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You're a dumbass August 19, 2020 5:21 pm

Yeah Most live action BLs seem to cast only cast twinks. I've never seen one that has an actual muscular guy. There only seems to be talk twinks or short twinks. XD
Mind showing me some links to those painter of the night cosplays. I really want to see how the seme would look like in real life. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Also have you read the read chapter?

soie_yoie August 12, 2020 10:30 pm

Yeah. Just spoil it for me. I wanna know the ending.

I normally dont read comments first unless im unsure if i want to read the manga/webtoon.

I look for things i hate.

1) long dragged out misunderstanding. - like if its 100+ ch of no resolution and continued misunderstanding. I get so funstrated.

2) wishy washy partners. - when a love interest can't even figure out who they love or if they even love anyone. Argg its so annoying. I read one webtoon one guy with 3 love interest. Chapter 100 he still doesnt know who he loves. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yeah but i try not to read comments first because it can alter my perception of the manga. I just wanna enjoy it.

Comments can be so negative sometimes.

One time i did comment to an anti rape activist because they are so annoying.

- yes yes. Rape is bad..... Can i go back to reading my porn now? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lol *sighs* you just cant enjoys things without getting blasted now a days.

(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ screw them. Happy reading.

You're a dumbass August 13, 2020 3:10 am

I don't really know their names so I'll just call them the bad guy and the other one anorexic Levi. So there was a confrontation with the bad guy and a police officer and the house they were in burnt up in flames. Police officer and Levi were fine but the bad guy stayed in the house and got horribly disfigured. It was discovered that bad guy was a serial killer. Levi ended forgetting what bad guys face looked like because it got burnt. He wanted to return a ring to the bad guy but he didn't know what hospital he was in. He had to go through a ton of obstacles just to find the bad guy. And when he did find him it turned out he already died and so they gave him his ashes. He accidentally dropped the ashes so he rubbed his face in them. Then he started hallucinating him and started following him around. Then he gets hit by a car. The end Told you it was sad and messed up
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ One of the things I mostly hate in yaoi is when the same treats the uke horribly and the uke is just there to take it and feel sorry for him. It's like watching videos of animals being hurt or abused. Like why would I want to read such a thing? Or when they introduce a rival that is just there to get in the way and the story ends up focusing too much on him. Like bitch you're not even going to fuck the uke why should I care about your sad backstory? Lol I was just reading a cute and harmless yaoi. Some asshole in the comments was acting like the seme was a huge asshole. When he all he did was be rude to the uke when they first met that's it. Like bitch were we even reading the same thing? Go complain about asshole semes when there is an actual one not imaginary ones that exist only in your head.

soie_yoie August 13, 2020 4:23 am
I don't really know their names so I'll just call them the bad guy and the other one anorexic Levi. So there was a confrontation with the bad guy and a police officer and the house they were in burnt up in flam... You're a dumbass

Aww man... That is sad, but that is to be expected. It was pretty dark and the seme wasnt going to get off scot free. I do feel bad to the uke. He had a sad life. I dont know if he could of lived well without the seme.

Overall seemed like a good story. Im more of a happy ending person so not for me, but i acknowledge it was good and different.

(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ thanks for the spoilers.

Also yeah ppl are crazy. They always want the characters to be spotless and angel like. Thats so unrealistic. We all make mistakes and do stupid stuff. Ppl go crazy over one mistake a character does. *Rolling my eyes*

You're a dumbass August 13, 2020 12:54 pm
Aww man... That is sad, but that is to be expected. It was pretty dark and the seme wasnt going to get off scot free. I do feel bad to the uke. He had a sad life. I dont know if he could of lived well without t... soie_yoie

You're welcome on the spoilers.Glad I could help. (⌒▽⌒) Yeah I felt bad for the uke too. But I think it was obvious he was also gonna meet a bad end. One of the reasons I didn't want to read it. There's another one that's similar to killing stalking called warehouse. The uke and seme used to date each other but the relationship ended on a bad note. So the seme got possessive and kidnapped him. That one supposedly has a "happy ending" but I don't have the guts to read that shit after killing stalking.
I'm also a fan of stories that are mostly happy.Not a fan of dark and twisted stuff. Or yaois that are basically just
spanish soap operas that drag on for way too long. Those ones end being up the worst because I actually like them but then it starts getting dumb and overdramatic for no reason. Way too much drama in them ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Yeah for these people not even a fictional character is allowed to fuck up let alone an actual person. One time I saw a comment on a yaoi that said a character kissing another character when he was asleep meant he sexually assaulted him. Seeing that made go what Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) That's such a comment trope in yaoi or even shoujo manga. Like is this person crazy or what?

