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pluviophiliac's manga / #dreamy business romance(152)

Pleasure Principle

Complete | Rotten GreenT, Cereal | 2000 released

the sex was haaawt, yo. but to be honest, there wasn’t much else to the story—unless my memory’s failing me.

Medical Return Webtoon

Ongoing | Kidari studio,Yuin,Yeon jae joong | 2019 released

I. LOVE. THIS. dude, this guy’s such a hard worker. i respect him IMMENSELY. i just wanted everything to work out for him in the end, and it did!!! i feel as though i could legit cry from admiration for jihyun, though. he remained consistently decent, humble and forgiving through everything. loved to see sangmin’s redemption arc by the end there, too! i genuinely appreciated that. anyone with regrets and guilt for the misdeeds they might’ve done in the past deserves a second chance. at least i think so. so glad that was incorporated into the story. either way, this has been an incredible journey with amazing character and excellent character development. i remember sobbing like crazy water having read certain chapters, lol. #146 got me in my feels. fucking hell, it’s just so good... y’all wouldn’t understand unless you’ve read it yourselves. i even reread the story a couple of weeks before its completion because i missed the characters and wanted to relive the those thing. so worth it. thank you so much for this, dear creator(s)!!! i’m looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future. <3

Sweet As Hell

Complete | SSAK | 2000 released

ughhh. i’m a little vexed, not gonna lie. don’t get me wrong, i DID enjoy this… the smut is SO. FUCKING. HOT, i was constantly turned on, and their chemistry and overall dynamic was nice… but did he really have to rape him that one time?? kinda fucked things up for me. and even though neither of them seemed to think of it as actual rape in the first place (more like a little weird and unexpected), it’s still off-putting knowing that he had sex with him while he was asleep—WITHOUT. CONSENT. it’s even more off-putting knowing that he’d already passed out the night before from having too much sex in the first place!!! looking back now, it probably wasn’t that big of an issue for those two as i’m making it right now, but ughhh. most other couples would’ve had serious problems with trust issues after an ordeal like that. oh, and before we move on for that subject, let’s not forget the fact that eui-hyun was purposefully trying to NOT wake him up during said sex as well?? because he figured he’d be too tired and worn out to say yes??? meaning he obviously KNEW he’d crossed the line before even doing anything since he was worried he’d get angry???? ughhh, what a dick move. all these moral dilemmas!!! i’m actually kinda surprised how bothered i was by this. i mean, these statements originate from someone with supposedly ‘immoral’ tastes; someone who has a lot of dark and twisted sexual fantasies. (i get off on domination—and, on occasion, moral ambiguities.) so, in another context, it’s possible i wouldn’t have minded what he did. but this?? nah, fam. not cool with me at all. BOUNDARIES!!! i mean, it’s one thing if he’d made it clear beforehand that he wouldn’t mind if choi eui-hyun were to do that to him while he was asleep or whatever—where’d it’d be to ‘wake him up’ or for his own pleasure. (knowing jung min and his personality, he quite possibly wouldn’t have had an issue with it—as long as it’s on his terms.) but ughhh, still!!! brooo, i’m so ticked off. so, with that being said: please ask for (and receive) permission from your partners before doing such despicable things, yeah? it’s called respect. just don’t fuck your partners without their fucking consent. oh, or even better yet!!! DON’T. BE. A. DISRESPECTFUL. FUCKING. DOUCHEBAG. ^^ anyway. that’s really the one thing i didn’t like about this manhwa. (i’m going to lower it to a 4/5 star rating instead of 5/5 because of it.) i’m pretty much okay with everything else that’s been going on between the two... i’m not personally into role-playing and such, but it’s always fun witnessing it being enjoyed elsewhere. honestly, i’m just content knowing that things seemed to be working out for them in the end, and that the ‘minor’ incident didn’t strain their relationship at all as much as i thought it would. by the time we’d reached the end of the story, a couple of weeks had already passed since those ‘morally corruptive’ chapters were published, and they really smoothed over the whole ordeal quickly, lol. our couple (kinda?) talked it over and then they just… moved on, i guess. no point stressing over something that doesn’t stress out those directly affected. and if the characters directly involved could move on without any worries, so can i! it’s their (fictional) lives, after all. so, naturally, other than that ONE specific part of this otherwise nice-and-kinky-but-occasionally-emotionally-dull-romance, i actually quite enjoyed the story! i’m not at all hard to please when it comes to books and literature in general, and i suppose a lot of people might call me a generous reviewer—but hey, it is what it is! i liked it. might even reread it someday! who knows? so, in conclusion, i MOSTLY enjoyed it. it was a fun read, and they both seemed genuinely happy by the end of the day, and that’s more than good enough for me. :)

Park Hanhoo's Manager

Complete | KIM TAC | 2000 released

i’m completely OBSESSED with this. it’s dark and awkward and wholesome and i just love it. so different from everything else i’ve read! i don’t doubt i’ll be rereading this someday in the future.

