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Bjiir11 created a topic of Furyou Mesu Ochi

Kinda proud of my keen eyes, i know them yaoi when i see the cover lololol

Bjiir11 created a topic of Cold-Blooded Beast

Gwe suka artnya tpi pusing mikir konfliknya jirr, ga seharusnya gwe baca eni manhwa udh tau ga kuat angst malah dilanjut

Bjiir11 created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

Wth why it said completed???

Definitely gonna have seo an family drama, it's always those conglomerate

The most wholesome greenflag bl story I've read so far<3

Bjiir11 add 1 photos to Zaddy

Mmmm spicy

Bjiir11 created a topic of Shota Oni

Bacanya lucu, tpi klo ada bocil yg tingkahnya kek higa ama tsubaki beneran sungguh mengkhawatirkan sih

Bjiir11 created a topic of Jinx
Bjiir11 created a topic of Payback
Bjiir11 created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Bjir gw drop dari 2 taun lalu buat nunggu secuil harapan tpi kaya ga dapet2 hilal kebahagiaannya

Bjiir11 created a topic of Payback

Gregetan bgt anjj, buruan ngewis dah gw ga tahannnn gemeees banget

Bjiir11 created a topic of Jinx

Hehehhehehehehe nice heesung

Bjiir11 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Anjir toji di jjk kaga laku kah ampe kudu pindah universe wkwkwk

Bjiir11 followed a goer
15 08,2023