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malid's experience ( All 0 )

malid's answer ( All 4 )

I'm 54yo. I have suffered depression my whole adult life. I've been suicidal, a lot. Here is what I've learnt. Depression does not make you suicidal. What makes you want to end it all is being trapped. "There is no way out, I can't see things ever getting better, I (everyone) would be better off if I died, maybe it would make all the people who ca......   1 reply
21 08,2017
I've been married 20 years. We have been together over 30 years. I think we got married in reaction to my dad dying when we both realised life is short. I have never regretted a single moment with my partner. The strange thing is I never planned to get married. When I was young and my friends were talking about marriage and children I felt I was o......   reply
02 05,2017
52, female, english, accountant. Read my first yaoi about 3 years ago and never looked back. It's my guilty pleasure   1 reply
12 11,2016

malid's question ( All 0 )