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hi^^ i literally just made an account because i wanted to know if anyone else was having the same issues.

i’ve found that recently the sight has been basically unusable, because of the various malware and pop ups that constantly get in the way. there’s two kinds of it, the first (which is the most annoying) is when every two seconds it tries to take you to another website saying your phone has been hacked (it hasn’t) and has a ton of explicit ads on the actual page. the second is much more manageable, it doesn’t take you anywhere but offers a lot of ads you have to close out of constantly. i use this website because the scans i usually read has an annoying website where the comics sometimes don’t show up (it’s a popular team that often translates fantasy/action manhwas).

is anyone else having these issues? is there any solution? i’ve been using mangago for years and it’s never been this bad, but i’m getting so frustrated having to constantly close out tabs or ads :/. i promise i’m not just impatient, as it’s been happening to me for months now, but i really just want to read in peace;;