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mika July 18, 2021 1:08 pm

does some of your comments keep getting discarded/won't send? idk but everytime i comment on something and i post it my comment will appear but when i reload it it's not in there. sometimes i have to sensor some words too, for it to be sent. i hope im not the only one experiencing thus :(((

    fujoshi July 18, 2021 1:11 pm

    Happened to me a few times, it may not be the same but for me it started working after awhile.

    mika July 18, 2021 1:15 pm
    Happened to me a few times, it may not be the same but for me it started working after awhile. fujoshi

    i think there are some words that mangago prohibits in commenting or something. thanks for answering!!

    Dylon July 18, 2021 1:17 pm

    happens to me too

    Bitch I'm up July 18, 2021 1:20 pm

    To be honest that happened to me on my 1st account but after sometime it was cool I think it just needs time to register your account

    mika July 18, 2021 1:23 pm
    To be honest that happened to me on my 1st account but after sometime it was cool I think it just needs time to register your account Bitch I'm up

    to be honest im actually a member here for almost a year now !! i think the reason is that my comments seems to have words (i think) that mangago sensors just like raws, mentioning other sites or like that, but i still have no evidence to prove my theory so thanks for answering!!

    Bitch I'm up July 18, 2021 1:30 pm
    to be honest im actually a member here for almost a year now !! i think the reason is that my comments seems to have words (i think) that mangago sensors just like raws, mentioning other sites or like that, but... mika

    Oh well actually the other sites actually make sense cause I mentioned another sites name and my comment got deleted so I think you're right about that

mika June 7, 2021 3:48 pm

oh god i fucking miss dear benjamin

    Barebackstrop June 7, 2021 3:50 pm


    FluffBall_26 June 7, 2021 3:51 pm

    UwAH ╥﹏╥ Me too, I want Benjamin and I also want a rut sex

    mushvrooooom June 7, 2021 3:51 pm


    Photo Otaku June 7, 2021 3:51 pm

    Me too. I hope the author is healing well so she can make a good comeback.

    mika June 7, 2021 3:55 pm

    i've been feeling the hiatus/break status so hard on some of the manhwa/manga now that some bls i've been reading are currently on break, end season, or hiatus WHAT WILL I READ NOW

mika May 31, 2021 5:19 pm

as a fellow bl reader, and apparently a "fetishizer" I think that there are things that are misused and some misunderstanding in this issue. I think that when ppl say that they read a certain genre like mlm and wlw, some people instantly say that you are a fetishizer.

how about we put it this way. when ppl say "i like eating donut every day! I truly adore donuts. I'm extremely obsessed in eating donuts" you say that they're a 'donut lover' --- that's fetishizing. but then how about we say, "oh I like eating donuts. I don't eat certain flavors of donuts. I eat them occasionally." this is a different take.

the first example is fetishizing. like forreal getting turned on in wlw/mlm. in some extremes like watching gay porn, and lesbian porn and yet being an opposite gender. and the second one is like, admiring things (?) I really dk how to word it, but like, "yes I swim but I'm not a professional" take and there are some readers who are mistaken like this, and get bullied or things.

some people are saying that "fetishizing is wrong reading gay men who fuck is wrong you're a girl you fetishize gay men" half of the yaoi, bl industry where authors and artist are women. you are reading two guys fucking together written by a lady and drawn by a lady. but when men literally watch and read yuri they are labeled as "hot and good in bed (?) things" and a half--not half, all of the yuri, even hentai are made by men. and if you criticize about the yaoi industry so much and take a blind eye in yuri/hentai industry you're a fucking misogynist.

fetishizing is a disease, please do take this in mind. it is not curable (as far as I've researched) some people might not realize that they have this, and some might already know and are struggling with it. and I think it will benefit you if you keep it private, and try to lessen the time you take on watching/reading things :))

some people learned what fetishizing is, and ran with it. (do correct me if I'm wrong with things. these are just my opinion and pls respect it)

