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He’s dead cause you’re a bit*h .. it would have been fine if you told him what really is happening.. now you feel guilty and play the victim card?! (︶︿︶)=凸

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

It’s Jaeha the leader of ‘FLOW’ we already met him in the company canteen

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

They didn’t put this in the Manhua but it already happened…

When they first met, Sihyun knew about the dispute between Hwain and Taekang.
Daejun noticed Sihyun tapping the armrest of the sofa which Hajin does when he is thinking or lost in thoughts.
He also noticed how Sihyun smoked, holding the cigarette between his ring and middle finger, but suddenly started coughing with teary eyes as if it was his first time.
The role that Sihyun played in the drama Blue Thorn was a loan shark, and the way he acted was very similar to Hajin.
Sihyun looked at the documents related to his past like they were someone else’s.
Everyone (coworkers and fans too) noticed the change in his behavior before and after the accident.
Till here it was shown in the manhwa. Daejun had half confirmed, was confused, and thought that he was going crazy. So he dug for some more information on Sihyun.
The Drunk call incident- Daejun went drinking with 2 of his subordinates, after they left, he called Sihyun. It was the place Hajin and Daejun were regulars and they always used the same room. Sihyun told Daejun it took him a lot of time to find the room. After entering, he was surprised to find Daejun drunk (he was actually sane enough to know what was happening in his surrounding). Sihyun asked who he had been drinking with, hearing Daejun’s answer he nodded his head- showing Sihyun knew those two. Later he said something that he had once said as Hajin, that He wanted to go on a long trip (or retire, I’m not sure)once everything is over, for Hajin it was the dispute with Taekang and for Sihyun it was his idol life. After Sihyun leaves, Daejun gets up and goes to the security room to check the CCTV camera and saw that Sihyun didn’t take much time to reach the room as if he already knew where he was supposed to go.
Daejun also threatened told the doctor to spill what he knew about Sihyun’s accident. He tells him that he was the one to confirm Sihyun’s death. Rigor mortis ( stiffening up of one's body after death) had already started, His leg was twisted to the point his bone was seen, and had a severe head injury. After waking up miraculously, He didn’t know who he was but he kept asking for the man who was with him. ( the People involved in the accident were only Sihyun, Hajin, and Daejun i.e., there was no one with ‘Sihyun’)

This made Daejun conclude that Hajin was in Sihyun’s body

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Jaeha was selfish, had major inferiority complex issues, and was a jealous b*tch. His debut was canceled at the last minute whereas Sihyun was scouted by their CEO. This made him want to ruin him. so he pretended to be in love with Sihyun because he knew that he was in love with him. There were rumors going on about Jaeha having sponsors but after Sihyun saw it with his own eyes, he begged him not to do it since it was dirty ( and also what Sihyun was worried about was not his lover sharing his body with other people but the rumors that might follow him which might ruin his idol life). This triggered Jaeha. He asked him where did he think the money for his sister’s hospital bills come from. Jaeha Repeatedly told him to trust him. Gaslighted him. Deep in his heart, Sihyun knew that Jaeha did not love but even then he acted cluelessly and poured all his love into him. (I’m guessing things got difficult for Jaeha) So he told Sihyun that they should change agencies, when Sihyun refused, this angered Jaeha cause Sihyun always listens to him.

One day, He drugged Sihyun and made him sign an unfair contract with Joojin, made him have consent-less s*x with random men, and had taken Explicit videos of the act.

He was Drugged to the point where he didn’t know what he was doing but thought it was ok since Jaeha told him to trust him. He couldn’t see anything, everything was blank, but he kept calling for one name the entire time, after the act ends, He pukes and calls Jaeha. Jaeha arrives almost immediately and hugs him saying that it's ok with a smile.

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

You know how some celebrities and people in business and politics (basically super rich people) have messed up private lives and do illegal things right? Yoon Yisu was a popular actor and he got invitations to these kinds of events frequently. He always ignored them until one day he decides that he’ll go just once. There he saw Sihyun drugged with a blindfold on, pale, lifeless, and had liquor poured over his head. People were laughing and excited, saying he wouldn’t resist no matter what you do:blobsad:. Yisu tried talking to Sihyun but in the condition, he was in, didn’t get any reply(Yisu found it amusing how a person can be like this). He came for 3 days and tried talking to him but as usual, didn’t get any reply so he got bored and never came back to that place.

(In the manhwa)Heejun provokes Sihyun and Sihyun gives him an intimidating reply. Overhearing their conversation, Yisu asked him if this was his true personality and found him interesting again.

