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Da fuck is wrong with you bro? You are going to get him killed lol

Broooo, that is one way to flex lol

Welp its over now.

Yeeesh. Get a room guys.

Da fuck is that face for??? Are you crazy like your mother after all!!!

Welp. That situation has a great start.

Taking advantage of the poor man..... Make another baby!

Welp. That shit went south real fast

Suspicious................. Run.

Want to? Oh Oh He is GOING TO TRY

Damn. The moment is gone!

Ahhhh the chemistry.

Careful. He will definitely notice.

Annnd ramp up the rhythm even more.

So soon???

You are too young to be saying shit like that!!!

You were supposed to turn a blind eye!!!

LMFAOO!!! Stupid couple.