soie_yoie August 13, 2020 2:18 pm
You're welcome on the spoilers.Glad I could help. (⌒▽⌒) Yeah I felt bad for the uke too. But I think it was obvious he was also gonna meet a bad end. One of the reasons I didn't want to read it. There's a... You're a dumbass

Yeah i read wearhouse. I like it. The ending was satisfying. I did feel bad for wanting a bad ending because thier relationship was so toxic but i love happy endings.

Lol in America touching a person without concent is assault. When i was in school training in the hospital, i was told you always ask for permission first to touch a person. Over time most healthcare professional forget this.

But yeah applying real world rules to fictional character is just dumb. If you cant do cute things, its just stupid. Ppl can be so rigid sometimes.

Lol i just read "i have money!"

Omg the comments are hilarious. The seme almost got raped and everyone is blowing there minds!!!!

Onr person said rape again? And someone replied, "welcome to yaoi". Lol best comment ever. Man some ppl are so whitty

You're a dumbass August 13, 2020 2:34 pm
Yeah i read wearhouse. I like it. The ending was satisfying. I did feel bad for wanting a bad ending because thier relationship was so toxic but i love happy endings.Lol in America touching a person without con... soie_yoie

In warehouse, did it make sense for them to end up together? Was the relationship able to turn healthy or did the uke just develop Stockholm syndrome? I'm kinda curious now.
For sure nobody in real life should ever kiss someone in their sleep. But in fiction it's just a harmless way to show that one person is interested in the other as some kind of dramatic reveal. They even did it in sleeping beauty so it's kinda hard for me take it seriously as if its "sexual assault".
Lol thanks for the recommendation I'll check it out. I feel that should just be the default response anytime somebody is surprised there is rape in yaoi. Just say " Suprise! Welcome to yaoi!" ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ I'm surprised they're calling it rape since it's the seme being attacked. Nobody ever seems to get offended by it then. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

soie_yoie August 13, 2020 3:11 pm
In warehouse, did it make sense for them to end up together? Was the relationship able to turn healthy or did the uke just develop Stockholm syndrome? I'm kinda curious now. ... You're a dumbass

Lol yeah wearhouse was so dragged out. I think thats why it worked because as a viewer you anticipating and anticipating for the closure so when it ends it doesnt feel abrupt.

I dont know names so im just gonna refer to them as seme and uke. I know that irrates some ppl but.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

So the seme was worked in a shady detective agency so he could find mc, but he never finish paying it off or worked to pay it off so the agency sent 2 ppl to find the seme. They get into a scruffle. Seme runs off with uke.

Back story about the seme is that he's alone. His parents were great ppl but they died early. He goes through depression. He remembers the uke and wants to relive his happy days. *End of flashback*

Seme took the uke to a new place asking the uke if they can start over. (I forgot what happened at this point) i think the uke was unhappy because if they forget the past then there is nothing between them. (I forgot what the uke wanted but he did like the seme but he wanted something different) uke tells seme to kill himself.

When the uke woke up and went downstairs. The seme stabs himself and is laying on the ground bleeding. Seme apologies for not dying yet. Then the 2 guys from the dective agency come and the police was called so the seme was sent to the hospital.

Uke felt deep regret for seme. He remembers all thier past. Uke was the one who wanted a relationship, but he got jelly than abandoned the seme. Seme ended up in trouble. Not sure but i think word got out he's gay or something. By the time he went to school again uke was gone.

Uke realized he really didnt know anything about the seme but his name. Mc gets taken away by the police. The two guys said he tried to kill the seme but at the police station they get a call the seme is awake and it was suicide so the uke went back to the hospital.

Seme goes crazy saying that he always has the urge to trap and imprisoned the uke so jist go away. The uke runs away. His apartment is now taken by someone else. All his stuff in the trash, but all his important stuff was stolen.

Hes on the cold street contemplating his life.

