ukes’ ass damn… Oof. NOTE 2: I want to see this kind of cool, cold and collected arrogant has-it-all-together lose it for uke. I WANT TO SEE THIS KIND OF SEME GO MAD FOR UKE! NOTE: I have been obsessively reading this nonstop the whole day February 14, 2022 abandoning my duties LOL. THE WHOLE DAY FROM CHAPTER 1 TO 37 NONSTOP… To be fair, this isn’t an outstanding work or anything and even has a very meek, spoiled and selfish uke (the kind who are pitiful and victimised but expect everything to go their way somehow) which I HATE but the one thing that you can’t take away is that this is serious INSANELY ADDICTIVE. Like I can’t put it down. Normally, even with serious I adore that are so good, I still need to take a break for whatever reason but this, I just need to know what happens next and NGL, the SEX IS HOT AF. GOD THE CLIFFHANGER AT CHAPTER 37 SHHHHHHT PLEASE UPDAAAAAATE!!! C08: Seme acting nothing like himself due to uke like showing up in events like movie premiers to see uke and everyone being shocked and surprised seme showed up as he never does no matter how many invites and how important the person inviting him is. C22: Uke gets drugged during the shooting of his first major role (first ever acting gig) and collapses and causes a scandal due to that. Probably by seme’s bitch ex-slut uke actor who’s starring with uke in the same drama. Seme hates anyone who takes or even tries drugs as his mother was an addict. C25: I pretty much know what happened and why people and Seme himself keep hinting at his involvement with uke 7 years back and his sympathy or pity for uke and why that nasty manipulative CEO Woo Dohyun knows uke and working on his downfall. I believe the accident that resulted in uke’s father’s death and mother’s coma was caused by that nasty Woo Dohyun and seme was there to clean up that nasty guy’s mess and saw that uke was the victim’s family at the hospital and has felt some kind of sympathy for him sinc then even though he his cold and detached. Now what was initially sympathy turned into interest into lust and more. Woo Hyungjoo x Seo Yeoho. Bigshot CEO x idol. Woosung Holdings CEO x visual. Sponsor x artist. Sugar Daddy (connections) x prostituting. Showbiz. Prostitution for jobs. Contract sex. Older seme x younger uke. 38 x 27. Bi x uke. Handsome seme. Gorgeous seme. Cool seme. Powerful seme. Elite seme. Manly seme. Ripped seme. Sexy abs seme. Calm seme. Collected seme. Mature seme. Smoker seme. Bisexual seme. Extremely competent seme. Condescending seme (but not in awful way just usual smart and important elite seme dictating how things are gonna go). High and mighty seme. Confident seme. Arrogant seme. My way or the highway seme. Connections seme. Anti-drugs seme. Pervert seme (c15 uke mentions it here as he makes uke give him a Footjob). Kinky seme. Pretty uke. Beautiful uke. Big dick seme. Sex bully seme (c12). Fingerfucking (c04,09). Barebacking (c04). Raw anal (c04). Painful first time (c04). Tokoroten uke (c04 fucked from behind despite the pain; c12; c16 from foot licking and sucking). Coming on ass crack (c04). Anal creampie fucked out (c10 uke’s cum filled asshole being fingerfucked out by seme). Fucktalking seme (c12). Bulging belly uke (c12 from seme big cock fucking Uke hard and making uke touch it). Painful after sex (c13 throbbing and pain after waking up from night of being fucked). Crossdressing uke (c15 for kinky sex at seme’s request). Ass groping seme (c15 through sexy stockings). Footjob (c15 seme makes uke give him a Footjob with his stockings on and seme is really turned on). Erection seme (c15 can see the outline of his Big cock beneath his trousers). Tenting trousers seme (c15 just the outline of his big cock). Fucktalking seme (c15 about his kink being to suck uke vigorously all over until he’s a quivering mess and then thrusting and fucking and pounding uke until he’s sobbing and begging for it). Foot licking (c15). Vigorous fingerfucking (c16 seme fingerfucking uke like a drill with three fingers while holding uke tight with his strong biceps and giving uke multiple dry orgasms). Intercrural sex (c16 making uke beg for his cock after vigorous fingerfucking). Pantyhose sex (c17. Crosssdressing sex (c17). Biting sex (c17 seme possessively biting uke during hard pounding). Tokoroten uke (c17 from being fucked from behind). RIMMING (c16 seme licking and sucking uke’s hole after ripping the stockings just where his asshole is for 7 total panels and 3 explicitly show’s and arse cheek biting in between better ravenously eating uke’s hole out & 29). Seme is basically an orphan (his dad passed away and has no family) who was given a chance by the chairman of the Holdings company Woosung. Seme is an extremely elite competent businessman who is self-made as CEO of a huge corporation and not an heir Moghul, the chairman of the Holding company prefers him as he’s so smart, efficient, reliable and competent over his own sons and wishes seme was his son instead. Seme implies he knows uke from 7 years ago (when uke lost his father in an accident that also put his mother into a coma). Seme saves uke from a scandal involving drugs (uke was forced by seniors in Showbiz humiliating uke). This series has lots of manipulative characters (not just seme but others) and all trying to bring down uke or even powerful seme in one way or another. Like Woosung Holdings chairman’s son Dohyung (chairman loves seme and wants his sons to be like seme or for seme to be his son) and this bitch actress Kim Yoonkyung who’s a big tits whore for different CEOs. It seems this crappy incompetent “CEO” (who has no talent but only having this title thanks to his father) was possibly involved in the traffic accident that led to uke’s dad’s death and mom’s coma 7 years ago.


