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When you just needed that lil bit of love.

Oh he ain't kicking you out honey.

When your plan backfires spectacularly

This is my man bitch.

When you see them getting along so well.

That went from cute to "Might wanna call PETA stat"

That face..... fucking hell this won't end well.

Protect the baby!!! That man will rape him.

Hehehe. Shower sex.

He went and okayed the arrival of another child.... hehehe.... Getim.

When your wife had had enough.

When life sets you up to be knocked down into the flames of love.... hehehe

LMFAOO Ya nasties.

Just tell her you like her you jackass.

The baby is jelly!!!

When you realize this guy is fucked up lol

When the author decides to rip your heart out, burn it and piss on the ashes.

When all your Ex's are in the same place at the same time.