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pluviophiliac's manga / #precious as hell(594)

Path to You

Complete | Sinran,Kisai Entertainment | 2000 released

i love this one. so sweet and soooo precious!!!

BJ alex

Complete | Mingwa | 2000 released

simply spectacular. i’ve read it twice and i’ll probably reread it again at some point. the cringe actor is INSANE (but in a good way), and the comedic aspects were quite literally genius writing, lol. it’s just our baby’s personality, y’all. he’s precious and he deserves the world. oh, and the character development was outstanding, too! if i remember things correctly, this was the very first comic i read in here. or at least it was among the very first ones. i still hold it in high regard; despite having read hundreds and hundreds of stories since! so yeah, that should at something. i kinda miss it, actually. might even reread it sooner than i expected!

At the End of the Road

Complete | Haribo | 2016 released

This being the very first shounen ai comic I read, I had little to no idea what to expect. Now I think it’s fairly easy for me to admit my obsession with this story, lol. It opened up a whole new world for me! At this point in time, I’ve read “At the End of the Road” three times. In less than three weeks, no less... Seriously. #noregretstho Despite this manhwa having received a couple of negative reviews on here—albeit most of them ARE positive, naturally—I still consider it to be one of my absolute favorites. This has become my go-to read whenever I feel... nostalgic, kind of?? Or whenever I hear a song I’ve previously associated it with, I think about Woojin and Taemin and start smiling like some kind of a crazy motherfucker, lol. Can’t help it. I love these two. Either way, I’m really excited to see what Haribo’s planning regarding (possible) future stories! I’d probably read anything of his at this point. Yuuuup. (edit: i’ve been following ‘mad dog’ since its initial release back in june of 2021, and dude, it’s fucking INCREDIBLE. so fucking great, man… this guy knows what he’s doing. i just adore his work!!! season one was wrapped up nicely back in early february of 2022, so now i’m simply awaiting the release of season two! enthusiastically awaiting, that is. heh. it’s going to be epic, i already know it.) - — - — - — - — - Soooo, I’m just about to read this manhwa again… for the sixth time. Just letting y’all know, lol. #march2022 #stillobsessed #noregrets2.0

Ways of Parting

Complete | AMALILLIA | 2019 released

kwon’s directness is rubbing off on joyoon!!! my god, the sense of pride i’m feeling right now is borderline unnatural, lol. i love this manhwa, fuuuuck. edit: i could legit cry right now. i’m so happy for my babies. they deserve the world and nothing less than that. FML edit #2: i could, once again, cry. (like a lil’ bitch.) i missed them so much. - — - — - — - — - soooo, those were the comments i made as i was reading this story!!! (twice, might i add... i read it twice before it was even complete, oof.) but anyway, i’ll give y’all an ACTUAL review now. lol! - — - — - — - — - honestly, this has been an emotional roller-coaster for me. it’s truly been a jumble of anxiety, insecurities, painful memories, self-discovery and eventually acceptance. there was this sense of… i don’t know, a gradually growing serendipitous happiness, too? i don’t know if that even makes sense, but i’ll say it anyway. despite knowing that every instinct was SCREAMING at our completely broken yoon that he wouldn’t be able to ever find it, life pulled through and found a way to make it possible. so, unsurprisingly, i’ve become quite invested in these guys and their strangely sweet (?) relationship. but overall, i found this manhwa incredibly well-written (from an emotional perspective, that is); even though not a lot of exciting ‘events’ happened throughout everything—which was completely fine with me, by the way! nonetheless, i’ve loved being able to witness their growth firsthand! not just as two realistically flawed individuals, but as a yin-yang kind of union as well. and i honestly think that their relationship has matured into something quite pure, sweet and sincere over time. i can basically feel their affection through the screen at this point, lol. and the same could be said for their suffering! i’m not one to cry easily (at least not from things like this), but this one really managed to pull that off. and more than once, at that! anyway. i’ve enjoyed this one! like i said earlier, it’s more of an emotional story than an eventful, exciting one. perhaps it’s not for everyone, but i’d recommend giving it a chance if you don’t mind all the depression and despair before the actual sweetness comes rushing in, heh. bye!!!

Stranger Than Friends

Complete | Yeoro, Sagold | 2000 released

this looks sooooo good!!! can’t wait to introduce myself to this one. edit: the art it so fucking good. this is so RIDICULOUSLY hot. i actually got wet just from looking at homeboy’s make-out expression from, like, chapter two or something. HELP. and the smut’s even better!!! my god, just imagine having a sex life like this. i can’t cope. #blessed edit #2: not only is this manhwa RIDICULOUSLY hot, as i said before, but it also pulls at your heartstrings and makes you go ;–; practically every other chapter. and it’s hysterically funny at that… is this magic??? anyway. i still can’t seem to cope this week. just for different reasons, lol. read chapter 35 and you’ll understand. #doubleblessed edit #3: THIS IS LITERALLY SO HYSTERICALLY FUCKING FUNNY AND AWKWARD AND SEXY I CAN’T BREEEEATHE.

