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Rae D.'s manga / #baby-head top(28)

Therapy Game Restart

Ongoing | Hinohara Meguru,HINOHARA Meguru | 2019 released
2023-04-29 01:31 marked

(not in proper timeline order)


Complete | Jung Seokchan | 2019 released
2022-02-08 23:49 marked

(not in proper timeline order) So unfortunately, I started reading this before it was completely finished. That means this review is coming a long time after I originally started reading it and just isn't fresh like I usually like to keep 'em. Oh well. Tired of seeing omegas suffer discrimination in every other webtoon? Well this author set out to put a stop to that! Lmfao...THIS is something the streets needed, even though we didn't know we needed it and certainly did not ask for it. And yet, this reverse social ladder omegaverse was born!!! Yeah, talk about truly re-vamping a genre bro. And this freshity fresh premise alone would have been worth giving this BL at least a 9.3 for me deadass, but the author did not stop there. We got it all: golden retriever himbo tops who occasionally sport hearts where their pupils should be, mpreg where we get to really see the established couple throughout the whole pregnancy, beautiful visual art, surprisingly realistic couple conflicts that don't go on for too long but still manage to serve up enough drama, etc..... And thats not even mentioning the quality, steamy af sex scenes bro! Wow, all in all I suppose I should have expected nothing less from the author of “A Thousand Cranes” (one of my fav BL's of all time). I give this a 9.6

Love Shuttle

Complete | Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released

9.6... will review later Just some notes for now: I want Doyun yo be mine so bad and it pains me greatly to know that I would never be enough to satisfy him :( I want an SO as obedient as Taehan is to Doyn and just as obsessed with me who lets me get my way every time so damn BAD I couldn’t possibly care less about the side couple lmfao and would legit try to skip their chapters... not because they were horrible as stands lines, but because compared to th main couple they were bland as sand bro both Doyun and Taehan are baby heads in their own right but ALSO much more than baby heads. Often baby heads are just baby heads, you know? They’re so flavorful and multi-facetedas characters! :3 also they were abs9utely adorable and I could read about them forever tbh.,.. like if the story continued (withoughme having to hear from the side couple more than every other 7th chapter), I’d literally read this story till the wheels fell off lol In omega verse world, the leniency with calling out of/downright cutting work is wild lmfao. You put in a request every month to take entire weeks off just for your cycle? Taehan omega dilf daddy got me bout to act up Etc...

Lick Me, Like Me

Complete | R.erun, Riffle | 2000 released

Wow…………….. wow. I’m in awe. Very sh okey and surprised by how much I liked this. And to think that I almost didn’t read it due to its low score (9.0). I liked this so fucking much and that says WAAAAAAAY too much about me lmfao. Jeez, there were many, many things wrong with this and yet…… ooooooowieeeee

Exotic Love

Complete | Geumgi, Lee Gyong, TR | 2019 released

I liked this so much more than I expected. The worst parts of it was, unfortunately the art and the translation. The best parts were the angst and the angst, lol. I know I can’t actually hold the poor translation I was reading against the story itself because I’m obvi reading illegally. So, as usually, I won’t actually factor it into the score at all. But the art? That’s fair game. The art style was very much giving “an artist who just got done being a beginner”. Like they aren’t a beginner, and you can tell by the amount of “polish”. But they can’t have been a beginner too long ago. What makes me say that? Such extremely noticeable disproportionate anatomy. It’s really actually so sad because the anatomy of the characters is like, this only problem! All of the rest of the art is just fine! And man, I wish I could say you stop noticing it at a certain point or that this is one of those where the artist’s skills grows during the publication of the story to the point where it isn’t a thing by the end, but…. neither of those is true here. *sigh* So yeah, the anatomy issues through me off and never really went away. While they didn’t go away or get less noticeable, I aa a reader began to notice how bad it was as thing went on because of how goooooood the story was getting! The angst was so yummy delicious in this one lol. I mean a really delightful concoction of toxic relationship and personality issues all throughout. Ohh, I was actually so into this. Something that sets this story apart from the majority of BL I read is that not only is the MC a bottom who holds more socio-economic and political power than the top love interest, but he’s also so completely and wholly a bad guy!!!! Like, I really am struggling to think of where else I’ve ever read that dynamic. I loved it. Jaehan was such a horrible person but he was CRAZY endearing so I couldn’t not root for him if I tried. He would keep doing bad things and I’d be like “

Monster and the Beast

Complete | Renji Range | 2000 released
2023-07-19 01:47 marked

This was very fluffy fluffy fluffy and very unique. Like, very very unique. I must say I love fresh content. It was so fresh I can’t say I’ve read anything like it really. In terms of how much I enjoyed myself reading it, I’d give it a 9.3. But I have to give it a 9.4 for how much if a unique, concise, and well-executed story it was. So yeah, a 9.4 it is. P.S.: the cover art??? Drew me the IN. Very nice cover art indeed. P.S.: my biggest and only real complaint is about the sex scenes. the set up was there for this to be soooooo much hotter than it was. And like, it was decently hot, but you know, considering the material we had to work with…. I was expecting better