    Ma gd May 31, 2021 5:44 pm


    mika May 31, 2021 5:50 pm

    btw the part where "fetishizing is wrong" thing, im pertaining to some (not all) gay men who read bl and keep saying that girls reading bl i wrong. i've seen some arguements where they say smth abt bl/yaoi and defend themselves and say that they're "gay" i mean, yes okay but you're consuming something that is made by a woman. so get it ig. plus, the fact that bl, and yaoi are literally audienced for women. they were made for women to watch and read. and you say that is wrong? i really dont get it

    Mangaloverr_112 May 31, 2021 5:54 pm

    As I gay man I completely agree with you. There’s literally nothing you said that I disagree with.

    So many people (mainly men) attack woman who simply just read BL. Their arguments always make it sound like gay relationships aren’t normal.

    BL and GL isn’t strictly for gay people lmao. There’s tons of great stories that deserve recognition. Most BL (I mainly read BL so I can only speak on this) -don’t portray real mlm relationships, however it’s good for people to read these stories and normalize our relationships.

    Trying to say “woman can’t read BL because they aren’t gay men.” Makes no sense to me. They all read/watch straight romance? What’s the difference? Gay relationships are normal, just as normal as straight. The only difference is that it’s people of the same gender.

    And tbh idk if someone reads BL to fetishize. If they only fetishize the BL relationships and not actual gay men, I don’t really care. It doesn’t involve me. It’s only a problem when they start to expect gay relationships to be like BL, start to obsess with random gay men, and have these high expectations of our relationships. I also don’t agree with “shipping” straight men together. Like it’s uncomfortable.. you get the same feeling as being “shipped” with a sibling.

Kisses_Kim July 11, 2020 11:52 am

I've been listening to this particular blcd on souncloud but it doesnt have any title. The cover on the blcd cd is that the seme's dark tone and the uke's on the top of the seme with a front view of them banging the uke have a silver-ish hair while the seme has black hair the uke'e smiling wierly while holding his buddy down. Thanks!!

    Lark July 11, 2020 12:37 pm

    Maybe you could give us a link for the picture?

    arist July 11, 2020 12:57 pm

    Hello, I stumble upon your question and decided to give it a go in looking for it. I think I found it since it's the closes to your description but the title is quite something so excuse me to some of ya'll ( ̄∇ ̄")

    If I'm right, I think it's titled as "淫乱メスBitchの性欲管理係" or "Slutty Fem-B*tch's sexual management" by Carbohydrates. Sadly, it's just a blcd and doesn't have a manga (︶︿︶)

    Kisses_Kim July 11, 2020 1:49 pm
    Maybe you could give us a link for the picture? Lark

    Hello! Thanks for responding. This is the link!!

    Kisses_Kim July 11, 2020 1:50 pm
    Hello, I stumble upon your question and decided to give it a go in looking for it. I think I found it since it's the closes to your description but the title is quite something so excuse me to some of ya'll (�... arist

    If that happens to be right, it's such a shame that it's only a blcd.

    Kisses_Kim July 11, 2020 1:52 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nekoszowa

    I've searched it up, but unfortunately its a different cover/ and MLs too. But thank you!!

    Kisses_Kim July 11, 2020 1:57 pm
    Hello, I stumble upon your question and decided to give it a go in looking for it. I think I found it since it's the closes to your description but the title is quite something so excuse me to some of ya'll (�... arist

    Hello!! I've searched up the name you gave, and luckily (unfortunately) it's right!! Thank you so much even though its not a manga ╥﹏╥

    Lark July 11, 2020 2:29 pm
    Hello! Thanks for responding. This is the link!! Kisses_Kim

    Ahh! Ut automatically played. Luckily my volume is low. Sorry I'm not familiar with it but I saw that your question was answered ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    arist July 12, 2020 1:35 am
    Hello!! I've searched up the name you gave, and luckily (unfortunately) it's right!! Thank you so much even though its not a manga ╥﹏╥ Kisses_Kim

    No problem (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Glad I can help

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