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Shawnie created a topic of Penetration of the sword

Possessing his son’s dead body is…interesting lol but I like that this is the only murim manhwa with an mc in a fallen namgung/namgoon sword clan

Did anyone else think he stole the other bottle from her?

Shawnie created a topic of I am a child of this house

The plot holes are killing me lol I know people are fussing about the age gap but this is probably bad writing/planning . For the bulk of the story their age gap was 7 years . She arrived at 11 and he was 18 however they made him look so damn old . Then when his family brought up marriage with his older brother she complained about the brother being old but he’s only a year older than emel

Also what tf is the story about the mom? I can live without a backstory on the duchess but they brought her up here and there to make it seem like the duke didn’t want nobody else but her so then how did he end up with Estelle’s rotten ass mom ?

I know we wanna root for yayul because of how the story is progressing but I don’t think it’s possible since he cut her head off without warning in her past life sooooo …lol

I know there’s like zero chance of any updates but I reread this all the time since lapel is literally the cutest child out of all the manwha I’ve read

Shawnie created a topic of Yours to Claim

I’m content with how jooin & Cain ended but I demand a side story for him !

Shawnie created a topic of Did It Work

random but sooo much appreciation for the artist putting the hole where it's supposed to be opposed to making it an actual bussy lol

Shawnie created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I commented before the hiatus about wanting a love story for woojin ...and even though logically im sure the author already had this planned & there's no way the read the comments here....I feel like i have super powers now

Shawnie created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I just knew the side stories would have some romance for woojin (maybe with the red haired guy) but what is this ??? Hoin & chunwoo are just fucking in every update

Shawnie created a topic of Yours to Claim

every time I finish a chapter I feel like uncle roger haiyaaaaaa

I reread this religiously its so good

I know it's not supposed to be realistic but I always wondered if the author has every worn pantyhose irl bc there's absolutely no way to 'accidentally' slip in pantyhose lol

Shawnie created a topic of Tonari no Metaller-san

this was so good ! I laughed so hard when kento got stuck in the mosh pit lol

Shawnie created a topic of Yours to Claim

my guy has been miserable af damn near this entire story . yahwi has been treating jooin like shit for 70 chapters & gets all woe is me with his back story and is forcing jooin to deal with him like get your head out of your ass . meanwhile cain has zero backstory so far outside of his family claims he's mentally ill for believing he was a dog in his past life we dont know jack shit about him except he loves jooin and treats him well nut WHAT ELSE. WHO IS HE?!?!?! lol FFS rip the band aid off at this point shit is dragging and its too late to drop I've already invested my time & emotion lol where are the quality seme's???

Shawnie created a topic of Rumspringa no Joukei

anybody else wondering what happened to Danny's older brother Jean?

I reread this just for lapel lol