Complete | TAN | 2000 released

UTD (read chapter 77+extra/ read 48 mature). 7 full penetrative sex scenes (7th (c74-75); 5th & 6th (c56-58) same session but their condom rips from SEME’S VIGOROUS LOVE MAKING and do it BAREBACK -> WAITING FOR MATURE VERSION OF THIS; 4th (car sex mature version c43-44) was SO HOTTTTTT; 3rd (c27-28) was FCKIN HOT GOD THESE TWO HOLY SCORCHING HELL and implied they did it at least 3x by the used condoms; 1st&2nd was basically the same session but shown at two different times in story; 1st is prologue that starts with sex scene that will happen in their first reunion in c06 as a flash forward so I still counted it as 2; first time is a very long various position feel-good rape starting chapter 5 (fingering and c06 is the penetration where seme fucks uke from behind) but dare I say it It’s HOT because persistent uke is provoking and chasing seme so much and usually bored disinterested seme gives back). Battle for dominance relationship. I don’t know but it’s hot that seme fucks uke even though uke resists when seme’s supposed to be this perfect infallible alpha type because in a way, uke won having him want to take uke that much. Plus while he doesn’t recognise uke, he says he’s into prim and proper guys like uke and that it’s been a while since he met one again so he’s turned on (he’s basically high school uke so that means he was attracted to uke back then kyaah!). Though the whole art studio students were victims to this borderline pedophile OLD SICK FCK who raped, sexually abused and tortured him; thankfully seme was just doted on psycho-sexually but nothing ever happened with him. That nasty old guy was depraved pervert but seme wasn’t sexually assaulted, phew, but he was basically that nasty pedophile’s muse. Anyway, UPDATE PLEASE!!! I WANT MORE!! I’ve already read all 62 chapters in 2 days of no-sleep binge reading! UPDATE: THANK GOD FOR THE MATURE VERSION where they ACTUALLY SHOW THE SEX SCENES PROPERLY. It’s coming out too slow but at least it’s coming out and they’re at chapter 43 as per March 10, 2022. RANT: I’m really sick of this obsessed uke. Sure he’s got a spine to literally EVERYTHING that isn’t seme (to the point he’s annoyingly ungrateful towards others and has no personality of his own without seme). But by c73, I’m SO FED UP of his singular obsession that is so creepy and he just won’t take no for an answer when seme says it’s over. Uke’s like a crazy ex who doesn’t know when to give up and while will remain expressionless instead of crying and begging, he basically does the same and keeps throwing himself shamelessly at seme. Even though seme wants to break it off because he’s too worried about uke always putting himself in danger because of seme’s issues and doesn’t want to be the cause of uke being in more pain or danger and that uke thinks he can take it, at this point I’m thoroughly weirded out (and intensely annoyed) by the fact that uke thinks he owns seme and won’t let seme break it (whatever relationship sexual and all) off with him. It’s not as sick and disgusting but just as creepy as that disgusting old pervert who is delusional and thinks seme belongs to him. Uke also lives in his own delusions that seme belongs to him and won’t let him escape his clutches. They’re both perverts for seme and think they know best and IT IS GRATING ON MY NERVES THAT UKE IS SO ONE DIMENSIONAL ABOUT IT. Maybe it was author’s intent to portray how seme is just like that sick pervert in wanting to