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Zihvuda's manga / #Isekai(15)

Kill the Villainess

Complete | Haegi,Your april | 2021 released
2024-03-30 21:23 marked

This was pretty good. Actually accurate to some of the comments even. It bothers me when we never find out the reincarnated person's name from their previous life (because it's never implied or directly said that they don't remember it), and this story unfortunately doesn't address this, but the grief or being ripped out of her own world and brought to this one is real, and pretty well explored. I also absolutely LOVE that throughout the chapters so far, she is so. utterly. done. with everyone's bullshit and for the most part shows it with no remorse. It's really great. Also her behavior is scaring the shit out of some people, which is also pretty fun to witness. Another thing I really like is that the person who will eventually become her love interest is actually a pretty normal looking guy, and not some ridiculously hot guy she meets/saves randomly one day. I mean she still does meet him randomly and does him a kindness, but it's not like I have a problem with any tropes as long as they are done well.

I'll Save this Damn Family!

Ongoing | 무늬랑,nu | 2019 released
2022-03-31 17:40 marked

Interesting series and a serious plus that the fat protagonist stays that way for a good portion of time and many chapters and doesn't immediately lose all her extra weight by, i dunno, breathing different or some bullshit like that! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ The story keeps you interested and for once the romance isn't forced, or contrived and cliché, but natural and well crafted. I'll be honest I really disliked the Prince at the beginning to the point I thought him ugly. By chapter 77 I had to go back and see if the art had drastically changed because suddenly i found him more appealing. The art style had changed a bit, but not enough for the discrepancy, so I'm assuming it's because I've come to actually like him, which is nice and great story telling! I liked the coloring, but the art style at the beginning I found a bit iffy, and there was something about it i didn't really like. Pleasingly, it has gotten better, and I no longer have any qualms with it. I like our protagonist, she's smart, learns from her mistakes and is overall kind of believable. Things that bothered me include the way we don't get enough of a feel for who the protagonist was before she reincarnated, we don't really see why she has the skills she does, or what she did with her intellect in her previous life. Also, as with many of these types of stories, she gets used to things too quick. She died somehow and was reincarnated in different era, in a world she read about in a book. She doesn't think of trying to get back, she doesn't seem to miss her old life at all, she just gets on with what she has now and what she has to do immediately with no drama. It's a good thing in a way, because it allows her to actually do some bad ass things and be likeable and all, but at the same time, it just feels like she's accepted everything way too easily and adapts too quickly. There's no grief for the friends/family/significant other she may have lost, and we get to know next to nothing about her previous life. This is a nitpick, and frankly I still liked the story despite all this and many other similar stories handle this about the same way, but it's worth mentioning all the same. I wish these stories would show us a little more of the main characters missing technology, or indoor plumbing or something.

Inso's Law Webtoon

Ongoing | Yuhan,Ahyun | 2000 released
2022-07-04 06:39 marked

Interesting take on Isekai, and a very addicting read. All the characters are likable and the relationships are very immersive. However the story has a bad habit of commenting on bad tropes that don't make sense or flaws in certain characters and then having them incorporated in the plot anyway. Just because you say something is bad, doesn't excuse you from doing the bad thing too, not even when trying to make a joke. It doesn't work like that~! =_= The MC is very oblivious, and it gets grating to watch. The MLs also need to do better when confronting her as she is (however unintentionally) completely belittling and ignoring their feelings and actions. It sucks and can be very frustrating to those that can't stand such things. This stuff overall is slightly mitigated by the fact the story starts when they're literally starting middle school and then continues in high school, so immature children not knowing what they're doing is to be expected. It still does annoy the hell out of me, but then, I'm not in the correct age demographic anymore. Still it's a fun read and the comedy for the most part really does land beautifully. Translation is fine for the most part, but there are chapters here and there translated by people who don't actually speak any english, so beware. You'll get more out of those particular chapters by ignoring the text and just looking at the pretty art. >_> One thing at the very beginning that annoyed me to no end is that MC suddenly gets confronted by a girl she's never seen before, MC NEVER asks who she is, or says "I don't know you". It's among the first things I'd say upon seeing a strange person coming up to me, being overly familiar, and not letting me go. I'd ask who she is, and or say "I don't know you, wtf?". It's incredibly frustrating when MC doesn't do this and just... goes along with it. It's freaking weird.

