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pluviophiliac's manga / #darling shapeshifters(138)

Don’t Do This Your Majesty!

Ongoing | | 2022 released

this woman’s so freakin’ oblivious, it’s not even funny. (it fucking is, lmfao.) i love their weird ass relationship, hahaha!! man, this’ll be entertaining.

Red and Mad

Ongoing | | 2019 released

i’m enjoying where this story is going… however, i can’t say i truly… understand everything that goes on at all times. it’s a bit confusing and difficult to keep up with at times. i’m loving the creativity and complexity behind the actual plot itself, but i don’t feel it’s being executed as well as it could be. still great, though! hmmm. anyway, i’m looking forward to reading more!!!

The Daughter of the Elemental King

Ongoing | Gureumbit,Kkool cha | 2019 released

I Grow Stronger By Eating!

Ongoing | 또속은냉죽 | 2019 released

holy SHIT, this is dark. wow. i really didn’t expect an MC like that for this story, lol. i’m not complaining, though! it fits perfectly. the manhwa’s simply waaaay off my initial prediction. our guy’s an actual psychopath, and i’m just livin’ for the drama he creates!!! lololol. <33

The Duke's Teddy Bear

Ongoing | Choi seong-ha | 2019 released


Ongoing | Son Jeho,Zhena | 2000 released

bro. i seriously fucking LOVE eleceed. 100% adore it. reading this is an absolute joy! i feel like i couldn’t even properly express just how sincere i am in that statement. ever since i started on this journey yesterday afternoon, i’ve been struggling with just the mere notion of taking small breaks to catch my breath—let alone spare a moment to update y’all on where my thoughts are at. now, i’m wholly up-to-date with its latest release, and i figured it’s time i gave it a proper mid-review! i mean… simply put, i’m mind-blown. definitely one of the best stories i’ve ever read. and i do mean EVER. (note that i’ve read a lot of them at this point in time, too.) i know i’ve said this before, but my standards are relatively high. knowing that, i’d still consider this story a top-tier, prime example of creativity, emotional engagement and commitment. 200+ chapters, and thus far, i’ve NEVER gotten bored. this is near-unheard of in my case—at least in recent times. it’s been a long time since i felt this… ‘captivated’ by a story. it’s compelling enough to make me want to binge hundreds of chapters in one go… truly, i never imagined i’d get so emotionally invested as i’ve become. although i probably should’ve realized, knowing it’s by the same creator as the one who brought the legendary ‘noblesse’ to life—which is STILL my favorite comic, of all time, to this very day. nor did i expect to grow so attached to these characters!!! it’s borderline unhealthy at this point, lololol. either way, the comedic aspects of this story are literally fucking genius. i’m not even kidding; i’m WHEEZING my way through this masterpiece at a quick pace. the dialogue’s fucking hysterical, and the outstanding art complements the overall reading experience so, so well—just like lyrics complements a song. can’t believe how fast i binged this thing... well, all the published chapters, at least. i’m still reeling from the aftershocks as i’m writing this, too, lololol. it’s most def quality content, no qualms about that. i literally CANNOT with these people. they’re so goddamn entertaining it hurts. it’s so funny i have to physically RETRAIN myself… from doing all sorts of weird things. (i won’t go into more detail than that.) in any case, i get chills all over my body and my heart just starts to THUMP THUMP THUMP every single time the action starts to get real, and that’s noooo exaggeration. (which happens a lot with this particular manhwa. this is a comedic fantasy action story, after all…. so yeaaaah.) SO. MUCH. DOPAMINE. like, dude!!! these people are SO. FUCKING. COOL. every single one of them, i kid you the fuck not. kayden (including casein nitrate, LMFAO) and jiwoo and kartein and wooin and jiyoung and jisuk and subin and seongha and inhyuk and arthur and freakin’ EVERYBODY!!! these characters are seriously among the most admirable and lovable and outstanding ones i’ve seen in a long time. they all deserve the world, babies. we must unite and protect them AT. ALL. COSTS. the unbiased, untainted, pure loyalty these guys have for each other… it jabs at my heart for all the right reasons. my god, my heart literally ACHES. i love them all, they’re the best. and i ADORE these friendship bonds!!! it’s wonderful to see them have such strong faith, respect and trust in each other. strength in numbers, indeed… but they’re equally as strong as individuals, too. they’ve just been constantly growing on me, ever since the very beginning—more snd more so by the chapter. it’s been such a blessing being able to see each and every one of these characters’ journeys and emotional growth. really can’t wait to continue in doing so, either! and if that’s not enough, us readers keeps being introduced to new, enthralling side characters all the time; all of whom have unique personalities and interesting traits. but, ehm, uhh… still. kayden’s just… next level enticing, man. it ain’t fair to the rest of ‘em. gotta keep it real with you guys, i’m sorryyyy. ;_; oh, and before i forget: the art is EXQUISITE. it’s literally a masterpiece. i need to buy the graphic novels or something, if there are any… i might even be inclined to learn korean one day if there aren’t any english translations available for purchase... that’d the extent of my obsession. i don’t even care anymore, i just know it’d be worth it. EVERYONE should be reading this. 10/10, would ABSOLUTELY recommend. such an emotional—yet wonderfully endearing—power trip that i fell in love with instantly. it’s just so unique, intriguing and refreshing! anyway. you know what else i love? the epic fighting scenes. they only grow more exciting and grand with time. and the buildups are NEVER letdowns, man... definitely should’ve taken screenshots, though. ughhh, i have no idea why i didn’t, honestly. it makes no sense to me, either. i haven’t seen such screenshot-potential since, like, noblesse or something. (heeheeheeee, i crack myself up.) there’ll always be pinterest, i guess… but, nevertheless, i thank you for coming to my TED-talk!!! this is, as i’ve already said, a clear new favorite of mine—for lots of different reasons. it’s rare coming across a story that continually pulls you in the more the deeper in you get. usually i’d experience a decline in either quality or plot at some point down the line, but this one hasn’t disappointed me at all this far. i might be biased (‘cause of noblesse) for all i know, but it was crazy good still! i’m completely in love. anyway!!! appreciate you for sticking around ‘til the very end of this review. i hope i managed to properly (or at least somewhat) express just how big of a mark this story has left on me in the name of manhwa and all that is holy. <3 P.S. can you tell how excited i am just by reading this??? this has pretty much been my ‘natural state’ ever since chapter 1, heh. no time to rest when the story’s so freakin’ good! seriously, though: a day will 100% come when i’ll choose to reread this perfectly executed manhwa. but, for now… i can die happy. ‘til my resurrection! side note: KARTEIN EXUDES SO MUCH FRANKENSTEIN ENERGY, I CAN’T COPE!!! even kayden has some of those vibes to him… ugh, it’s low-key making me emotional. i seriously need to go and reread noblesse ASAP, i can’t take it no more. P.S. would’ve added the ‘awkwardness overload’ tag if i had enough room for it, lmfao. it definitely belongs there!