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mango's manga / #harada(5)

Piercing Hole

Complete | Harada | 2015 released

first harada manga i read, and, in my opinion, one of the less dark ones. liked it a lot! REREADING EARLY 2024: oh this was FANTASTIC. both characters are so attractive and alluring; i love their relationship and the meaning piercings bring them. in most yaois i will not even INDULGE the idea of them breaking up but in this one the possibility is too scary not to think of; i cannot imagine what could top that final piercing. wonderful work from harada, as per usual; i legit thought this was taken from a written short story because it was so beautifully written.

Yoru To Asa No Uta

Complete | harada | 2015 released
2018-02-15 04:37 marked

it was.... so fucked up. SO fucked up. at least the ending was okay. REREADINGGGG EARLY 2024: i LOVE THIS MANGA!!! such a twisted dynamic and super hot to read. asaichi is a bitch but he really comes around and it's very sweet. i was screaming into my pillow SO MUCHHH!!!! i adore yoru so much... my king... i hope they're both happy together for the rest of their lives... the worst scene is pretty bad and kind of a surprisingly stark contrast from the rest of the manga, but it didn't take me out of the story much. i don't think the details are too important so i'd likely skip it myself in future rereadings. really glad they didn't go for the lotion + pebbles route, holy shit harada sensei really is the best at creating extremely attractive and toxic relationships. if you know what to expect and understand it's gonna get rough, it's a pretty pleasant time. she's so damn funny, too - i absolutely loved the cheeky comments of the other two band members!!! i do feel bad for people who come across her for the first time though, it's certain to be a shock. i love harada :D

Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari

Complete | Paraiso,Harada | 2013 released

harada, dude. loves fucking up our lives.

Gintama dj - Kabe

Complete | Paraiso,Harada | 2013 released
2024-01-15 19:35 marked

aint no way... AINT NO WAYYYYY... yeahhh this one was a bit much to stomach. harada draws expressions so well it's genuinely a little horrifying to see. like there's always a suspension of disbelief you need in yaoi, especially these types, but this one felt a little too real. didn't mind it all that much but don't think i gained anything from reading it. kind of makes me want to watch gintama tho just to see these two's dynamic in the anime. loved the fake-out where you thought gin was gonna come to the guys rescue but just ate cake instead lol. what a piece of shit