It's Not Like That (Gangto)

Complete | Gangto / Lime | 2000 released

Wholesome as hell, lol. It was ridiculously awkward back in the day, too… I remember having quiiite a few anxiety attacks caused by all the second hand embarrassment, haha. Still, I’m low-key a masochist, so things like that keep me engaged and committed for sure. The story ended up being somewhat shorter than I’d originally hoped for, but that’s alright! It was a fair conclusion nonetheless. I’ll be looking forward to the upcoming side stories, though! I have no idea what these few bonus chapters will be about, bull it’ll be nice either way.

President Long-Legs

Ongoing | Choi mee ae | 2019 released

this is definitely one on the best comics i’ve stumbled upon, i think. so much better than i expected it to be... one really shouldn’t have expectations. i seriously can’t wait for more updates!

I Became a Millionaire's daughter

Ongoing | Ray,Chiguri | 2019 released

super freakin’ wholesome. i miss this!!! there haven’t been any updates in forever. sheesh…

His Devilish New Hire

Ongoing | Eonjeong,Kimsiot | 2019 released

they’re so fucking adorable i could die. HELP. edit: wait… is that it? it this how it ends?! but it feels so incomplete! like, what??? i really thought there’d be AT LEAST 5-10 additional chapters. this is an open ending that just doesn’t make much sense to me. so out of the freakin’ blue!!! what’s the final conclusion? what about the aftermath of said conclusion? and what about their jobs, their coworkers, their lives, their families and everything else that we never really got cleared up…? honestly, this is disappointing. probably would’ve given this a 5-star rating if only the ending felt more… ‘final’. at this point, the best one can hope for is an epilogue, a couple of bonus chapters or even a side story if we’re lucky enough; just SOMETHING to finish everything off… ugh, this is so random. what even was that?! my god, ughhh. what a flop. there are waaaay too unanswered questions for this to be able to be considered complete. WE. NEED. CONCLUSIVE. ANSERS!!! i mean, this was never one of those unique, creative and ‘enthusiastic’ comics or anything to begin with… but at least it’s been consistently enjoyable and overall wholesome throughout, in my personal opinion. that’s the only thing that really matters to me, anyway—whether i feel that the time spent reading something is worth it by the end of it all or not. that’s how i go about ‘rating’ something, including writing reviews and such. 5 stars if i had a great time (despite what the actual story is about), and a measly 1 star if the story feels utterly ridiculous, idiotic and just… offensive. this is my general baseline. so, with that being said, i’ll give this a solid 4 stars… despite this momentary ‘lapse in judgment’, if you will. well, since i actually DID enjoy it up until this point, that is... one disappointing ending doesn’t ruin or ’erase’ all the nice aspects about a story as a whole. that just wouldn’t be fair, in all honesty. sheesh… well, it is what it is! could always be a lot worse, i guess. :)

Ways of Parting

Complete | AMALILLIA | 2019 released

kwon’s directness is rubbing off on joyoon!!! my god, the sense of pride i’m feeling right now is borderline unnatural, lol. i love this manhwa, fuuuuck. edit: i could legit cry right now. i’m so happy for my babies. they deserve the world and nothing less than that. FML edit #2: i could, once again, cry. (like a lil’ bitch.) i missed them so much. - — - — - — - — - soooo, those were the comments i made as i was reading this story!!! (twice, might i add... i read it twice before it was even complete, oof.) but anyway, i’ll give y’all an ACTUAL review now. lol! - — - — - — - — - honestly, this has been an emotional roller-coaster for me. it’s truly been a jumble of anxiety, insecurities, painful memories, self-discovery and eventually acceptance. there was this sense of… i don’t know, a gradually growing serendipitous happiness, too? i don’t know if that even makes sense, but i’ll say it anyway. despite knowing that every instinct was SCREAMING at our completely broken yoon that he wouldn’t be able to ever find it, life pulled through and found a way to make it possible. so, unsurprisingly, i’ve become quite invested in these guys and their strangely sweet (?) relationship. but overall, i found this manhwa incredibly well-written (from an emotional perspective, that is); even though not a lot of exciting ‘events’ happened throughout everything—which was completely fine with me, by the way! nonetheless, i’ve loved being able to witness their growth firsthand! not just as two realistically flawed individuals, but as a yin-yang kind of union as well. and i honestly think that their relationship has matured into something quite pure, sweet and sincere over time. i can basically feel their affection through the screen at this point, lol. and the same could be said for their suffering! i’m not one to cry easily (at least not from things like this), but this one really managed to pull that off. and more than once, at that! anyway. i’ve enjoyed this one! like i said earlier, it’s more of an emotional story than an eventful, exciting one. perhaps it’s not for everyone, but i’d recommend giving it a chance if you don’t mind all the depression and despair before the actual sweetness comes rushing in, heh. bye!!!