The seme turns himself in for what he did to the uke, but thw police let him go because no evidence. The wearhouse was burnt down. Seme shocked at the news. So he runs to the location and finds uke there.

Uke said he burned it down so get rid of the evidence. Seme is suprised why the uke did this. They talk it out and then black screen.


In reality uke also has no one. He always wanted someone too and he realized that they can work things out.

The uke buys a cake and street food that they use to eat. He sits in front the seme's place. The seme is late. Then the seme shows up in a taxi. Seme is suprised to see uke. He thought the uke wouldnt show up. Seme also bought cake and the same food. They both stared at thE 2 cakes and 4 portions of food. "Umm maybe to much to eat?", Someone said. So they gave the extra portion to the 2 guys from the agency. They left it as a suprise on thier doorsteep. It was kinda cute.

After that. It was tons of photo of fan art. Very cute.

But yeah they ended up working things out and building a good relationship because they needed each other. Before the seme showed up he really hated his life. They both have no one but each other and they can finally each have what they wont. Seme was always in love with uke. He got his happiness. Uke always want to have unconditional suport or someone who always had his back. But he never did till now. He never knew the seme back then could bw trusted. So yeah good ending.

You're a dumbass August 13, 2020 4:04 pm
Lol yeah wearhouse was so dragged out. I think thats why it worked because as a viewer you anticipating and anticipating for the closure so when it ends it doesnt feel abrupt.I dont know names so im just gonna ... soie_yoie

Lol seme and uke is just an easier to thing to say if you don't remember their names. Why are people always so pressed (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Not gonna lie Warehouse doesn't seem as bad as compared to killing stalking. Probably since the seme isn't an actual serial killer. I'm glad it was able to turn happy for them. Still too much of a coward to read it though. ( ̄∇ ̄") The only way I can handle twisted stories is if both the seme and uke are fucked up in the head. There don't seem to be too many stories like this though.

soie_yoie August 13, 2020 4:51 pm
Lol seme and uke is just an easier to thing to say if you don't remember their names. Why are people always so pressed (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Not gonna lie Warehouse doesn't seem as bad as co... You're a dumbass

Doesn't matter. There's tons of yaoi mangas/webtoon now. Im so overloaded. I have like 99 tabs on my browser of things i haven't read yet.

Updates are coming faster than i can read and thats with skipping all the ones i hate.

Thats why i thiNk all those anti rape are crazy. So many options and they always pick the rape story......


You're a dumbass August 14, 2020 12:16 am
Doesn't matter. There's tons of yaoi mangas/webtoon now. Im so overloaded. I have like 99 tabs on my browser of things i haven't read yet.Updates are coming faster than i can read and thats with skipping all th... soie_yoie

I've mostly been reading mangas that that end only at 5 chapters since they're much easier to finish. Then I can get started on the webtoons since I know that shit takes much longer to finish.
Not to mention, people are now tagging it if there's rape in it. So you know in advance not to read it. Lol Its like watching a horror movie and being upset at all the gore and violence.
Also I'm interested which webtoons are you reading? Right now I'm only reading 4 webtoons since there's so many to keep track of.

soie_yoie August 14, 2020 12:47 am
I've mostly been reading mangas that that end only at 5 chapters since they're much easier to finish. Then I can get started on the webtoons since I know that shit takes much longer to finish. ... You're a dumbass

Honestly there's so many things im reading i cant even recall.


These webtoon are so long and they take forever to resolve or get anywere sometimes when it updates i already forgot what i was reading. I have to read it again. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I try to read all the chapter 1-2 first. Lol

Right now im into mtl. I discovered chinese novels. Man i love it so much. Its very different than yaoi. Its slow burn. Plus its chinese so most are only shouenai. I like korean novels too but those are hard to find a complete chapters. Also koreans are known to sue translators.

The only problem is that theres always the same theme. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ but i dont care i love these themes. I know others are sick of it.

1) mpreg - drunk/drugged one night stand love story.
2) beast world - all male world. Females are males who cant transform. Males can transform to animals
3) marriage contract- force marriage then fall in love
4) reborn revenge- first life died miserably so this time hug a golden thighs (aka lean on a strong person)
5) transmigration- ppl die and waking up in a book. Usually as a villian type character.
6) fast wear- world hopping with a system to acomplish a goal.

I find novels/webtoon as instant gratification because its so short but novels are like long investments. You take the time to invest in the story and characters.

