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pluviophiliac's manga / #darling shapeshifters(139)

Obey Me

Ongoing | Gyeonu , 견우, Sosu , 소수 | 2000 released

this deserves waaaay better ratings. wow, the dynamics!!! i genuinely, absolutely, wholly ADORE this. unique, exquisite writing, if you ask me! clever, ingenious dialogue with plot twists at every turn... beautifully complex characters with intriguing relationships, too. i can’t say i’ve read anything like this before; at least in comparison to everything else i’ve seen from this particular genre in the past. it’s just so… enticing. and unexpected. and melancholy. man, talk about a hidden gem! i’m honestly unable to grasp why the ratings would be at 8.8 when the quality’s this good with art this expressive and individuals this original. judgment truly MUST be a subjective notion… i truly don’t get this one, sheesh. it’s a shame, really. i feel that readers aren’t doing this story justice. in my own personal opinion, this is an amazing story with excellent potential. can’t wait to see what’s in store for these people!!!

Protect Me, Knight

Ongoing | | 2019 released

“i wanna hear your voice up close…!” the weird girl exclaims as she passionately hunches down on her knees in front of a handsome classmate and his friend (?) that she’s never once talked to before. yeah, okay, and now i want to go KILL MYSELF. whyyyy would you say that??? i’m freakin’ DYING from all this secondhand embarrassment, and i’m not even past the goddamn panel panel yet—meaning i’ll have to go back and continue as soon as i’m done with my rant!!! i’m just hiding out over here, patiently waiting for the stress to simmer down. as an aspiring contemporary teenage sage once said in the ever so legendary comment section on the infamous webtoon app: “what in the toy story”

Remarried Empress

Ongoing | Alphatart , Sumpul | 2019 released

whoaaaa. this woman is a LITERAL. FUCKING. QUEEN. (or empress, if we want to get technical.) mommy, step on meeee—i beg you. i’d even pay good money for it. (don’t kink-shame me, boo; i’m just kidding. well, not really... but kind of.) in any case: navier’s such a freakin’ girl-boss. does she even have ANY unfavorable personality traits…? anything she’s ever ‘done wrong’ at all? i mean, she’s basically perfect. literally so fucking cool and respectable and intelligent and admirable 100% of the time. navier’s always poised, always sharp, always socially adept… physically, she looks like a fucking goddess, too. ughhh, she’s just so goddamn exceptional. heinrey’s ABSOLUTELY her perfect match!!! they complement each other so well. their relationship is soooo precioussss, man... i can see why he’s so infatuated with her. why ANYONE would be, really. ‘cause, you know… same. i’d be, too! honestly, i’m low-key kinda amazed by the fact that his feelings haven’t been properly reciprocated yet. i’d be FAWNING over him at this point. heinrey’s a massive catch himself; if i had the option, i’d choose him over most guys in a heartbeat. loving these dynamics! i’m thoroughly LOVING this torturously slow slow-burn, too. ahhh, but it’s definitely worth the wait—i just know it. <33 the buildup-game’s been pretty damn strong and spectacular thus far! i’m always looking forward to the next chapter.

Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store!

Ongoing | 여로은 | 2019 released

BEST. FEMALE. LEAD. EVER. (kinda random, but who cares.) if nothing else, she’s definitely one of the most lovable ones i’ve come across in my reading days. i mean, mel’s charisma is UNCANNY!!! her personality’s awesome and super original, too. also, you just gotta love her harem-that-isn’t-really-a harem as well; it’s surprisingly wholesome. whoever ends up being her true love-interest (i’m betting—and hoping—it’ll be isaac), it’ll be considered a win if my book, since they’re all pretty outstanding people in their own ways. dominic’s such a freakin’ babe, too… and the prince’s surprisingly sweet as well. ughhh. seriously… can’t i choose them all?! i’d approve, whatever. either way, she only deserves the best! if everyone were like her, the world would be a beautiful place. she’s surrounded by such amazing people! i absolutely adore the whole lot of ‘em. really didn’t expect to enjoy reading this as much as i’ve been doing… i’ll 100% be looking forward to see the update-notification pop up!

The S-Classes That I Raised

Ongoing | 근서 | 2019 released

bruh, i have full-body convulsions every single time he says “i love you.” i’m not even kidding. seriously, i can’t handle the cringe, it’s OUTSTANDING. truly, this is hysterically funny in ways i never could’ve predicted. i’ve been laughing my ass off like crazy, haha. even stayed up half the night binging this thing, lol! no regrets, factssss. it’s truly an amazing story, and i’m actually kind of glad i put it off for so long since i now have the option of binging 80+ chapters instantaneously without forced breaks like i want to. <33 also, i love these characters!!! i’m surprised by how unique and ingenious the actual plot itself is, too. all my initial predictions were way off! i mean, i’m quite familiar with this genre by now—especially these game-like reality tropes—and i must say i’m positively surprised (more like overjoyed) about the fact that i literally have no idea what to expect from anyone or anything. honestly, it’s great writing! the art is quite spectacular, too—very engaging and expressive! stellar world-building, enticing personalities all over the place, emotional complexity, amazing comic relief, as well as overall great potential for character development and plot progression. <33 man, i’m so excited for future chapters!!! edit: completely forgot i wrote this during one of many mental health breaks caused by all this “i love you” business… had another cringe-fest the minute i returned to the story... now i’m hiding out over here again, waiting for the goosebumps to finally recede. heeeelp meeeeee. edit #2: hyunje’s actually my favorite out of everyone in this hunter bunch, lololol. he’s so funny

Sleeping Ranker

Ongoing | Daon studio | 2019 released

man, what a savage. this is amazingly entertaining and power-trippy—just what i was looking for. <33 it’s like a combo of solo leveling and overgeard and i’m absolutely LIVING for it. man, this dude is slayingggg. ugh, i’m so fucking tired right now. this ‘review’ is just embarrassingly hollow and anticlimactic. i’ll be writing something more… ‘thorough’, at some point down the line. once my energy’s peaked, i believe it’s fair to say!!! might take me awhile if i know myself correctly, but hopefully it won’t be TOO long; i’d be a shame to forgot about this feeling i’m experiencing right now. such a serotonin-high, truly. hopefully, i won’t! anyway, it was 100% worth staying up past 3 AM to binge this thing, at least i can tell you that much. i loooove these characters... asura’s such a fitting alias for our badass MC, it’s perfect. side note: libeus is definitely one of my favorite characters thus far, lololol! he’s so goddamn entertaining. can’t wait to see what’s in store for these guys! it’ll be epic either way, that much is already obvious enough by now.

The Princess is Evil

Ongoing | Cha Sohee,Ggomi,Hwa Som | 2000 released

ahhhh, this is great!!! i’m enjoying myself much more than i thought i would. enough to make me want to buy the official chapters on tapas, heh. (definitely worth it.) in any case, i genuinely quite adore this family-that-wasn’t-a-family-until-recently dynamic!!! it’s a lot more wholesome than expected, too. these ever-growing familial bonds give me life. <33 also, character development game strong with this one. 10/10