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PoleJam's experience ( All 0 )

PoleJam's answer ( All 3 )

Clannad. It has the absolute worst art I’ve ever seen and the characters are so annoying I wanted to bash my skull in. I watched it cause it’s apparently supposed to be sad but tht shit was so bad when the “sad” parts came I was totally unaffected. If anything the sad parts made me happy because [SPOILER] less annoying characters for me [SP......   1 reply
08 02,2021
I would love to be the quality checker! I can also be cleaner or proofreader if needed!   reply
30 01,2021

PoleJam's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

Sucking on that dick made my lipstick slip off (Uh)
So can I wear your cum as clear lipgloss? (Uh)

43 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

Pretty when you're looking up like that
Pray but Heaven won't let you back
Good on your knees

2 hours
did stuck my cock in a blender


2 hours