I notice the comments for novels are different from comments from mangas/webtoon. So because novels can be over 100+ chapters its a long term investment so if it has tags ppl dont like they "nope out" fast. You dont really see stupid post like "rape is bad" or not as much as from mangas. Most of the novel comments will be more about the character/plot than superficial stupid comments like mangas. I think only those stupid ppl have short attention span so they only focus on mangas.

This is the forum i use for spoilers novels.

What are you reading now?

You're a dumbass August 15, 2020 12:26 am
Honestly there's so many things im reading i cant even recall. (/TДT)/ These webtoon are so long and they take forever to resolve or get anywere sometimes when it updates i already forgot what i was reading... soie_yoie

I haven't heard of any Chinese novels lately it's mostly just Korean novels that people have been reading. I'm kinda curious now I think might check some out. Which are the ones with transmigration in them? That seems like something I might be into.
Even those people aren't stupid enough to read 100 pages then complain about being offended. That's just way too much effort for them. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ If it's a webtoon or manga they can just read a few chapters then complain about the rape. Then rinse and repeat on to the next series. Boy they sure do have a lot of time on their hands don't they?
The webtoons I've been reading are: On or Off - cute office BL where the seme and uke have a misunderstanding that causes them to hate each other at the beginning. They realize their first impressions of each other are wrong and start to get closer.
Madman Combo - Ukes sister is on the run after having an affair with a married man with ties to the mafia. The mafia kidnaps the uke to get information out of him. Uke escapes and then kidnaps the seme. The seme is the boss of the mafia men. He ties the seme to a bed then films a video of himself giving a blowjob to the seme. The video is so the uke can blackmail the seme into leaving him alone. The uke in this is hilarious he's half the reason I'm reading it. The other reason is for well you know ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
King of Home Cooking - Uke is a contestant in a cooking competition. The way to progress on the show is through either the judges favor or fan popularity. So he hatches a plan to get into a fake gay relationships with one of the other contestants. The seme ends up hating the uke for suggesting it to him but he ends up going along with the plan. Can't wait for them to catch feelings for each other.
Painter of the night- I'm pretty sure you know about this one since it's so popular. Honestly it's not really my cup of tea. I don't know why I keep reading it. The seme is probably the only reason I read it since he's so crazy. You never know when he's gonna stab someone. He's obsessed with the uke and doesn't know how to process romantic feelings. Almost everyone in the cast is unlikeable. The uke is pretty boring and he's just there to feel sorry for him. I still don't why I keep reading I can't help myself.#-.-)

soie_yoie August 15, 2020 2:08 am
I haven't heard of any Chinese novels lately it's mostly just Korean novels that people have been reading. I'm kinda curious now I think might check some out. Which are the ones with transmigration in them? Th... You're a dumbass

I love painter of the night.

These are translated novels. I clicked on the shounen tags. You can go threw which ones u wanna check out.

I generally dont like reading translated novels because 90% the translation takes forever. So i normally just mtl (read google translated chinese novels)

This one is a transmigration story. Its one of my favorite. Its about mc (a reader) made a bad comment and the author changed the novels protagonist to become a tragedy villian type. Mc (main character) transmigrates into the novel. He becomes guilty because he made ml into a tragedy figure.

This is the novel i am reading now.

The mc is a beautiful man who plays a female opera/theater performer. (Men use to play females roles in the past. Mc learned the dying art from his family.) He over hears on the buss about a book. The villian has his name and the main protagonist locked him up in the end.

Mc wakes up in that book remembering ppl talk about it. He freaks out and rUns off. Little does he know on the road he encounters the male protagonist but he lost his memories.

This one also seems interesting. Another transmigration story. Mc transmigrates into a childhood friend of the protagonist. The childhood friend dies young and the protagonist struggles to life with vultures everywhere.

