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kotoyachi's experience ( All 0 )

kotoyachi's answer ( All 6 )

about question
how to get my husband on my side!!!! i will defend ruby and izek from everyone and yea the plot gets a bit confusing at the end but its still good,,,,   reply
26 11,2023
zhongli because he's cool and ningguang because im a lesbian and she makes me go   1 reply
18 02,2021
i basically have every popular cat game on my phone other than that i have love live, bandori, revue starlight, d4dj, enstars, adorable home, monthly idol, solitaire, project sekai, white tiles, and color by number.   1 reply
26 01,2021
my teacher hasn't fixed my grades so i have 3 missing assignments but 2 of them were turned in on time and the other is due in 5 hours   reply
29 11,2020
about lmao
she/they   reply
08 11,2020

kotoyachi's question ( All 3 )

i'm geninuely starting to think some of you are mental. how do you guys argue that dating your cousin or sibling is right and claim that it is a country's culture because it is legal without stopping to put a think about what you are saying. just because something is legal doesn't mean its right or okay cmon now.
04 02,2021
i thought i would ask questions about manga

1.) what's a manga you thought was better than its anime adapation?
2.) what anime do you think was better than its manga?
3.) Favorite recent manga you read?
4.) Favorite manga overall?
5.) Manga you hate?
6.) Favorite genre of mangas?
7.) Hated genre of mangas?
8.) What manga character do you wish you could be friends with?
9.) If you could beat up any manga character, who would it be?
10.) If you could only read one manga for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

I hope you guys are doing well in these trying times. Drink water, do you assignments and take a break when you are tired!
13 01,2021
hey guys! how have you been?? im kinda freaking out because i have a project worth a test grade due in less than 9 hours and i'm nowhere near finishing it becauses its two essays. if i do finish it im scared im going to fail because it looks like i put no effort into it despite me working over a month on it.
29 11,2020

People are doing

did confess to your crush

I'm a guy btw and I confessed to my guy best friend They liked my brother and now they're dating what the frick tristan(my brother)

6 hours
did listen to a song on repeat

I didn't expect to like Ellise songs this much

10 hours
did zodiac sign

Aries with Capricorn Moon

10 hours