The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Ongoing | ZAINO, Sancheon , Altoran, ZAINO, 산천 , 알토란 | 2000 released
2023-03-21 16:04 marked

An old martial artist dies, and wakes up in the body of a young man who is the first born son of a countryside baron. MC uses his knowledge of martial arts to get stronger and be the best there ever was as per usual with these kinds of stories. It's good, I like mc, although it is a tad more violent and perhaps outright immoral than I'm used to. The lives the MC takes are no weight on his conscious even if he was technically in the right. He does not give a shit if you aren't one of his people. The art doesn't match the cover for the first 20 chapters and can lead to readers wondering wtf. The art at the beginning is really not good for the type of story this is, which makes it a relief when the artist is swapped out for someone with a more appropriate style. Although I will say I do feel everyone's a bit too pretty in the new art style, but will take it over what was before. If you like these sorts of stories with over powered Mc's than this should be right up your alley. Translation can vary. But is mostly understandable even if the english isn't perfect.

I Will Seduce The Northern Duke

Ongoing | 주시하,후냐 | 2019 released
2023-06-05 10:28 marked

An actress during some sort of non-specified shoot falls into another world where she's saved from monsters by a Duke. The Duke decides to have her pretend to be his lover in order to 1) Avoid other political marriages and 2) Discover who dared murder his fiance-to-be on his own lands. In exchange the actress gets to maybe return to her own world though the possibility is uncertain, or the Duke will make sure she's well taken care of for the rest of her life. As can happen in the real world between two actors on a movie set, feelings slowly develop between them. The characters are likeable, and the story is interesting. The emotional beats are pretty genuine and the relationship between the actress and the Duke develops naturally. So far, the english of the translation is good, with minor errors here and there. I can't speak to the accuracy of the translation, but whoever is in charge of the english knows what they're doing. Always a plus. The art is lovely and good at showing off the romance sparkles and even the small amount of action there has been up to now. I do have some issues with the actress, and I'm not sure if this is a translation issue or what, but yeah. She's mega successful, has a loads of awards for her acting, and has (apparently) been in a lot of romance as well as action... movies? .... tv-series? both? Anyway, my issue is her telling the Duke it's her first time sharing a bed with a man. I don't think she ever specifies her age, or we ever get to know what age she started acting since she does say she's been in the industry for a long while. So it bothers me that she says she's never been in a bed with a man. I find it too hard to believe since she's been in romance things. It bothers me because her reactions to things sometimes makes her feel much younger and inexperienced than what she supposedly should (an adult in her 20s?). And her experience in acting should make her immune to much of the virginal shojo doki-doki stuff. What I mean is she should acting more mature I feel. This could be a cultural thing, so perhaps that's why it seems a bit unnatural to me, but yeah. She's from a place and time where people are much more open and I think, comfortable with intimacy and stuff than the Duke. So when the Duke goes all blushy and embarrassed it doesn't stand out and is every bit as cute as the actress feels it is. Also the Duke's influence is weird. There's a persistent noble woman (girl) who he feels is difficult to deal with. Just bar her entry?? Tell her to fuck off? I don't understand??? He's already known as a "cold hearted" man, and yet he can't keep this person from entering his estates when she wasn't even invited??? Her status isn't higher than his at all, he could just punish her, or have her family do so, like seriously wtf? I get that it's kinda for the lols and also as a first test for the actress, but it just doesn't feel believable as the story progresses and things get a little more serious with the whole murder mystery and all. <_<;; Also even though the actress has to do a lot herself, the Duke shows up maybe a little too often to save her. It's meant to show how supportive he is, but sometimes it gives off more a "she can't do anything without him" feel, which the story is definitely not going for. Fortunately those moments are few. And hey, at least they talk and actually work together really well with solving the mystery. Another thing that bothers me is the actress picks things up a bit too quickly. I get memorizing lines for a role, but even method actors take a while to learn things for their role, months of intense hard work! She has a basis in martial arts and trains (at a gym) a lot, sure! But she's immediately perfect at archery, which... It's one thing if she was being modest about her skills, but she's apparently a master. Even though she's an actress and hasn't the lifestyle where she would have kept up with that sort of stuff. Unless she did, in which case it should have been shown. Instead it just makes her seem too good at everything. It's ok if it happens with just one thing, but it starts to feel contrived when it's etiquette, swordsmanship *and* archery. It's a fun story and the romance is sweet, but if you think too deeply about it, it kind of falls apart unfortunately. Like the Duke apparently hasn't got any spies or informants or anything. The actress has to figure out everything herself, and then report back, like sir! How are you still a Duke with the powerful enemies that you have?! Anyway, for all my complaining, I do enjoy this story and do recommend giving it a read if you're into this kind of romance story. It's been a while since I've read about someone falling into another world as themselves, rather than dying and/or waking up in someone else's body. Also The Duke is immediately aware she's not from their world, there is never a wait or a need for that to be revealed to him, which is really refreshing, though perhaps underutilized in their dynamic.