Turns out the protagonist is reborn and he needs to hide his vicious bloody side, while mc is innocently trying to help a wolf (the protagonist)

You're a dumbass August 16, 2020 2:28 am
I love painter of the night.These are translated novels. I clicked on the shounen tags. You can go threw which ones u wanna check out. generally dont like reading ... soie_yoie

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Almost everyone on here reads painter of the night. What do you like about it? I'm mostly just reading for the seme and his crazy ass.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll write back once I've read some of them. I'll tell you which ones I liked the the most. Any anime you're watching or too busy catching up on all the BL? I know there's at least one BL anime that came out.

soie_yoie August 16, 2020 6:48 pm
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Almost everyone on here reads painter of the night. What do you like about it? I'm mostly just reading for the seme and his crazy ass. ... You're a dumbass

Lol. Yeah i use to watch anime and movies, but after reading. I lost my patient with movies/anime. I always wanna skip to the ending and all that. I honestly only wanna know the ending.

founder of diabolism

Is a great novel that turned into a webtoon and a live action tv series called untaimed.

But after reading the novel im like in the background shouting "THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!!!" Lol im so dramatic. I cant even watch it.

I love painters of the night. The art looks so real. I like that although the uke looks kinda girly. He is 100% male. Some other yaoi. The uke looks too much like a girl. This one his body looks so real. Its so intense.

I also like the crazy seme. I did get bashed for posting to someone who was anti rape. Because the uke was drunk and thats rape.

Im like dude. The seme killed someone like the the first few chapters. If that doesnt show you his character doesnt care. Idk what will.

The repsonse was like yeah i remeber the murder, but rape is wrong.

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Dude so is murder. So yeah.... Killing is ok rape is not to these ppl.

I mean come on. You are reading about a psycho and you want him to have morals? Are you ppl stupid?

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yeah.... These ppl give me a headache.

You're a dumbass August 18, 2020 12:11 am
Lol. Yeah i use to watch anime and movies, but after reading. I lost my patient with movies/anime. I always wanna skip to the ending and all that. I honestly only wanna know the ending.founder of diabolismIs a ... soie_yoie

Lol I'm the same way I get so impatient for something to happen that I just end up reading spoilers or skipping to watch how it ends. (≧∀≦)
I've learned to never read the novels or books of something that's getting a movie or TV show. Since you'll just end getting annoyed at all the cool stuff that gets taken out.
I've been wanting to watch some Korean TV shows with BL but I haven't. Since apparently Korea likes to censor BL stuff. Apparently Thailand BL doesn't have that problem though and they don't seem to mind showing sex scenes.
To these people rape is worse than murder. The seme could have killed 50 people and they wouldn't have minded. But the minute he rapes someone that's too much for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the same people complaining about this also read Killing Stalking.

You're a dumbass August 18, 2020 12:13 am
Lol I'm the same way I get so impatient for something to happen that I just end up reading spoilers or skipping to watch how it ends. (≧∀≦) ... You're a dumbass

LOL I meant to put to up a facepalm emoji but somehow this ended up showing up instead.

soie_yoie August 18, 2020 2:06 am
LOL I meant to put to up a facepalm emoji but somehow this ended up showing up instead. You're a dumbass

Hahah. Nice

Wow smut scenes. I did see a clip of a yaoi that became a movie. I didn't like it much. Same with any reg anime that becomes live action

Idk. Real ppl never look better than thier cartoon counterparts.

Some yaoi guys are like huge full of muscles with a cold demeanor. Lol but it looks like he was replace by a skinny bunny than a real man.

Same with untame. The ml was an adult, cold, mature, large guy. He's played by what looks like a skinny teen dork.

Σ(っ°Д °;)っ


Theres gotta be the same equivalent somewhere. I mean ive seen great painter of the night cosplayers.

soie_yoie August 12, 2020 4:10 pm

Awww thanks. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I couldn't reply to your earlier post because the original poster won't let me, but i wanted to reply to your post.

There's so many ppl out there that's angry about the subject of rape. The arguments are always the same.

1) rape is in every yaoi - but thats not true. Look at the tags and warnings a lot of the times. if there is rape, you can avoid reading it. There are none rape stories out there. Lol it does exist.

2)just because its not real doesn't mean its ok.- counter agument : this is just a story its not real. Rape activists thinks this as equal to rape is ok. Thats just stupid. It just means literally "its a story. Its not real". No one says rape is ok. They always act like if you read it. You endorse it, but they themselves read it too.

3) stop telling me to not read it.- like wtf? That's so illogical. You WANT ppl to tell you to read things you DON'T like? Wtf????!!!!!! Like does that mean you WANT to read it? Like a guilty pleasure?????!!!? Cuz this just doesn't make sense. If you dont like it, why do you want to read it.