Once the shooting for the drama was over (or was almost over), they had a party for the actors and staff. That was when they had to cook meat on their own and Sihyun(Hajin), who has never cooked in his entire life had to grill meat. Since he didn’t know when the meat is cooked perfectly, he just watched the meat burn to a lump of charcoal with a blank expression that didn’t know what he was doing. Seeing this, Yisu found him interesting(again).

And on another day there was a drinking party. Sihyun, sleepy and a little drunk found Yisu in his room. He found it annoying that Yisu was trying to act overly familiar with him. He just straight-up told him to stop it since he doesn’t know what their relationship was before the accident and had lost his memory. Yoon Yisu found this interesting too.

I thought it has similar plot to the horror movie ‘cabin in the woods’ where “we” the audience are the ones he’s talking to..

DildoRider created a topic of Eternal Covenant

we already know that Brian will die from this “oh no! Lorkan! My heart and body is only for Sol, then Lorkan be like: If I can’t have you then neither will Sol, so i stab you and regret it later..and for Sol knowing this he be like: forget about family you son of a bish!” Kind of plot .. 10-15 chapters should be fine for flashbacks..

DildoRider created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Author should have start with Brian with this flashbacks.. and on the ending page is Ian .. they met again after Brian died then BAM!! The End!

DildoRider created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Sabnock can destroy me anytime (▰˘◡˘▰)
I mean he can choke me to death with those biceps and my soul would still say ‘thank you’

Why can’t we have the same plot of ‘Marry my husband’ ??!! I want the MC to go back in time

DildoRider created a topic of Sura's Lover

He isn’t even brave/strong enough to just kill himself? .. i read that in the next side stories he cuts?… ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Jaeha was selfish, had major inferiority complex issues, and was a jealous b*tch. His debut was canceled at the last minute whereas Sihyun was scouted by their CEO. This made him want to ruin him. so he pretended to be in love with Sihyun because he knew that he was in love with him. There were rumors going on about Jaeha having sponsors but after Sihyun saw it with his own eyes, he begged him not to do it since it was dirty ( and also what Sihyun was worried about was not his lover sharing his body with other people but the rumors that might follow him which might ruin his idol life). This triggered Jaeha. He asked him where did he think the money for his sister’s hospital bills come from. Jaeha Repeatedly told him to trust him. Gaslighted him. Deep in his heart, Sihyun knew that Jaeha did not love but even then he acted cluelessly and poured all his love into him. (I’m guessing things got difficult for Jaeha) So he told Sihyun that they should change agencies, when Sihyun refused, this angered Jaeha cause Sihyun always listens to him.

One day, He drugged Sihyun and made him sign an unfair contract with Joojin, made him have consent-less s*x with random men, and had taken Explicit videos of the act.

He was Drugged to the point where he didn’t know what he was doing but thought it was ok since Jaeha told him to trust him. He couldn’t see anything, everything was blank, but he kept calling for one name the entire time, after the act ends, He pukes and calls Jaeha. Jaeha arrives almost immediately and hugs him saying that it's ok with a smile.

DildoRider created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Let’s start from the Original Sihyeon— the Ex-Boyfriend that tormented him was Jaeha(ch. 18) the leader of Flow.. they met during H.S andJaeha was the first love of the Original Sihyeon so basically Jaeha convinced him to get the ‘Sponsors’ (ugly side of entertainment industry)

Then we go from Yun Isu(the actor from the set) in Chapter 45 we see Yun Isu whisper to sihyeon ‘do you want me to get you out of here?’ Then we get flashbacks.. the story here is Yun Isu wasn’t interested on the events held by the ‘sponsors’ but he only attended ONCE thats where he saw the OG sihyeon being drugged to the point of being unresponsive for days so he can’t really help OG sihyeon. Oh during those times OG sihyeon is being se*ually abused by the sponsors. So the moment Yun Isu saw Sihyeon again in the movie set he was curious on why the sudden’change of attitude’

Now we go to Daejun(our ML, our end game, our poker face duddey) in Chapter 63 Daejun already know that this ‘Sihyeon’ is Hajin(in the novel) that’s also why we saw in the following chapters he change attitude in Sihyeon.

My broke ass life strongly suggest to keep the cash and continue with your relationship with yo man!!

DildoRider followed a list

~this list based on my view~ 

24 02,2024

In ch.29 the unwanted heroes especially low levels/ 1star summons are beheaded by the order of the one who summon them… so we see here that fat summoner spent 300 stones to summon yet only one he has a good impression… the 299 he summon are more likely beheaded … and get this.. the head are being kept in the ‘storage’ room so that they wont be summoned again or something


Rest in peace, Gobta