possess and basically OWN as in FORCEFULLY TAKE OWNERSHIP of seme regardless of whether seme wants it or them to begin. Sick of this uke. I wanted him to play games and for once MAKE seme want and need UKE, for a chance. I thought he was so smart. He’s not using his head AT ALL. Maybe since author created super smart MCs, wouldn’t it have been so much more interesting, intense and sexy to have two super smart characters try to trap each other using their brains?! Oh well. Anyway, I truly hope uke will grow some real balls and make seme NEED AND FOLLOW HIM for once! Jung Eunsung x Lee Soohyun. Artist x salaryman. Artist x reporter. Reunion. First x second place. Handsome x plain. 29 x 30. Younger seme x older uke (same age). Sub x dom. Dog x master. Slave x Queen. Top student seme. Naturally gifted seme. Talented seme. Born genius seme. Handsome seme. Tall seme. 187cm x ??. Manly seme. Broad shoulders seme. Athletic seme. Good athlete seme. Cybergenics seme. Perfect seme. Rich seme. Rich family seme. High specs seme. Under eye mole seme (right). Popular seme. Artistically inclined seme. Art talent seme (on top of it all he’s an amazing artist, lol). Centre of attention seme. Earrings seme. Intelligent seme. Smart seme. Good looks and good grades seme. Bored seme. Dispassionate seme. Disinterested seme. Second place uke. Megane-kun uke. Bland uke. Expressionless uke. Envious uke. Obsessed uke. Inferiority complex uke. Extremely vindictive uke (quitting your steady office job just to see your high school (onesided) rival from 10 years ago fail at something (embroiled in a scandal) and become a reporter just to stalk him legally, wow). Spiteful uke (for constantly being compared to seme and being second place even though he studied much more). Stalker uke. Onesided rivalry uke. Self-entitled uke. Inconsiderate uke. High handed uke. Prissy uke. Queen uke. Diva uke. Demanding uke. Unreasonable MF uke (seme literally offers himself on a platter saying uke can make a mess of him and make him cry and beg which is exactly what uke wants, if uke rides him hard and fucks him rough yet this stupid uke just keeps yapping his stupid mouth off and not taking this chance). Uke too thrilled and excited at the downfall of perfect seme. Extremely possessive uke. Barebacking (first time). Powerplay relationship where uke and seme battle for dominance (SO HOT). Erection seme (c41 mature). Tenting trousers seme (c41 mature). Chapter 15 reveals that seme knew exactly who uke is all this time “wear your glasses next time, like you used to, Soohyun.” By the way, there is a SICK FUCK in here, that world-renowned famous painter that seme was working under sexually tortures all his pupils and protégés, extreme BDSM. Chapter 30, we get SemePOV of what happened with that nasty depraved artist / Art teacher and how he ended up in art when he was just minding his own business as a business student.

Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru

Ongoing | YAMASHITA Tomoko | 2013 released

Reading (read chapter ?). Hiyakawa Rihito x Mikado Kousuke.

Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx

Complete | Suji | 2015 released

Reading (read chapter 8). This damn series made me cry like a baby. I cried so much it was so sad but sweet at the end. Full circle but so damn sad! Uruha Ryo x Yamato Aoi.

Coyote (ZARIYA Ranmaru)

Ongoing | ZARIYA Ranmaru | 2000 released

The Beast Must Die

Complete | Lee hyeon sook | 2019 released

Not yet read (read chapter ?).