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ZuZu_owo October 26, 2023 4:23 am

if i think about it the grandpa didn't actually kill rowena, she killed yeah he was searching for her when she gave birth to stillborn corsette, but rowena out of hate summoned a demon and gave up her own soul so the demon can posses her dead daughter and exact revenge. if she didn't the grandpa would have found her alive with a dead baby instead of dead and no baby...maybe i overthink though ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Heya October 26, 2023 12:38 pm

    Well he did drive her to kill herself. She was running away from him and his men chasing her. So he really is to blame! Hope he got taken out here tbh

    Heeheehaha October 27, 2023 1:24 pm

    Its a good thought but grandpa was indeed planning her death. So if she didn't summon the demon, he would've had his men kill her. So he's truely to blame for her death and as the reply above mention, he drove her to commit suicide by the summoning

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What embarrassing moment you have with your crush? 10-23 14:37
Stupid couples 06-20 08:58
Photo from FLUFFY 05-26 06:42

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