Medical Return Webtoon

Ongoing | Kidari studio,Yuin,Yeon jae joong | 2019 released

I. LOVE. THIS. dude, this guy’s such a hard worker. i respect him IMMENSELY. i just wanted everything to work out for him in the end, and it did!!! i feel as though i could legit cry from admiration for jihyun, though. he remained consistently decent, humble and forgiving through everything. loved to see sangmin’s redemption arc by the end there, too! i genuinely appreciated that. anyone with regrets and guilt for the misdeeds they might’ve done in the past deserves a second chance. at least i think so. so glad that was incorporated into the story. either way, this has been an incredible journey with amazing character and excellent character development. i remember sobbing like crazy water having read certain chapters, lol. #146 got me in my feels. fucking hell, it’s just so good... y’all wouldn’t understand unless you’ve read it yourselves. i even reread the story a couple of weeks before its completion because i missed the characters and wanted to relive the those thing. so worth it. thank you so much for this, dear creator(s)!!! i’m looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future. <3

In My Closet

Complete | RISA LISA | 2000 released

the art is SO FUCKING PRETTY!!! the whole thing feels kinda ethereal. it’s really nice thus far! although i’m only one chapter in, lol. edit: whoaaa, homeboy did a total 180 flip there at the end of chapter 2, bro. ;-; he’s so cute, help edit #2: OH MY GOD WHY IS THIS MAKING ME SO FUCKING ANXIOUS AAAHHHHHH WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW edit #3: you know it’s bound to be good and dynamic story when you have to take mental health breaks and distract yourself (kinda like this) every other minute. i’m not even kidding. i’m not even past chapter 5 yet. edit #4: scratch that, make that 20 seconds instead. SERIOUSLY. edit #5: FUCKING HELL WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS AAAAHHHHHHHH edit #6: for my own sanity (and everyone else’s), i won’t be further commenting beyond this. however, i just know that this story will continue to excel ‘til the very end. i’m damn sure of this, lol. happy reading, everyone!!!

Show Window Couple

Ongoing | Ine | 2019 released


Yeonwoo's Innocence

Ongoing | Esol,매트 | 2019 released

i’m not even through chapter one and i already need a mental health break, lol. i can’t cope with awkward situations. HE’S SO ADORABLE, THOUGH. i’m going to love it, for sure! just need some time to process. ;_; this shit gives me anxiety, but i’m low-key a masochist so it’s all good. this boy is the most adorable, precious lil’ bean, y’all. this is quite relatable, actually! edit: this is devastatingly embarrassing. its been 20 minutes and i’m not even past the second chapter. i think i’m dying. c’: edit #2: oh my god, this naive, precious little thing. HOW CAN A PERSON BE THIS INNOCENT??? IT’S KILLING MEEEEE. just realized this around chapter 20, but haesol is giving off major aspie vibes. (which is also relatable, by the way. lol!!) i feel like i’m a mix between yeonwoo and haesol, to be honest. well, in some ways, at least. it’s quite fascinating! edit #3: UGHHH, I SERIOUSLY CAN’TTTT. I KNOW I’M A BROKEN RECORD, BUT HE’S SERIOUSLY TOO ADORABLE FOR THIS WORLD, BYE. edit #4: i should’ve said this earlier, but i really appreciate the fact that the ‘stereotypical gender roles’ have switched with these two. it’s a nice change, and i’m genuinely loving this development! the pacing is great, too. and so realistic!

Lucky Paradise

Complete | Kang neuk | 2019 released

I. CAN’T. COPE. this is fucking genius, i swear to everything unholy. omfggg. ridiculously clumsy and adorably awkward, but so good still. sheesh… and the SEX, bro!!!!! my vagina needs a break, lol. edit: this manhwa is making me experience all kinds of anxiety. i’ve kinda missed this feeling, heh. this is so freakin’ wholesome!!! incredibly relatable, too. and if that’s not all, the smut is TOP. NOTCH. literally had to go masturbate afterwards (and had to struggle not to do so while reading) because i was thoroughly soaked through. getting kinda wet just recalling it, heh. good thing i’m in the shower, i guess. TMI but #yolo edit #2: this is getting all kinds of fucked up, my god... please, just stop hurting each other. ;_; edit #3: well, this is new. WHAT. A. MESS. a glorious, toxic mess!!! still, i’m kinda happy about this journey, not gonna lie. at least they’re finally giving it a ‘real chance’ for once, despite everything that’s happened… and i hope that they’ll be able to find different ways to make each other better people, truly. (i honestly think they will.) i’m rooting for you guys! edit #4: a couple of epilogue parts later, and i’m growing more and more enthusiastic about them as a couple by the chapter! i love them, and they both deserve the world. our babies are healing. <3 edit #5: THE. SMUT. IS. FUCK. ING. UN. REAL. holy shit, man!!! haven’t felt so turned on in my life, omfg. (that’s an exaggeration, but still)