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Sin wants one too.

Ya done fucked up big time.

Shut yo mouth or you gonna be the one to die.

Tragic backstory to rip your heart out.

Mizuho, stop giving him sec for a week or so. He'll get some ideas again

Time to help yo man out.

Poor baby.... Your close to learning you are a sex addict when you sleep

When you realize....... The law must go.

........ Marry him.

The fucker better grovel and spend his life pampering, coddling, and catering to you.

Fox eyes!!! Your so cute and you deserve better.

Boiiii, feed him food first eh?

When it all began. That look.

Please get married.

When he knew he was in deep.


Hehehe. Kiss yo man.

Shin. THAT'S what you think of the relationship between the two of you!?!?!?