The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady

Ongoing | blacky salt,fullmo | 2019 released
2023-06-26 22:28 marked

The biggest problem with this story was its pacing. The pacing was off although the main story and the ending was rushed in a drastic and unsatisfying way. The number of chapters it had was alright, but it should have paced itself better by taking out some stuff that was focused on too much and replacing it with other stuff that wasn’t focused on enough. The main example of that is the part of the story that focuses on the crowned prince having feelings for the MC. Setting aside the fact that this shouldn’t have really been a thing at all (I’ll touch on that in a minute), even if it must be a thing, the author could’ve gotten it across without like, 5 of the scenes dedicated to it. Having 5 extra scenes of that but then not getting to give the story a proper ending sucks. That part of the story is by and large the biggest candidate for what should’ve been cut back on to make the pacing better, but there are still other things like the investigative expedition. That took up a whole lot of time yet ultimately did not contribute to the plot nearly enough to make it worth it. It was also lowkey boring. The entire ending was really super rushed. And I don’t just mean the ending after we defeat the big bad and save the day. No. Even the act of defeating the big bad was wildly anticlimactic. There wasn’t even a final fight scene (despite all that talk of martial arts!). The main character defeats him OFF SCREEN and even then the way she did that doesn’t make sense based on the logic of the story. You mean to tell me that Kylus, Serena, and Serena’s pupil put together have enough power to defeat the evo; guy? Even though the evil guy not only stole Serena’s power but also the power of the lady who can send people to different worlds and then also the power of one of the last three mages? Hmmm, quite unlikely indeed. Why build up the evil guy to be that hella overpowered just to have him be defeated by nothing? Meh, that was just bad. And I don’t always care about the conventions of the action-y part of the plot being bad in these kinds of stories, but the author has forced me to care here because of how much time she dedicated to building up this plot. Time that we could’ve spent focusing on the rest of the story that never got explored… Now, going back to how the crown prince shouldn’t have had a crush on the MC. They were really good as friends and the author didn’t try to pursue this plot point until after 80 chapters into the story, which is crazy lol. It cheapended it immensely, so to on top of that try to turn it into a major major major plot point that eventually eclipses the actual relationship between the main couple? Crazy crazy. Okay, enough talking about the bad sides. Let’s go good sides! The art style is off-putting at first, because it is not conventionally good, but it grows on you and becomes kind of endearing pretty quickly. The story was very funny and the characters were all so fun. The story had such a playful overall tone and everyone was silly. The story also uses that silliness as a vibe with which the author breaks many many tropes that are popular in this genre. (Most bestest example is Mureia aka the stereotypical villainess turned promising martial artist lol). MC was very refreshingly and unexpectedly relatable to the average reader. From her generalized anxiety and trauma to her decision making and motivations, everything about her felt so so so real. MC’s relationship with her family (especially her siblings!!!!!!!!!) was so so so cute and fluffy warm feeling. Nice to see. Even though the crown prince’s thing was dragged out so much, he was still a nice and endearing character. Honestly, despite their flaws all the characters were good. Surprisingly the only characters that kind of sucked were Serena’s master and his girlfriend (but luckily we don’t spend too long with them). Now, let’s get into the star character of the story and damn near the best thing about it in general: KLYUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Kylus is a neurodivergent himbo angel baby. He is one of the cutie-est of cuties out there so far as ML’s go. Has anyone ever cutie’d as much as he’s cutie’d? I think the fuck not. How could they????? You can’t out-cutie the cutie-er!!!!! No but literally he was so fucking adorable! At first he was just funny and slow (but had the spirit!). Not common but not rare type of “he is trying his best though he is bad at human connection” type of guy. But man the way they took that as the base and ramped up the cuteness to 5 million by the end of the story!!! I love love love how it was so gradual too. That made it more funny and unexpected. Kylus was truly the gift that kept giving in this story and the reason why no matter what happened with the plot or anything else, I can never ever say I was having a truly bad time. Kylus was always around the corner doing the most adorable shit even in the roughest of moments. He really truly be “no thoughts head empty”, except there are a few thoughts, and those thoughts are “how make Valerie happy” and “must be dependable and take care of my estate”. When he had any more thoughts than those few, you could tell it was too much for him hahaha. You’d see his little puppy brain was running round and round on a hamster wheel in his head trying to figure things out. It was so unbelievably cute. How? How could he be this cute? How could he be this puppy? This BABY????? And don’t even get me started on his chibi form Hahah, okay enough enough. Kylus was very cluelessly cute. Often unbearably (and sometimes annoyingly) so. Other random thoughts before closing this: so many other stories would have had Serena and the prince end up together, but I am very glad about Victor x Serena. It was a heart-warming touch! On that note though… it’s sad that the prince ends up with no one! Some people in the comments were saying he’d end up with Valerie’s sister, but…. There’s not nearly enough to support that :/ The little brother is one of my fav characters. He is so cute :3 Aside from being a cutie, Kylus was also at times a model ML. his main two highlights include 1) telling Valerie that no matter how much he wants to be with him, the choice on how she feels and what she does is hers to make and the final decision lies with her, and 2) avoiding having a fight during a relationship trial with the following emotionally insightful line: “truthfully I still need some time to gather my thoughts…if we let our emotions lead us, we might hurt each other.” Anyway, all in all this was a good time that was greatly dampened by poor pacing and a super rushed ending. If the ending wasn’t rushed I’d give it a 9.35. If the pacing was better on top of that? It had a (n albeit slim) chance at getting a 9.4 (because of Kylus!!!). But considering neither of those is true, it gets a 9.3.

Smyrna & Capri

Complete | Brothers without a tomorrow | 2019 released