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You gurl loves it when they cum inside. Yas.


*drool moment* Common yaoi rape trope but yum. Pound that boi.

Why censored peens. Such a shame.

Handy Assistant. Fluffy uke. Adorbs.

Yes. Consent sex can be a turn on yes.

My god, the mc got my S instincts running wild.

Ah the comedy breaks the sexual tension between our two mcs. MOAR.

Yes. Consensual sex pls. Pls ask uke. Very sexy yes.

IM so jealous. Love is the air. I repeat, love is in the air!!

Very cute post-confession sex. Very much awwww.

Noooo. I was hoping for bathroom sexy time! Noooo

Yes, making sure you get consent before you enter them. Yas.

*sigh* why do good moments always have to be censored.

And this example of sex without consent is called RAPE. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Dom-Sub play. So good but why penis censored.. sniff. Beautiful otherwise

Well the title is very direct. You got what you came for.