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okdudewhatever's experience ( All 0 )

okdudewhatever's answer ( All 1 )

beyond the boundary straight up killed my soul and turned me emo for a month, aish it made me cry so much. "i can't think of how i will be able look at trees turn into the dull colors of fall into the blooming bright colors of spring without thinking of her and her bright smile that will never look at me once again in this life with a crying face ......   reply
11 08,2020

okdudewhatever's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

He ate a demon. Died and is now in hell. Became a Victorian child lookin ahh. fights demons with words. Ate again *sad music*.

23 minutes
did explain a manga plot badly

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- Yarrichin B club

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