4) yaoi glorified rape.- well this is true to a point, but there are dark topics like murder and violence. These topics are very bad but its always glorified in movies. Its also in yaoi too, but literally no one complains about it. Because we all know its not real. No normal person will go out and murder just cuz they saw it in a manga. Same with rape. Most yaoi readers are females. You seriously think these girls are gonna go out and rape men now because they read a lot of rape? Like seriously?

i never understood this because most anti-rape commentors dont care for murder. In real life murder is a much worse offense than rape. Why is murder ok in manga but not rape? It's like they don't understand the real world. Also just because there are bad topic doesnt mean its illegal to write/draw/animate it.

These anti rape are so illogical and they keep ignoring tags and warning. They just keep reading rape mangas. I don't get them.

Honestly out of 5 yaoi releases i only read about 2 or 1 because i dont like the topic. If i dont like it, i just avoid it. I dont complain about how translators keep releasing crap i hate. I have no right to pick and choose what thier projects are but i CAN pick and choose what i am willing to read.

Lol if you like my first comment you can copy, paste, alter it, whatever you like to those anti rape ppl. They seem so out of touch with reality.


Ps thanks.

You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 4:35 pm

Anyway thanks for being so nice. I've been kinda scared to read any of the comments since I know it's just gonna be people complaining. Even when there isn't any rape people still wanna complain. Glad to know there are still nice people on this website. (⌒▽⌒)

soie_yoie August 12, 2020 5:09 pm
Anyway thanks for being so nice. I've been kinda scared to read any of the comments since I know it's just gonna be people complaining. Even when there isn't any rape people still wanna complain. Glad to know t... You're a dumbass

Lol thanks you are a sweetheart too!

Yeah i totally agree. Sometimes reading comments really bog down my day. Like why so negative. Its true some mangas deserve it, but there are a lot of ppl behind that manga that worked hard on it so that other ppl could read it for free. So many ungreatful ppl out there.

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 5:52 pm
Lol thanks you are a sweetheart too!Yeah i totally agree. Sometimes reading comments really bog down my day. Like why so negative. Its true some mangas deserve it, but there are a lot of ppl behind that manga t... soie_yoie

Yep especially since it's all pirated. They're basically complaining about something they're reading for free. Talk about entitled. It almost makes me wish that all translators would just stop translating yaoi. They can't complain about it anymore if they don't know what's going on. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 4:31 pm

Thanks for giving me your permission. (●'◡'●)ノ I completely agree with everything you said. As long as everyone is aware of the amount of rape there is in yaoi, there is no need to keep mentioning it over and over again to people who already know. If they wanted to warn people, it should be to those who are new to the genre. Plus, they could always just read shounen ai since that doesn't have any rape in it. It's like they're addicted to getting offended and being angry all the time. If they wanna do activism, then just do it. Instead of reading yaoi and then complaing about it. Pretty sure that doesn't count as activism. It's not like I'm comfortable with all the stuff that happens in yaoi either. But I just stop reading since I know it's just gonna make me feel bad. These people don't stop instead they just keep hate reading it. Like what some of the "fans" did with Killing Stalking.

soie_yoie August 12, 2020 5:19 pm

Lol i did like Killing Stalking, but i stopped because i didnt like were it was going. How did it end? Im so curious. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Yeah i dont really understand anti rape people. You are right. They seem to enjoy complaining for the fun of it because that issue could easily be avoided by just simply not reading mangas with that tag or warning.

( ̄∇ ̄") you know i always see the same arguments. It makes me roll my eyes. In reality they dont want solution. They just want to be righteous, but we all know they are no angels.

Tee hee.

You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 5:48 pm
Lol i did like Killing Stalking, but i stopped because i didnt like were it was going. How did it end? Im so curious. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧Yeah i dont really understand anti rape people. You are right. They seem ... soie_yoie

I can give you a spoiler of it if you want. I could never get around to reading it since it made me uncomfortable. But one day I got curious since I heard it ended. So I wound up reading just the ending. Kinda regretted it later. The ending was super tragic and messed up. ╥﹏╥ Lol Anytime I see those people complaining, I always check what they're reading or have read. It's always stuff that has either dub con or at least 1 instance of the seme forcing himself on the uke. It always makes me laugh for some reason. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
