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Popo created a topic of PASSION

Tae-ui might actually be one of the most pitiful characters i've read so far, I usually can't give half a mind to stories like these it actually tugs at me when I think too much about him. Tae-ui is definitely portrayed as a character with no capacity for genuine hatred, so far I can only see him as someone who loves people, all he gives is himself. He can only see the best in people, even when he knows better, he chooses to turn a blind eye, for example his uncle and his first love interest, while he knows their intentions are partially corrupt he always digs up outrageously justifying motives. The most prominent being his supposed hatred for Ilay, when it's so obvious Tae-ui is yearning for the connection he 'hates'

Tae-ui might be someone who can only love, but it could also mean nothing at all, idk