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We start with rape with this one
Can't say I expected it but can't say I was shocked either

Ash created a topic of 19 Days

We need these two love story now pls

Ash created a topic of Unfinished Business

100% sure he won't end up together with the 2nd ml but thar guy is definitely infinitely better than the ml

Ash created a topic of Ordinary Person A

Lmao it's been (kind of) awhile the recent chapter updated, I completely forgot about the mom until I read the comments

Ash created a topic of unprecedented

Kinda funny the comments just simping over the dad

Ash created a topic of One-Way Romance

I asked for more chapters, yes but what happened to the arts and the character face the mc face got downgraded a LOT

Ash created a topic of Projection

Does anyone have the raw link pls

Ash created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Atp just go with harem route man

Ash created a topic of Love Shuttle

Bro I was like "wait there's side story for this? I forgot about who's who aren't though but I don't remember the side story" so I read it. I remember now why I drop it

Ash created a topic of Love to Love You

Idk what did I expect but I definitely did not expect his face reveal to be that ugly, he looks creepy weird and disgusting asf

Ash created a topic of Dawning

As much as I love older uke, this story is so forced and the romance is very very illogical & abrupt. I still have no idea how tf the uke for some reason fell for him it's so weirdly random and forced

Ash created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

I need my ship (the bodyguards) to sail so bad lolol

Ash created a topic of D:AZE

I know my focus is completely on wrong place but why my guy don't have nipples, did someone pluck it off or sum lmfao

Ash created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I remember I read this back then before the season 2 came out and cried a lot. I see this again, realized there's continuation (and confused cuz I thought it's complete already lol), I reread from the start and I still cried a lot for s1. I need more now I know aeroc did something really bad but he doesn't deserve it,, I still like him I would protect him like he's my child idec ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ash created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

The child making arc between hyunjae and him

Ash created a topic of I’m Not That Kind of Talent

I cried so much reading this is not even funny (I got headache and in such a mess)

Ash created a topic of Find Cinderella!

Anyone who want to read raws

There's quite a lot of chapters already and even side story, but unfortunately you need to spend money to read it fully (I would spend but unfortunately idk how to lol since it's Korean website)

Ash created a topic of My Father-in-Law Is My Wife

Honestly though at first I actually dislike the professor but as it goes on I find that guy cute lmao poor dude just got toyed around by him atp