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Morbid_2 January 14, 2017 2:25 pm

I REALLY need help guys. I am trying to find this yaoi where the uke is a business man and one night he makes a wish (either on a full moon or a falling star) and he gets whisked away to an Island. When he wakes up he surrounded by anime people (shifters I think). The same is a lion or some other big cat. Please helppppppp!!!

Morbid_2 January 11, 2017 5:17 am

OK. So, I read a yaoi recently, I accidentally stumbled upon it but it caught my heart. Its ongoing, I know that for sure. And it is fairly new. But the plot is something along the lines where I think the uke(potential uke) likes the potential seme, but the uke is shy and reserved. They both work at the same place (I think its a bar) and they both dress up as females and I don't think they know that they know that they go to the same school either. That's all I got so far. The uke has dark hair. Seme has light hair. Uke's personality really comes out while in drag.

Does anyone know it?
Thanks in advance

Morbid_2 January 4, 2017 4:11 am

Hello everyone!

I need help finding this yaoi where the seme teases the uke a lot.
In the yaoi the uke isn't too popular and the same is. The seme recognized the uke from High school I think and asked to hang out. Eventually they have sex and the Seme says something mean to the uke. The uke looks shocked and leaves or something. Anyway eventually the Seme says something like "I want to tease him more" because the uke looked like he wanted to cry... OTL I'm horrible at this.

Important info:
It was snowing or cold in the manga
University/college based
Seme had blond or light colored hair
Uke had dark colored hair

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