I Shall Live As a Prince

Ongoing | Kusa , 구사,Kim Tae-Hyung | 2019 released
2023-07-26 11:28 marked

Some dude falls asleep and wakes up as a grand prince in olden times korea. His new brother is the king and also the worst tyrant (apparently) in korean history. Dude tries to prevent rebellions and massacres so that he can stay prince, be with his hot wife and live a life free of responsibility. This was a wonderful action-packed story! There's the usual isekai staples of using modern day knowledge to better or invent things in the historical setting. Was loads of fun following the main character on his various antics. Cried at some of the more dramatic bits, and really love the brotherly love on display, even though there nearly wasn't enough of it to satisfy me. Would definitely recommend reading this and getting stuck into the story! It's also finished, so no having to wait for updates either! The art is good, the backgrounds and layout of the panels flows well, and the translation is overall good, though there are some extra words/letters here and there and some slight awkward phrases.

I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending

Ongoing | Jongso,Hwang Do Tol, 정서,정서 | 2000 released
2023-07-28 12:58 marked

Ok. This is the story of some girl who finds herself reincarnated into the world of a novel she likes as a princess of a nation who barely has anything to do with the main plot. Said main plot is over and the two romantic leads are married and enjoying their "happily ever after". Girl wants to go for the "second male lead", not because she's in love, but because she's a fan and wants to make him happy, as he got his fool ass banished to some godforsaken, cold-ass duchy. He's this girl's fave character, and gosh darn it, she wants to make him happy! By attempting to get him to marry her. I dunno, being his friend would probably have been enough, but no, the dumb mc thinks going straight to marriage is the thing she wants, but somehow doesn't think about what marrying him would mean for their relationship. Now the story is sort of compelling, so it will keep you reading but unfortunately the plot isn't thought out well and as such, mc comes off as a 12 year old child. To be fair ages are never mentioned so I don't know her true age, but I was under the impression that mc before reincarnation was out of high school. So Mc is pretty sweet and nice, and just ripe for getting exploited in a toxic relationship, cause she's pretty naive and easily manipulated. She's not exactly unlikable in my opinion, so the fact she's an idiot isn't bad necessarily. Except the whole reason she likes the ml is because she's an idiot. I don't think mc and ml are going to develop a toxic relationship mind, m just seems like the kind of person who would fall for the Nigerian prince email scams... -Spoilers- The second male lead is exiled as he is, not because the original ml (hiss half brother) was being mean. It's because he couldn't take "no" for an answer from the original female lead. He fought his brother in order to fight for his love. A love that had already been rejected. And I HATE that the mc makes him out to be some tragic hero, because he wasn't. He brought that shit on himself, put his brother in a position where he almost had to execute family, and almost made the love of his life bear witness. What in the fuck did he think was going to happen if he won? That his lady love would suddenly not love his brother anymore and swoon into her arms, like "Ooooh! The fact you don't respect my feelings or decisions and tried to kill the man I love is soooo sexy! Take me now!" I am SO sick of stories that make two of the romantic love triangle fight each other and ignore all input from the person who's opinion and feelings matter the most. Dude is a villain, not some tragic hero. He didn't step aside to let the love of his life be happy, he actively tried to destroy her happiness, and selfishly demoted her to an object to be fought over and won. Fuck that shit. He deserves to have been sent as far from the happy couple as possible, and should thank his lucky stars he wasn't executed as he should have been for the treason. MC knows all this about him, which is why I call her an idiot. -End of Spoilers- The art is not to my taste. It's rather simple looking, though I do like the coloring style. It's not bad, just has aspects I don't really like, particularly the women. They seem to all look like children. The translation starts off fine, and then takes a nose dive incomprehensible, comes back up to barely understandable and then fine again. Aaand then it's just shit for waaay too many chapters. It rather tired me out and was a major contributing factor to me dropping this. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this, even if the plot appeals to you, the translation will make sure to kill your enjoyment of the story dead.

Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead

Ongoing | Yeon-bi,Yeonjae-jung | 2020 released
2023-08-02 18:32 marked

This is a fucking weird story. Person gets isekai'd into a novel they were reading. She decides to save a dude from the novel protagonists murder attempt. He's apparently a bit of a villain, but also completely not and the reason for the murder attempt is cause he didn't return the novel protagonists feelings? What kind of batshit trash novel were you reeading MC? It's not even that the novel protag was misunderstood as a hero, it's not a twist, MC read about her murders in the novel, and apparently liked it enough to continue reading it! Ahem... anyway, so MC saves the duke from getting poisoned by novel protag. First he thinks MC is an assassin then he figures out she saved his life, (MC gets turned into a child for her trouble) and decides to reward her. ... By sending her to be adopted by the "villains" of the original novel for 3 years, after which MC comes back to get married to the duke she saved. Because... it'll get the imperial family off the duke's back...? It's weird. I get the part about the villains being the only ones probably able to break the curse on mc and turn her back into an adult. I don't understand why she needs to be adopted for 3 years. The tests MC goes through to get adopted are weird. She drinks poison, is fine for no reason. It's not explained, and MC doesn't think it's weird. The poisons were real, she has no immunity, she was expected to die, and for some reason the duke just lets it happen. Another test involves her (as a SMALL CHILD) fighting a giant ass wolf. In their parlor or throne room or whatever that place was. With everyone present. The wolf didn't even attack until she turned around and swung a knife in it's face and then she turns her back to it to ask for help. Like??? It didn't feel like she was ever in danger, but what was even the point of any of it? The tests are weird. Nothing matters, there are no stakes. Who the fuck cares about any of the characters, cause I rapidly learned not to give two shits. Once MC gets turned into a child, the duke appears to start developing affection for her. He intends to marry her. I don't wanna think about the implications there, but damn the story sure the fuck doesn't. I don't think the translation is very good either, cause it called the giant ass wold a spirit and then called a dragon a wyvern. Anyway, I'm utterly baffled by this story, and am dropping it like a hot potato, cause I can take weirdness just fine, but I cannot abide things that don't make sense in a story that fails to make me care about any of the characters.

Seduce the Villain's Father

Ongoing | 달슬,비아 | 2020 released
2023-08-22 10:34 marked

Eh, not for me. The MC doesn't seem in touch with reality. She's a fan of the character she meets when she gets isekaid into a novel, and ignores all the shit he does and determined that he is nothing but kind and she should marry him. She's an obsessed stalker who, frankly could be just as much a villain as the dark magician who's treated as the actual villain of the story. Then her obsession is further exacerbated by the fact that she'll die if she doesn't get that good good holy power in her. <_< Just really rubs me the wrong way, this whole thing.

The Novel’s Extra (2022)

Ongoing | jee gab song (지갑송),carrotoon (캐롯툰) | 2019 released
2023-09-21 15:55 marked

The art is average, and it's very shounen but also isekai. I like the story, but I'm giving it a low rating because of the creepiness that is the author choosing to focus on a bunch of high schoolers mooning over Mc who is a full adult (even if he's in the body of a teen). It's weird. MC is a writer, but discontinued his story cause he hit writer's block. He then get's swept away into his own novel? Webtoon? one day as an extra and basically has to live in the novel and try to find his way back home. The game system within the novel gives him pretty op abilities, but also kind of forces him to involve himself as much as possible with the main characters and plot of his original story. As I said, the setting and characters are pretty enjoyable despite some faults. Like for example the pro heroes being portrayed as rather useless and bad at their jobs for the most part except for like... 1 exception. Also one of the girls more than others (though all of them are interested one way or another in mc, it's a very weird not harem that still feels like a harem) keeps misunderstanding things and develops a crush as she believes that mc could have feelings for her. I don't like that, it's uncomfortable especially cause it's focused on so much. Other members of the main cast, like the dude that's supposed to turn villain later just disappears from the story for aaaages, and barely shown to be the threat we are told he is. Also MC gets his own lolita girl to play daddy to, which isn't bad in itself, but he basically killed and now is raising her to use her, so she's basically his slave, and I don't like it much. The readers haven't been given a reason as to why he'd need her, but yeah... there she is. Anyway, I do recommend the story for the general plot and serviceable to good translation, but it's got some elements that are annoying/squick inducing. Fanservice isn't a thing in this, so if that's what you're looking for, this isn't the place to find it.